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Anyone enjoy cigars or tobacco pipes?


I was abruptly forced to cease my regular vaping/weed smoking activities last month due to a collapsed lung (almost healed up now, thanks), and I've been going a little crazy trying to pass the time without my beloved habits.

I have a vintage bakelite cigarette holder, never really used it but I took it out this week and bought some cigarillos, I cut them into little nubs and just stuck it in the end for flavour. I don't smoke it, just carry it around and put it in my mouth for the flavour when I normally would be vaping, keeps my hands busy and I find is much better than simply doing nothing.

I also bought a giant Cuban cigar which I'm probably not even going to smoke. I find they smell better unlit than they taste when you're smoking one. Never really understood cigar smoking and still don't, it was just an impulse buy. Cigar smoke feels and tastes like shit in the mouth I find, but the unlit cigarillos taste awesome to puff on.

I also bought a small tobacco pipe, used for the same purpose as my cigarette holder but more for home use. I use it when I'm watching something or reading. I love the smell of unlit tobacco, and I've found that just putting some pipe tobacco in it and puffing on that without lighting it is really nice. I lit it once and it tastes like garbage, took me a day or two to clean out the burnt smell after that, never doing that again.

Here's my pipe & holder:


Any cigar/pipe aficionados in this place? What do you smoke and when?
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I'm not a smoker myself, but I appreciate the smell of tobacco (the plant itself is also very pretty in my opinion) and good craftsmanship.
Got a couple pipes kicking around that friends got for me.


Gold Member
I love a nice cigar. I usually smoke Cohíba’s and my brother works for Davidoff Cigars so I usually get a box of them for my birthday and Xmas.


I'm watching Dick Tracy right now, awesome movie. Looks fantastic and I love that early 20th century detective stuff, mobsters and dames and all that.

This is absolutely ridiculous lol

I smoke a pipe. Get a blend from a local tobacco shop. Hopefully the shop is still open when I run out.

Don't smoke much. I tend to just buy a bag of blends from tobacco shops I run across and it lasts me years.


TrainedRage TrainedRage often attempts to but chickens out. Maybe the tobacco rejects him. idk
I actually do smoke pipes and pipe tobacco. It’s more of a once and a while thing, weekends etc. It took me about a year to break in my pipe. I got used to how to pack the pipe so I didn’t have to keep re lighting it. I really love the smell and taste. Most people I do it around are like why does that smell so good? The tobacco can be a bit pricy but keeps well and lasts me a long time.

I smoke a ‘house blend with vanilla’ it smells and tastes so damn good.
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I smoked cigarettes for 9 years before quitting (4 years ago) and would on occasion smoke tobacco in a pipe and "small plants flavored cigars" (we call them cigarrilhas, I don't know the English equivalent).

I miss smoking. A lot. I thought of buying a wood pipe and smoke one of those scotch blends but I fear the addiction for cigarettes will come right back.
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I actually do smoke pipes and pipe tobacco. It’s more of a once and a while thing, weekends etc. It took me about a year to break in my pipe. I got used to how to pack the pipe so I didn’t have to keep re lighting it. I really love the smell and taste. Most people I do it around are like why does that smell so good? The tobacco can be a bit pricy but keeps well and lasts me a long time.

I smoke a ‘house blend with vanilla’ it smells and tastes so damn good.

Anything in particular you do to store your pipe tobacco? I know some people keep cigarettes in the freezer, I never needed to since I went through them so fast, but I'm wondering if I should with the pipe tobacco pouch, I think I'll have this bag for at least a couple months.
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I’ve always had a temptation to try this once. I don’t smoke anything, but things like the cherry cigars smell sooo good. I get the feeling I would make an ass out of myself, both buying them and smoking them. Lol.


I’ve always had a temptation to try this once. I don’t smoke anything, but things like the cherry cigars smell sooo good. I get the feeling I would make an ass out of myself, both buying them and smoking them. Lol.

You can buy individual cigarillos at cigar shops for like a buck or two, try one sometime when you're drinking or something, goes well with it. Just don't inhale!


