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Anyone heard news from DevStation 2004 (new SCEE conference dedicated to PSP) ?


I'd like to read about whatever comes out of this conference...Panajev you must be frustrated that nothing seems to have come out about this, plus the lack of interest on GAF plus the other thread getting locked.... aghhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I also miss your postings on PSP/PS3. I've been wondering how PS3 has been progressing as time for hardware lock down draws closer and closers


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I am frustrated, but this conference was indeed important: a whole day dedicated exclusively on PSP development in all of its aspects (including TRC and the submission process, but also VFPU usage, Memory utilization, Graphics Pipeline explanation and technical analysis, etc...).


hasnt anyone on PSPinsider said anything? I havent been over there tonight, due to playing OutRun2....


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DevStation was not open to the general public last I checked... Are you a member of the press or licensed PSP developer ?
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