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Anyone see today's Card Battle Game Xplay today?

I really like the changes Xplay has made from their transition from San Fransisco to Los Angeles. The previous LA episodes were better due to their better writers and creativity due to a lack of a soundstage. Today's episode is by far, the funniest Xplay I have ever seen. The lenghts the writers go to ridicule the Japanese videogame culture is ludicrous and nearing offensive, in a comical way of course. The mock translation in the beginning to the end with the Japanese people's reactions to Adam in a dress had me laughing. Humor is something Xplay isn't exactly well known for. If you are on the west coast, catch the rerun at 11. I think it will change your mind about Xplay if you ever hated it.


I always thought Xplay was awesome, even if it got cheesy/annoying at some point. The skit they did where "What would life be like with Dino Crisis 3's camera" was funny as hell. ANd their review of Gladiator where all the gory scenes were covered up with kittens :lol

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Funny as hell. Also, the RPG camp thing. TWO MAGIC TWO MAGIC TWO MAGIC


LightningZero5 said:
I really like the changes Xplay has made from their transition from San Fransisco to Los Angeles. The previous LA episodes were better due to their better writers and creativity due to a lack of a soundstage. Today's episode is by far, the funniest Xplay I have ever seen. The lenghts the writers go to ridicule the Japanese videogame culture is ludicrous and nearing offensive, in a comical way of course. The mock translation in the beginning to the end with the Japanese people's reactions to Adam in a dress had me laughing. Humor is something Xplay isn't exactly well known for. If you are on the west coast, catch the rerun at 11. I think it will change your mind about Xplay if you ever hated it.

Glad you liked the episode! Just to let you know, we have the same exact staff we had in San Francisco. We don't have any new writers.


My only problem with XPlay, is they should give some love to japanese RPGs.

They just complain and knock them down. There's no show really that reviews RPGs much.


From what I've seen, Xplay is very critical of tired cliches and overused gameplay types. They repeatedly complain about things like escort missions and preteen superheros in RPGs. I can't believe I'm defending Xplay here, but as far as Japanese roleplaying games go, I think they're right on the money with their critisisms.
I must say I've always enjoyed XPlay, but the first few shows with the new set were kind of dissapointing. I am assuming everyone was just getting adjusted, and really after the two parody episodes before it, (which IMO were classic), I guess a few average episodes are to be expected.

But anyways, agreed.... last nights was classic.

If you still havn't seen it, I do believe it is rerunning again at 4PM EST.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Slo said:
From what I've seen, Xplay is very critical of tired cliches and overused gameplay types. They repeatedly complain about things like escort missions and preteen superheros in RPGs. I can't believe I'm defending Xplay here, but as far as Japanese roleplaying games go, I think they're right on the money with their critisisms.

Totally. I never was able to catch X-play until the G4 merger, and now I am a major fan of the show. The irreverent humor and energy put into the writing and hosts is silly fun, and for the most part the skits tend to work. I got a kick out of the Reservoir dogs skit, and the Shikigami no Shiro apology in recent episodes.

In terms of JRPG's, they certainly had some very kind words to say about Nocturne and Phantom Brave recently. The former earned a perfect score despite the review focusing much attention to the supposed hefty encounter rate.(Dissapointingly, Nascar got far more screentime in its review than what was given to SMT) Though I haven't played PB myself, their insistance that the play value is bred specifically for a subset of gamers is dead-on, particularly when it came to the overly dramatic characterization and art style.

Last night's card-game mock attempts weren't all that funny(though the reactions of Harajuku residents seeing Adam wearing a dress had some redeeming value), but I highly respect the effort mainly cause I agree. Card games...fuck em.
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