Anything in particular you do to store your pipe tobacco? I know some people keep cigarettes in the freezer, I never needed to since I went through them so fast, but I'm wondering if I should with the pipe tobacco pouch, I think I'll have this bag for at least a couple months.
Keep the zip bag it comes in, they are usually thicker plastic material. Then make sure to keep it away from sunlight so it wont dry out too much. You can use another container; Tupperware or another ziplock baggie. The tobacco keeps pretty well in a mason jar. Should last a year or bit over.


Back in the mid '90s, I used to really enjoy cigars. This one time, I was just minding my own business in my pretty-okay office (it was a circular-ish shape), when, all of a sudden, my intern comes in. Her blue dress was dynamite and her beret was on point! A tasty saxophone riff ripped through my whole being. I just had to pluck that blueberry, but I had nothing chambered in the ol' pickup line bank. Despite being quite the sweet talker, I panicked and blurted out, "Do you like cigars?" Let's just say that she really liked cigars...

Seriously, though, I used to enjoy cigars back in my teens/twenties, and would sample anything, from the cheapo Swishers up to the pretty good upper-range, black-as-night fatties. You could offer me a million dollars, and I still wouldn't remember any of the names on the box. Finding cool and unique art on rings was cool, too. I always thought the cowboy cigars (think Clint Eastwood spaghetti Westerns) were fun because they tasted good and you could chew on them.

Anyway, as I got a bit older, my dad really got into pipes and cigars, and he gave me his old pipes and bags (we're talking a few pounds) of a few different kinds of tobacco. I didn't do it that often because I'm not a big fan of the after-odor of smoking or cooking my lungs, but I did enjoy just sitting outdoors at night just puff-puff-puffing away in the inky blackness. My favorite pipe tobacco was this English toffee blend. It smelled so nice.


Gold Member
Swisher Sweets and some Black & Milds were two mini cigars I enjoyed back in high school. My late grandpa smoked Camels. I picked it up at a young age. I quit smoking in my early 20’s. I use to like those Camel blends that came in the can. I smoked Marlboro Lights for many years. I’ve smoked a lot of different brands. I owned a tobacco pipe, but it got worn out. I love the smell of tobacco pipes. I stopped smoking and I don’t own anything that deals with smoking anymore.

I bought a sampler of cigars online many years ago. I get why they’re enjoyable, but they weren’t my go-to. I’ve always wanted to try a real Cuban cigar, but I doubt I ever will.
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With filters of course. I buy filter tubes and roll tobacco in them.
Here's a pic of the machine I roll with, the white tube with filter and my tobacco.


I miss smoking a lot sometimes. But I have to stay away from it because I just can't do it in moderation, I smoked way too much and would just feel like absolute shit from it sometimes. Switched to vaping and I feel better for it, and it saves me a lot of money. Over time I stopped thinking about cigarettes and the vape was satisfactory, but as they say, once a smoker, always a smoker. I wish I could just have one here and there like some people I know.


Gold Member
I just picked up a cheap corncob pipe and some basic stuff. $20 total and I've been smoking a bowl a day for 2 weeks! Definitely economical if I can stay away from the fancy pipes. It's nice because if I start a bowl and then the wife or kids interrupt me then I'm only out a few cents worth of tobacco, not an entire cigar.

Pipes are definitely more work. I've yet to work up the nerve to smoke one at a bar while reading or whatever. Bad enough trying to do ANY smoking in public these days, much less something like that :p

Super Mario

Cigars once every week or so are enjoyable. I am done with cubans too. I know everyone wants to look cool by having them, but they are a ripoff. Usually $10+ for a tiny one just to be able to tell everyone it's from Cuba.


Gold Member

But seriously, I will smoke a cigar on vacation or some other special occasion. I usually feel like shit the next day though. Still it’s pretty based tbh.


I enjoy my pipe but it's too damn hot outside right now. One of my favorite things is getting home from work when it's about 50 degrees outside, pouring a nice Porter or stout, packing a bowl in my Peterson briar, and throwing a ball to my dogs.
I like cigars but rarely have 45 minutes to commit to one.


Gold Member
i dont always smoke tobac pipes, but when I do its at renaissance fairs.

whenever i have a congratulatory or celebratory cigar, i never finish em. a handful of puffs while drunk is enough for me.

weed is my preferred plant to smoke though
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