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Anyone catch O'Reilly? Montel smokes the hippie lettuce..

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He's got some kind of nerve disorder with constant pain so he smokes the chiba while seeking enlightenment from the gods of fast food. Seriously though, he always seemed like a pothead, albeit in a "slick stoner" kind of way as opposed to the "draped in flannel loitering around the headshop" style.


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I really have difficulty watching O'Reilly anymore. His idocy used to entertain me, now it just pisses me off. Seriously, I can barely make it through the first segment without yelling at the television.

I just loved how he called Gore a "bomb-thrower" and accused him of making "personal attacks" on Bush. How exactly is a criticism of Bush's political actions a personal attack? Then, as the icing on the cake, he had that wonderfully even-handed commentator come on and personally attack both Gore and Clinton. The irony is vomit-inducing.

That said, O'Reilly has had Montel on in the past to talk about the same shit. Was there anything new discussed?
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