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Anyone else smoke Black & Mild Cigars?

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Yeahhhhhh, baby. I smoke the regular and strawberry flavored ones. Usually only when drunk, though. When I'm at the strip club, it's all over. I always forget to bring more than one or two, so I have to barter with the bathroom attendant to sell me some of his stock.


I smoke Captain Blacks (little cigars), and I inhale. I never smoke alone though, it's a once-a-day type a thing. I can't stand the flavoured ones.
I try not to inhale the smoke, but sometimes it happens. Always end up looking like the prototype newb smoking a cig for the first time.


Yeah, Black and Milds are pretty good. I usually smoke them with friends once or twice a week.

I like just regular old Phillies too.



Woo. I mentioned them in IRC last week I think and I don't think I got much of a reaction. I love 'em, though I only smoke them with friends about once or twice a week. What can I say they just go well with alcohol. I do 2-3 a night whenever we do bust them out


back when i used to smoke ganja in high school, i'd smoke them like cigarettes when everyone else smoked regular cigs (meaning i inhaled them)

the first few times i inhaled them, boy i'd get loopy 'an a mug (using the vernacular of the time)
they do smell better than cigarettes, bc whenever someone (usually a chick) would smell them, they'd say the same

also, i'd use them as blunts (hollow dem out, fill dem up again)
but if i were to smoke one now..."hello Ralph"

Gold and Milds are shit, tho


Rolio said:
Gold and Milds are shit, tho

That they are. Ran out of blacks about two weeks ago and the pharmacy only had golds. Ugh, what a waste. :/ Though the girls thought they were "smooth". Right. :rolleyes


Yeah a couple of weeks ago I shared one with a friend. Didn't really have a taste or effect before the alcohol, but after a couple of beers, it has this really pleasing effect. Can't explain it, but I liked the feeling.

Now I want to go buy some cigs and alcohol to recreate that feeling. :(
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