I’m not sure if it’s a mid life crisis thing or a COVID thing but lately I just feel like I’m on autopilot. I don’t really look forward to anything, put in my time at work and help out with the kids and such, and just check out on the phone or playing video games.
In the middle of 2020 I had actually adjusted to covid and the shutdowns quite well. I took up walking, then weightlifting and eating super clean. Basically I dropped 15-20 pounds and life was good.
In April after my second covid shot I developed swallowing issue. Basically I couldn’t initiate a swallow of food for certain textures. I was dropping weight rapidly. I finally went to the ER and had some tests done. They didn’t find much and said I had GERD and sent me on my way.
Gradually my swallowing got better but certain textures I just wouldn’t bother attempting to swallow for fear of choking to death.
I ended up getting an endoscopy in early June. Apparently my esophagus had narrowed so they dilated it to stretch it out. Some biopsies were taken. I got a call a day or two later letting me know I tested positive for something called EoE (eosinophillic esophagitis). Basically, it means there a proliferated of white blood cells in my esophagus that causes inflammation.
Most cases are because of food allergies, and some are environmental. Another cause could be acid reflux but I’ve never really experienced frequent heartburn or your typical symptoms of GERD. I suppose it could have been silent reflux.
Anyway. I was out on a PPI like omeprazole to reduce acid and an asthma inhaler called Flovent which I swallow instead of inhaling. My swallowing is basically back to normal. A few months ago I never thought I would eat steak or chicken wings ever again.
The point is, I guess once you lose the ability to swallow confidently and then regain it, you tend to keep eating. I’ve put back on all the weight I lost during COVID and probably then some.
On top of that, in July I switched jobs from one programming gig to another. Both positions were remote. So basically I’m home all the time while the wife is at work and the kids are at school.
I don’t know the point in saying any of this. I just feel like I lost a part of me with this “illness” and haven’t been able to find my way back to being myself.
It could be that I have some mild depression or something, but everything else in my life is fine. My wife and kids are awesome. I just want to be awesome again.
So enough about me. Is anyone else here feeling similar? Has the world shutting down basically worn you down?
In the middle of 2020 I had actually adjusted to covid and the shutdowns quite well. I took up walking, then weightlifting and eating super clean. Basically I dropped 15-20 pounds and life was good.
In April after my second covid shot I developed swallowing issue. Basically I couldn’t initiate a swallow of food for certain textures. I was dropping weight rapidly. I finally went to the ER and had some tests done. They didn’t find much and said I had GERD and sent me on my way.
Gradually my swallowing got better but certain textures I just wouldn’t bother attempting to swallow for fear of choking to death.
I ended up getting an endoscopy in early June. Apparently my esophagus had narrowed so they dilated it to stretch it out. Some biopsies were taken. I got a call a day or two later letting me know I tested positive for something called EoE (eosinophillic esophagitis). Basically, it means there a proliferated of white blood cells in my esophagus that causes inflammation.
Most cases are because of food allergies, and some are environmental. Another cause could be acid reflux but I’ve never really experienced frequent heartburn or your typical symptoms of GERD. I suppose it could have been silent reflux.
Anyway. I was out on a PPI like omeprazole to reduce acid and an asthma inhaler called Flovent which I swallow instead of inhaling. My swallowing is basically back to normal. A few months ago I never thought I would eat steak or chicken wings ever again.
The point is, I guess once you lose the ability to swallow confidently and then regain it, you tend to keep eating. I’ve put back on all the weight I lost during COVID and probably then some.
On top of that, in July I switched jobs from one programming gig to another. Both positions were remote. So basically I’m home all the time while the wife is at work and the kids are at school.
I don’t know the point in saying any of this. I just feel like I lost a part of me with this “illness” and haven’t been able to find my way back to being myself.
It could be that I have some mild depression or something, but everything else in my life is fine. My wife and kids are awesome. I just want to be awesome again.
So enough about me. Is anyone else here feeling similar? Has the world shutting down basically worn you down?