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Anyone seen any good movies lately?


One of my favorites, if you are ever looking for a get high and enjoy comedy or clean out the fridge party through this on. It's the ultimate have a beer with a friend movie.



Leave no trace
It's a slow burn, so not for everyone. But we really enjoyed this. A good story with really good acting performances.If you have the patience, well worth the watch.


You Were Never Really Here - 8/10.
I really enjoyed this, but was a tiny bit letdown after all the hype about it and the reviews I read. Also, it wasn’t half as violent or brutal as I was expecting. Joaquin Phoenix is a beast though and very nice cinematography.


I just saw the newest trailer for Aquaman, it looked actually really good. Should be fun. Between it and Shazam I think DC might have figured it out.


I'm a sucker for horror and scifi, it's about all I watch. Some movies I've watched lately;

Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich

It's a tongue in cheek, B grade horror that knows it. Had a few laughs, it's over the top gory. It's pretty solid as far as horror that doesn't take itself seriously goes. Also the blonde girl in it is mesmerising.

Truth or Dare

Interesting idea for a horror flick. Wasn't amazing, but it was watchable.


Really liked this one. End was kind of obvious, but still a good movie.


I saw Venom earlier today and thought it was an alright standard action movie, 6/10. Liked the interaction between Hardy and Venom. Pretty good action scenes as well.


ChatGPT 0.001
House with the Clock in the Walls, was good to see Jack Black in his element and overall good series of unfortunate events feels


seen bone tomahawk recently.
horror western with a great mood and atmosphere.
great characters., great dialouge.
at one scene is screamed in joy like a little kid, laughed seveal times.
would watch again and i warmly recommend it to you guys. :)

edit: film has some pretty brutal scenes and is very explizit in its pictures. Not recommended for people who don't wanna see blood/gore.
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Watched Bad Boys 1 and 2 yesterday and the day before.

Like both of them well enough (with 1 being the overall better one) but 2 was waaaaaayyyyyy to long. Action flicks like this should be an hour and a half, not 2 hours and a half.

PS: The UHD of Bad Boys 2 was amazing. Can only recommend it.


seen bone tomahawk recently.
horror western with a great mood and atmosphere.
great characters., great dialouge.
at one scene is screamed in joy like a little kid, laughed seveal times.
would watch again and i warmly recommend it to you guys. :)

I would highly encourage you to tell people it's one of the most graphic torture porn films around before you recommend it. I love horror. I love suspense. I love westerns. This movie was too over the top for me.

I just saw the newest trailer for Aquaman, it looked actually really good. Should be fun. Between it and Shazam I think DC might have figured it out.

I cannot comprehend why folks think Aquaman looks good. It literally looks *exactly* like Green Lantern to me. Cool good-looking wise cracking guy, giant CGI world that looks like crap, marginal DC "hero". I'm sure I'll see it but it looks pretty awful to me.


I would highly encourage you to tell people it's one of the most graphic torture porn films around before you recommend it. I love horror. I love suspense. I love westerns. This movie was too over the top for me.
hmm, didn't think about that, but yes, one scene indeed made me uncomfortable.
but i also had the feeling this was intended for the experience.
i wouldn't call it torture porn tough.

but i will edit.
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Halloween - 10/10.
I have never watched Halloween before, I must have been living under a rock! Such a good horror film, complete classic as many would agree. The music and the general panning shots etc are so cool.

It looked amazing in 4K too, and I finally have a Dolby Vision player, so that really added to the dark scenes too!


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I watched Borg vs McEnrow on the plane and it was fascinating.


Antman & The Wasp
Gorgeous effects, but not much else. Ok, but not a patch on the first, humour missed the mark very often. Loved Lee's cameo though


I saw First Man today and it was great. I have always been interested about Apollo missions so I was very excited to see this. The movie looked good and Ryan Gosling was great as Neil Armstrong. There are few things they could have done better. They should have shown more of what they did on the moon and the whole mission felt too short.
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I missed Dark City in the 90s.

But I'd rather see that movie 3 times in a row than the whole Matrix Trilogy

That's a bold statement right there. The first two Matrix movies were in my top 10 (Revolutions can suck it though). I'm now going to have to go and watch Dark City and see what the fuss is about.

I just watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World for the first time 2 weeks ago. Oh man, what an awesome movie. Now keep in mind that the only SP stuff I know is the PS3 game, which was also awesome. I've never read the comic so I don't know how accurate the movie is to the source material.


That's a bold statement right there. The first two Matrix movies were in my top 10 (Revolutions can suck it though). I'm now going to have to go and watch Dark City and see what the fuss is about.

I just watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World for the first time 2 weeks ago. Oh man, what an awesome movie. Now keep in mind that the only SP stuff I know is the PS3 game, which was also awesome. I've never read the comic so I don't know how accurate the movie is to the source material.

The irony is that in my region DC was broadcast on TV at least, unlike Blade Runner.
Scott Pilgrim movie is just a mish mash of the main events of the GN, so it is a must read if you liked it. I missed my student days reading it


The Incredibles 2

It was pretty fun, better than I expected. I think more than any other pixard movie this really feels like it was mostly written for the people who saw the first one when they were kids. The writing, tone and overall pacing seemed to be aimed at an older audience than usual, I could actually imagine my young self being bored by lengthy stretches of this movie.
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Watched an classic Tom Hardy movie last night 'Warrior' 2011 9/10, class MMA movie with a cracking performance from Hardy and Nick Nolte.


