Kerry and Barbara Boxer went after her pretty tough providing the CSPAN viewers with some great drama...
Rice: The election is an important step. Our role is to help them build capacity in their security forces and their economy. We need to create jobs for Iraqis out of the reconstruction dollars we are spending. Many of the people who are blowing up people were parts of Saddam Hussein's regime, people who spent their lives oppressing their fellow citizens, have lost power and want it back. Others are hardcore terrorists from outside.
Kerry: You don't have to describe the groups of terrorists. We know who they are. The question is what are we going to do? Why do we rebuff offers of help and are determined to go it alone. There is a frustration among global leadership.
Kerry:I admire enormously your personal story. Your special relationship with the President. Nothing personal. Your are going to be appointed. Whether or not with my vote has not been determined yet.
Of course some of the Republicans are throwing her some nice, slow softballs.