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Anyone here ever do a DDR diet

Well lets see. I ate a healthy diet and played DDR as a part of my cardio regime.

omg just kidding all you have to do is press the triangle button four times during boot up and then ddr will make you lose weight and you can eat meat and cakes and everything
DDRMAX2 for PS2 has that work out mode which tells you how many calories you've burned and the equivalent of work out you've done (you've run 1.8 miles).
Date of Lies said:
DDRMAX2 for PS2 has that work out mode which tells you how many calories you've burned and the equivalent of work out you've done (you've run 1.8 miles).
That's not really accurate at all though.

Mr Gump

Mike Works said:
Well lets see. I ate a healthy diet and played DDR as a part of my cardio regime.

omg just kidding all you have to do is press the triangle button four times during boot up and then ddr will make you lose weight and you can eat meat and cakes and everything
That made me laugh more than it should of.


Uhm, its just the same as any other diet program, just arguably more fun. Eat right, and exercise. For some people its easier to exercise if there is a tangible challenge/goal/fun element to it, which makes DDR a pretty good choice. DDR by itself isn't going to drastically make you lose weight, though, you have to be on a decent diet, too.
Belfast said:
Uhm, its just the same as any other diet program, just arguably more fun. Eat right, and exercise. For some people its easier to exercise if there is a tangible challenge/goal/fun element to it, which makes DDR a pretty good choice. DDR by itself isn't going to drastically make you lose weight, though, you have to be on a decent diet, too.
Don't listen to him, he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.

Just remember.


Triangle button.


Yeah, DDR is good for starting out any workouts, but if you want to really burn some calories, you'll have to start exercising. For real.


eh, i'd argue that playing 30minutes (of actual in game, not menus surfing etc) medium difficulty superior steps and above will give you as good if not a better workout than 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill.

It's still what I consider to be a 'light' workout, but depending on how much weight you want to lose, sometimes doing a light daily cardio routine along with eating right is enough to set you in the right direction.

You'd certainly be in better shape than you would doing nothing. Which really for some people, its not so much about losing weight as it is just being in shape. It's possible to be somewhat overweight and still in a decent physical condition.


i've been playing stepmania for 3 straight hours yesterday night, and boy did i have a sweat.
it's definately heavier than stepping or aerhobics, at least with songs above 160bpm and at least a 5/10 difficulty. It's almost like running, it's very good to start building your "lungs" (??) if you're not used to exercising, and it's a fun way to do that.

If i want to exercise i apply weights to my ankles and wrists, like 4kg's for each leg. That's some workout, i tell you.
You won't get bigger muscles, but you'll make them much sharper looking
This theory of using DDR as a platform for workout is just a Fatty McGee's pipedream. I've never seen an overweight kid actually lose weight from playing DDR, even if he's the most accomplished player in his circle. The most important element in a diet is eating right. Throw out processed foods, fast foods, pre-made meals, soda, eating out and meat. Eat salads, rice, miso soup while also taking multi vitamins everyday and you'll be fine. Walk and run often. DDR is just an excuse for a fat troubled american to eat little debbies afterwards.


evilromero said:
This theory of using DDR as a platform for workout is just a Fatty McGee's pipedream. I've never seen an overweight kid actually lose weight from playing DDR, even if he's the most accomplished player in his circle. The most important element in a diet is eating right. Throw out processed foods, fast foods, pre-made meals, soda, eating out and meat. Eat salads, rice, miso soup while also taking multi vitamins everyday and you'll be fine. Walk and run often. DDR is just an excuse for a fat troubled american to eat little debbies afterwards.

That's bullshit. I know plenty of people who have lost weight playing DDR, myself included (especially considering that I never really got into it to lose weight in the first place, like some other people do). I don't lose an OMGSUPARAMOUNT, but I did lose some, and I know people who've lost a lot more.


The theory of using ddr as a platform for workout is as stupid as stepping, aerobics or fitting in general, since they are all based on the same exact principle.
There's no logical reason why ddr wouldn't do the job better than the long walk you're suggesting, or even a light run. Of course if you're a fatso then you can't rely on ddr alone, but it does wonders for people whose job consists in sitting in front of a pc 8 hours a day.


DDR would simply be a source of aeorbic exercise if done properly. Of course, diet and everything else is still a part of any weight-loss program.

The leg-up DDR has on going to the gym and doing a treadmill or something similar is that if someone really likes DDR they're more likely to do it on a regular basis than the other mentioned forms of aerobic exercise.


Earlier this year I dropped 20 pounds (180 -> 160) in two months playing DDR, on standard mode 30 minutes a day. That was combined with a change in diet, of course, but the weight didn't really start to fly off until I combined the diet with DDR.

The thing that makes DDR work is that combines the rigor of an aerobic workout with the addiction of twitch gaming. I couldn't be bothered to go running and still can't, but once I got a decent dance pad I'd play DDR until I got shin splints.


It all depends on how much you play, and at what level. If you're playing easy songs for five minutes and then laying down because you're beat afterwards, of course it's not going to work. But if you did something like Afronova or the Paranoias on the hardest level, and did it for awhile, it'll get you a-sweatin'. I know this not only from personal experience, but also from having hordes of unbathed customers come into my work from the arcade across the way with the post-DDR bondy stench that's like a mixture or sweat and ass.

Basically, play a lot and don't feast on greasy ass pizza and ice cream and stuff, and you're good.
DDR is probably as good or better than jogging or running for the same period of time. If doing something makes you sweat and pant, it's probably good for you. DDR is no exception. The real trick to making it work as an exercise is to play at a level that you can sustain for at least 20 or 30 minutes, if not more. You don't want to play the hardest songs you can pass, because you won't be able to keep it up for very long. At the same time, you need to play songs difficult enough to keep you moving steadily.


I'll post a pic of me after a hard day of DDR later :p I was lost when my HD was deleted, but I'll try to track down a copy off a friend.


Prospero said:
Earlier this year I dropped 20 pounds (180 -> 160) in two months playing DDR, on standard mode 30 minutes a day. That was combined with a change in diet, of course, but the weight didn't really start to fly off until I combined the diet with DDR.

The thing that makes DDR work is that combines the rigor of an aerobic workout with the addiction of twitch gaming. I couldn't be bothered to go running and still can't, but once I got a decent dance pad I'd play DDR until I got shin splints.

Thats basically what im looking to do, drop from 180 to 160... what was this change of diet?


KarishBHR said:
Thats basically what im looking to do, drop from 180 to 160... what was this change of diet?

I quit drinking Coke, Mountain Dew, and beer, and tried to cut out anything with high fructose corn syrup in it (which is nearly impossible, at least in America, unless you're willing to cook everything yourself). I also started counting calories, marking down every single thing I ate--I dropped down from roughly 2200+ calories a day to about 1200+. Once I got down to 160 I went back to something like my old diet, except without the sodas--I also stay out of fast food restaurants and things like that, and I don't hve a bowls of candy sitting around the apartment anymore. I probably consume about 1800 calories a day now, and my weight has stayed at 160.

I learned a lot of useful information from The Hacker's Diet: it's hardcore, and more difficult than it needs to be if you follow it 100%, but a less rigorous version of this did the trick for me. It's based on common sense more than anything else.
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