I watched ‘The Forest’ last night which stars Natalie Dormer from Game of Thrones who goes in search of her twin sister at a Forest in Japan which is well known for people to commit suicide in.

Good intense movie. 8/10


Neo Member
I recently watched Solo.

I enjoyed it for what it was. I think it could've been a great movie if they went with new characters rather than an old prequel for Han and Lando. Han doesn't really come across as the Han we know in A New Hope, but still a good action movie.

Just finished watching The Mask (1994) because of the Cuban Pete song on youtube. Still as fun as ever.
My backlog is chronically tapped out. I've run out of films. I've seen thousands, so chances are if you mention it I've seen it, this includes most European/east Asian foreign language releases. I saw every one mentioned in this thread besides Cold Skin. I'm searching for ~6+/10 movies in any genre, that were released in the past 3 years. I may have missed some recently due to being preoccupied. It's such a pain trying to track down the hidden gems.

Also a preemptive apology but I don't care for Bollywood. Indian cinema makes my eyes and ears bleed.
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After Playstation kindly gave me a free 3 months of Netflix recently, I’ve been working my way through stuff that I never even knew existed, and one such item I added to my watchlist was The Foreigner.

I was expecting it to be a bit cheesy but I really enjoyed it. Jackie Chan played the revenge role better than any Liam Neeson flick I’ve seen over the years.


My backlog is chronically tapped out. I've run out of films. I've seen thousands, so chances are if you mention it I've seen it, this includes most European/east Asian foreign language releases. I saw every one mentioned in this thread besides Cold Skin. I'm searching for ~6+/10 movies in any genre, that were released in the past 3 years. I may have missed some recently due to being preoccupied. It's such a pain trying to track down the hidden gems.

Also a preemptive apology but I don't care for Bollywood. Indian cinema makes my eyes and ears bleed.

Mentioned it before but The Final Girls is a hidden gem. Never knew it existed until I stumbled upon it on Netflix.

It’s a comedy horror so if you like Tucker and Dale vs Evil you will probably enjoy this.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Just watched "Apostle" on Netflix. Holy cow was that good.

It's a slow burn, but at no point was I bored. They used the slowness for character development and to build suspense. When the movie finally gets going, holy hell are there some brutal scenes. I've tried to watch both versions of "The Wicker Man," both of which were unwatchable, but I think that this movie succeeds at being what those movies failed to be. It's excellent.


Wonder - a heartfelt story of a young boy with a facial disfigurement starting school and the associated highs and lows. It was a good watch with quite a few tugs at the heart


The Belko Experiment

It’s about a company named Belko which becomes locked down with all 80 staff trapped inside. A voice comes over intercomm that if they want out they need to kill their co-workers.
It has a few b/c stars such as Dr Cox from scrubs and Merl from Walking Dead, among a few other recognisable faces and was made by James and Sean Gunn.

I enjoyed it, hope we get more as it was setup for a sequel.




finally saw Mandy, after a friend of mine had been hyping it up for months

it was pretty awesome. some parts were really intense due to sound design and i had to take a break. but overall the film looks incredible. right from the start i was praising the color grading, it just gets more and more extreme. the titles introducing the different parts are maybe the best part of the movie.

the actual film itself was ok, honestly a pretty standard 70's horror movie, with a big dose of Twin Peaks. the revenge part was excellent, and Cage really brings his all here. the final shot of the film that pans up to reveal an insane blacklight poster of a sky was pretty rad. stylish as heck.


I recently saw Searching. It was pretty meh. But I really respect that they stuck to the style and were able to make a cohesive story only using facetime, Facebook and messenger.

Pretty unique but a bit predictable and had some eye rolling moments.

Props to the almost entire Asian cast.


Watched "Crazy Rich Asians" cuz the GF wanted to watch it again, even though we already watched it in the theatres when it first came out. Still a good movie!


Into the spiderverse - 9/10.
Best Spiderman movie to date.
I went into it very skeptically and came out a convert. I really enjoyed the way they played with the comic book style and thought that the animation was incredible. I hope to see more marvel films in this style for sure.


The wailing (korean movie)(horror mystery)
Nightcrawler (psychological)
Take Shelter (psychological)
Oldboy (korean version)(thriller)
The Chaser (korean movie)(thriller)
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (Australian)( comedy film)

i recommend Hunt for the Wilderpeople very funny film. The rotten tomatoes and metacritic score i believe are accurate for it, i'm going to watch it again tonight.
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Lizzie 2018 - 7/10

Interesting account of the Borden murders, doesn't stray too far from the accepted version, but the upscaling of the maid's involvement is novel but certainly not an outlandish theory.
I watched Interview with a vampire recently. really enjoy that film.
I also watched Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. moderately enjoyable and not good.

See No Evil starring WWE wrestler Kane. Very good.

I'm sorry, you're now on my personal probation list. I hope the next post I stumble upon from you I agree with.
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watched MST3K riff this horrible movie the other day, To Catch a Yeti (1993), and it was kind of awesome. sometimes a terrible movie is still a good time.

Meat Loaf stars wearing this godawful patchwork fur coat as a Yeti hunter. the Yeti itself has a terrifying Gritty-like stare with giant bug eyes, though you can tell they were going for a low budget E.T. they failed miserably. lol

Just got back from the Suspiria remake and it was the opposite of good. What a gigantic misfire.
So many smug people were saying it was the greatest thing ever. It was playing at a local arthouse theater with shitty seats and at a run time of 2 hours and 30 minutes, I recently watched "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" and it was really fun! Not enough of Peni or Spider Ham, but other than a great movie.
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