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Anyone going to GenCon Indianapolis?

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Hey there, I'm going to Indianapolis for work this weekend. Is anyone going to be at GenCon out there? Are there any highlights I shouldn't miss?

My friend Matt is going to be at GenCon promoting his film Gamers. Apparently it won the GenCon film festival last year, and now they're selling the film on DVD. They'll also be selling the Demon Hunters DVD set as well (filmed at my school, Pacific Lutheran University, while I was there).



I was going to run demos (for the same people I did for Origins), but they didn't have enough money to pay for my hotel room...which I found out TODAY. What's even worse is that I was going to meet with the president of GAMA about a job.


Haha, it's all true. I just got here a half hour ago. All the fast food nearby is closed and it's only 11:30. What gives?


Make sure to check out these things:

The Burning Wheel (awesome indie RPG) at The Forge booth
Crimson Empires (another indie RPG)
GURPS 4th edition (i wanted a special edition :( )

Someone report back about the goings on tomorrow at the WW booth. I was gonna go the the WoD unveiling tomorrow night, so someone go so I can live vicariously through you.


I was at GC in Indy last year. Nice city. Some of the places downtown keep extended hours and really cater to the convention crowd. I remember being at the Hard Rock Cafe until about 3 or 4 in the morning on a Thursday night before they kicked everyone out. The girl I was with was under age, but they still served us both without carding either of us.


Here's some things to look for:



Heroscape Boardgame

Soon, Heroquest will be ressurected!

edit: The guy who worked on HeroQuest (Stephen Baker), also did work on Heroscape. We must worship him and dress him up like Miyamoto.
Buddy, do you have b33rs or other assorted alcoholic beverages!?

And did you hear that fight outside my building last night? LOL. "Fucking tough me again and I'll throw you over this railing!"


Just picked up the new World of Darkness/Vampire books at my shop. I laugh in the general direction of you suckers that went to GenCon and have to wait another 8 hours!!


Holy shit, they're absolutely gorgeous...I haven't read a single page yet, so no impressions on that, but my God they're beautiful.

Scans of the covers, they'd be better but my FTP hosting is messed up, so i had to scale them back a bit. The V:tR cover isn't very scannable thanks to the 'metallic' look:



You guys have to try to convert Mike to gaming. He's too stuck up to roll the dice us. :)

Mike -- I dropped you an email with my friend Sam's vitals. You should hook up with him, he's really cool.
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