I've read some books and follow a couple of Youtube Channels about this. It's not politics but prison culture.
Rule one, don't be a chomo.
They refer to the rules around how the various groups interact with each other as prison politics.
In Cali the yards are separated by race. They call these groups "Cars"
So you have the Blacks, which includes all the various Black gangs such as Crips, Bloods, Kumi and BGF etc which ride together.
Then you have the Whites, which has two major groups being Skinheads and Woods. The skinheads are your Nazis etc and then all the other non skinhead Whites are called Woods, short for Peckerwoods.
You have the Southern Hispanics, which are referred to as South Siders, Southerners or Surenos.
The Northern Hispanics are called Northerners or Nortenos.
You also have the Fresno Bulldogs, who used to fall under the Northerners but broke away to be by themselves.
The last Hispanic group is called the Piscias. This is all the Hispanics that are from Mexico and end up in prison.
The last group segment is called The Others. That's Asians, Samoans, Arabic etc.
With these different groups you have ones that hate each other.
The Southern Hispanics and Northern Hispanics are sworn enemies, both on the streets and in prison.
The Blacks get along with the Northerners and The Others, but do not get along with Whites and Southerners.
The Whites and Southerners rock together and can hang out, do buisness and eat with each other, but they are not allowed to trade with Blacks and Northerners, they can't eat with them, gamble with them or anything. They have to wash their hands if they have to handle something that a Black did. They can't hold the rails in the chow hall because Blacks would of touched it.
And then you have the big boys.
The Whites are controlled by the Aryan Brotherhood. What they say goes with all Whites. Disrespect one and you are dead.
The Mexican Mafia control all the Southerners. They ave the same power over them that the AB does with the whites.
The Northerners are controlled by the Nuestra Familia, or NF gang. Again, they have absolute power over all Northerners.
The Fresno Bulldogs don't have any leadership and they are at war with everyone but the Blacks and others. Whites, Southerners and Northerners are all at war with them.
The Others program with the Blacks and Northerners but the Whites and Southerners can do buisness with them.
The Piscias hang with the Southerners and the Whites.
I could go on but its a really interesting subject and goes really deep into psychology of people.