I watched The Town last night.
This is one of the few Heist films I hadn't seen. I really dig them as a genre - I feel like there is always some value to be found. Even if it's just the bank robbery scenes. I like that these movies tend to always have a list of high-profile actors as crew members/supporting cast, it always makes them worth watching. Everyone is really good in this movie, even Blake Lively surprised me. I had constantly heard good things about this movie but always passed on it for some reason. Either way, definitely worth the wait!
Ben Affleck isn't up there with my favourite actors, but he excels in this film. Did an absolute great job directing it too. Affleck is great when he wants to be, and I think he really nails facial acting. He can tell a lot with just his expressions. Jeremy Renner is absolutely amazing in this film, one of his best performances I've seen aside from Wind River. I think he was the stand-out here, I was seriously impressed with how good he was.
I like that this movie delved deeper in to the more human & drama side of heists. Some of those movies sometimes go for action over character development, but not this one. It really is compelling watching someone lose interest in the crime life and seeing it develop throughout the movie. This is an underlying tension felt throughout which makes this incredibly watchable. The first big chase scene blew me away. I would highly recommend giving this movie a watch, it is currently on UK Netflix. Can't speak for other Netflix versions though, sadly!
If I had to give it a rating, I would give it a solid 7.5 out of 10. Not quite as good as Heat but a great film nonetheless. Heat is a very hard bar to top when it comes to these movies though, the realism and gun sounds are still unmatched to this day. I'd watch The Town again, which I don't do for most movies I see these days. It's one of those movies I can see being fun revisiting when I do a heist movie binge and rewatch all my favourites.
This part was pure awesome:
Watch this film!