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anyone just feel great today ?

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god damn I feel good. maybe because its summer who knows but has anyone else had that kind of day when you are on top of the world, everything seems to be going your way. :)

Me > world :D
I'm on this vibe too. Haven't even done much today, wrote a letter this morning and did a few chores. The sun is out and it's just a damn good day.


I wrote a letter to both of my senators and congressional rep, regarding the airforce academy. I am already feeling productivezorz


It's getting better.

My girlfriend was upset with me about something that happened last night, but I think she's ok now. Later we're going to go hang out with a bunch of friends and swim and that's always a good time. :)

El Papa



I just woke up and I had no intention of oversleeping like I did, but that's okay. I'm in a pretty good mood... I've had some really good conversations with one of my best friends over the last few days, and really developed a better understanding for one another, and that makes me smile. :)


works for Gamestop (lol)
I was feeling good today, until I got the mail and got a letter from the superior court saying I'm summoned for jury duty. My first time and I need to find a way to get out of it :p


Wario64 said:
I was feeling good today, until I got the mail and got a letter from the superior court saying I'm summoned for jury duty. My first time and I need to find a way to get out of it :p

You lucky bastard...
Jury duty would be great.


Today is my last day at a crap job (well, the job itself isn't crap but my employer stinks). So I am very happy today. :)



I can barely stay awake...
This day is going so slooooowwww.
I just want to go home and have a nap

Only.. 3 loooonnggg hours to go... :(

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I got paid, then my bank charged me £120 for no reason, I called and yelled, they apologised and put the money back. So today I feel rich and empowered. *Buys iPod*


Feel great too, after a few days of feeling down. I've found out now what it was that was bugging me, and I'm doing something about it.

Also today I filled out my application forms for my study next year: medicine. Can't wait to get started (finally) this september. I've already been looking into my dad's vascular surgery and radiology books to get me in the mood. ;)


Nope. Don't really feel great since I'm pissed that my insurance company just handed me an EXTREMELY lowball offer for my car. Also, I'm working night shift so I won't get to bed until around 8am Saturday morning. Le sigh. I need money.
I don't have anything to do tonight. It sucks. :( I have some rum and strawberry mix leftover from last weekend, might have to make some for myself later :(


asking dangerous questions
Today is good.
Nice weather, weekend ahead, and seeing my gf for the first time in nearly 3 months.


Teh Hamburglar said:
I don't have anything to do tonight. It sucks. :( I have some rum and strawberry mix leftover from last weekend, might have to make some for myself later :(



Today has been fabulous- so far- probably has alot to do with it being my birthday-
even my boss who is a woman-sang me happy b-day-plus a root beer float , weeeeeee!


Man I had a good day. Went on a 3rd interview for a new job and not only did it go well I ended up getting an even better job than the one I applied for (barring a background and drug screening but I am clean so no worries). I'll end up making almost twice what I did at my last place.

Been out of work for going on 3 months so it feels like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


oh and there are 2 new Stargate shows on tonight!


I guess I'm having an OK day. After an 8-hour summer internship, it's great to finally be home (and I get paid today). Plus, my new book arrived.
You know, I wasn't feeling great this morning, but for a little while I felt pretty good.

I went out for a walk, and the sun was shining, the sky was completley clear and for about 10 minutes, I felt like i did when i was 9, walking to the store for an ice cream. That felt nice :)
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