Socreges said:
George Strombolopoulous (sic?) is on CBC Newsworld now with
The Hour, which is mostly political commentary and topical stuff. I watched it briefly and it was pretty good. It obviously tries to appeal to a younger crowd, but it's still intelligent and pretty entertaining. Check it out. Tell your friends. I'd like it to succeed.
Yeah, I saw some of him on CBC...I thought he did a cameo for a show or something, if this is gonna be something regular...
Shinobi: He travels down to Universities often, I saw him here in Calgary at a college, and he seems like a cool guy, and very opinionated about music and the industry, but it almost seems hypocritical when he does shows on MuchMusic like Fandemonium. Talking about sellouts...and then doing POS shows like that? Just coz someone told you to?
He did say that "I have no respect for Nelly Furtado, whatsoever", and I only heard that when I walked into the food court (where it was happening), I stayed to hear why but then he changed to another topic...anyone have any idea why?