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Anyone else having trouble accessing their gmail account?

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Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ive been getting this message for the past hour or so::

Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.

Please try again in 30 seconds.


this is frustrating me.. i need to get on!!



Knows the Score

And on a related note, I have 5 to give away. PM me if you want one, don't clutter the thread.

I think everyone on teh intraweb has one by now, but if you're hurting for it, let me know.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
impirius said:
I was getting it... I went to the "My Account" settings, then back to Gmail, and it started working again.

i cant even log in, much less access my account settings.

yoshifumi said:
i got that error for awhile, but it stopped happening after a day.

bah, i guess i should try to be more patient.


weird, when I was signing up after my friend invited me I got a bunch of fucking errors and couldn't log in, now I can! teh weird.


quadriplegicjon said:
i cant even log in, much less access my account settings.

Might not work, but maybe it's worth a shot.

(That was a very qualified statement)


I fell in love with google a long time ago. I don't use these kinds of services except as an extreme backup, but my hotmail account is now worthless.

:bow Google :bow


naz said:
they did that a few weeks ago to get a jump on the Gmail thing

Hotmail should follow this soon
I wish they did this 6 months ago when I was at my 6 MB limit and trashing emails I would've liked to keep.

BTW, thanks 8bit!


LuckyBrand said:
Yahoo Mail free 100 mb
for $19.99 = 2 gig

go wtih yahoo mail, they wont read your mail like gmail

The difference is, you can probably access gmail.

And, really, what do you want from any *free* service? They need to get revenue somehow. Google's system "reads" the e-mail, not some greasy nerd sitting in the basement with his red stapler. It does this to send you ads it thinks are appropriate. Don't like it? Pass your invitation on to someone else.

Justin Bailey

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Diablos said:
How the hell did all of you guys get an account? I WANT ONE :(
Go to gmailswap.com and think of something original and funny that you would do for an invite. Some people pay money and give away stuff, but if you can catch someone's attention then they'll usually hook you up for free. I'd give you one, but I don't have any invites yet :(


Unconfirmed Member
Justin Bailey said:
Go to gmailswap.com and think of something original and funny that you would do for an invite. Some people pay money and give away stuff, but if you can catch someone's attention then they'll usually hook you up for free. I'd give you one, but I don't have any invites yet :(

I sent Diablos a PM.

I got my account last Saturday (6/12), got 3 invites on 6/19, and 6 more yesterday.
someone over at macnn boards sent me one
after posting I wanted one...

just search forums and boards for gmail invite threads
it took a little searching but I was happy to get one

I do not have any invites yet


Anyone else still having trouble logging in? I haven't been able to log into my account for like 3 days. I can log into my google account settings, but just not my gmail account. Uggg! :(
I never sign out on my Powerbook so I wonder if I will have the same problem in two weeks when the system ask for password again

I'm sure those are the reasons that Gmail is still Private and Invitation only'

hope they get the bugs out

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
toohectic said:
Anyone else still having trouble logging in? I haven't been able to log into my account for like 3 days. I can log into my google account settings, but just not my gmail account. Uggg! :(

my status still hasnt changed. :(:(:):):):):)(:):)
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