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Anyone watching Survivor?

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Seems like nobody is talking about it when this has been probably one of the more exciting ones. Tom is pretty godly and probably one of the best players to have ever played the game so far, but the person I'm really rooting for is Stephanie as each week she keeps staying alive just barely yet she kicks so much ass. She's easily the best female to have ever played the game. Tonight where she was all but gone, she still managed to survive. It's probably been one of the more intense seasons if you're pulling for her. Not to mention, she's pretty hot too. :D


Marty Chinn said:
Seems like nobody is talking about it when this has been probably one of the more exciting ones. Tom is pretty godly and probably one of the best players to have ever played the game so far, but the person I'm really rooting for is Stephanie as each week she keeps staying alive just barely yet she kicks so much ass. She's easily the best female to have ever played the game. Tonight where she was all but gone, she still managed to survive. It's probably been one of the more intense seasons if you're pulling for her. Not to mention, she's pretty hot too. :D

I agree wholeheartedly....I mean this chick just impresses every episode. Well...aside from a point i'll make a in a little bit. But I mean she pretty much carried her tribe at each and every challenge(her and Angie in fact, before Angie got voted off)...the Oolong males were a joke, and Ibrahem was border-line Osten part II. Then when it was just her and Bobby John, she beat him at his own specialty(fire-making)...then spent the night all alone back at the tribe.

My only problem with Stephanie is that fact that now that she's on the other tribe, and she KNOWS just by virtue of being from Oolong, she's a target, combined with the fact that she's a very strong competitor(which is a big bullseye on your head at this point in the game), AND combined with the fact that she's well liked, and thus would do well with the Jury....you'd think she'd try harder at these individual immunity challenges!!! Last week, she gave up immunity with the others for, what was it, cookies i think? I know the first temptation was donus....or was it the pizza that did her in? Anyway, she should have tried harder...and then this week, she folded again. Now, on one hand this could be strategy on her part to try to blur her "super strong competitor" image and come across as less of a threat....but it's risky, and last night's outcome with Janu quitting and thus negating a vote, was a stroke of luck for her.

Now clearly, Tom has been and is and could continue to be a very dominant force in the game...What I feel Stephanie needs to do, and what seems might happen next week, is align with the girls and try to pick off the guys while they still have the numbers to do so, or at least try to do so....enough with the gossipy catty crap. If she can do that, and win individual immunity, then she has a chance. The only two people i'd be satisfied with winning this would be Tom or Stephanie. Can't stand that Katie bitch, and i'm just extremely indifferent to every one else. If Stephanie doesn't win it, I hope she at least lasts long enough to win a kickass car or something :)
Yep I feel the same way. I was shocked she left so easily the challenge from last week for a pizza. This I was hoping she'd last longer but I could see how it could have been tough. Still she needs to win immunity and I think she has the strength to do it compared to the others. What concerns me is if she aligns with the girls, that one girl is with Greg and will probably side with him. I can't think of what else she can do, but damn they need to get rid of Greg and that bitch of his. I really wish Tom and Ian would drop them and align with Steph. The other girls are completely useless and suck. It's a damn shame they're just freeloading. If it can't be Tom or Steph I guess my third choice is Ian cuz he's been pretty solid for the most part.

Here's some pics to hopefully boost the thread =)





Palau is really, really good. I mean, it has a good mix of characters, good drama and a generally interesting game being played.

I don't even know who I'm rooting for...but after last night, this could go a whole lot of ways...but I'm expecting Stephenie to go anyways. She remains the largest threat to pretty well all of them, really.


asking dangerous questions
Last night, that Janu (sp) girl pretty much quit.
Since when are they allowed to do that? I remember past contestants wanting to be voted off, and asking their teams to do so, only to have their teams vote off someone else. Why was Janu allowed to just walk out without a vote happening?

I think if it weren't for Stephanie, they would've forced them to vote.


It's not the first time...Osten from Pearl Islands was the first I believe...and Jeff was pretty disgusted with him when he did it.

And then again Sue Hawke from All-stars walked away after the "incident" with her and Richard Hatch. And Jenna M(i think) walked away to go visit her sick mom.


OmniGamer said:
I agree wholeheartedly....I mean this chick just impresses every episode. Well...aside from a point i'll make a in a little bit. But I mean she pretty much carried her tribe at each and every challenge(her and Angie in fact, before Angie got voted off)...the Oolong males were a joke, and Ibrahem was border-line Osten part II. Then when it was just her and Bobby John, she beat him at his own specialty(fire-making)...then spent the night all alone back at the tribe.

My only problem with Stephanie is that fact that now that she's on the other tribe, and she KNOWS just by virtue of being from Oolong, she's a target, combined with the fact that she's a very strong competitor(which is a big bullseye on your head at this point in the game), AND combined with the fact that she's well liked, and thus would do well with the Jury....you'd think she'd try harder at these individual immunity challenges!!! Last week, she gave up immunity with the others for, what was it, cookies i think? I know the first temptation was donus....or was it the pizza that did her in? Anyway, she should have tried harder...and then this week, she folded again. Now, on one hand this could be strategy on her part to try to blur her "super strong competitor" image and come across as less of a threat....but it's risky, and last night's outcome with Janu quitting and thus negating a vote, was a stroke of luck for her.

Now clearly, Tom has been and is and could continue to be a very dominant force in the game...What I feel Stephanie needs to do, and what seems might happen next week, is align with the girls and try to pick off the guys while they still have the numbers to do so, or at least try to do so....enough with the gossipy catty crap. If she can do that, and win individual immunity, then she has a chance. The only two people i'd be satisfied with winning this would be Tom or Stephanie. Can't stand that Katie bitch, and i'm just extremely indifferent to every one else. If Stephanie doesn't win it, I hope she at least lasts long enough to win a kickass car or something :)

Pretty much sums up how I feel. It's funny the first few episodes I didn't like Stephanie, now I want her to win it or at least make it to the final 2 to get some money. She really deserves it. I didn't see last night's episode but from what I've heard Stephanie really needs to work her ass to win immunity at least a couple of times. From what I understand the rest of Koera(sp?) was pretty pissed that they didn't get a chance to vote Stephanie off, so I think any kind of quick alliances are out of the question for her, unless she surprises me again and is able to pull something off.


While Tom is no doubt a great player the girls of Koror are terrible players, voting coby off was stupid. Coby wasn't very liked and was fairly weak at challenges, aligning with Tom is a death sentance he kicks the crap out of people in challenges and people love him. Greg and or Steph have to stir things up because Survivor sucks if it's to predictable. Tom has won both individual immunity and shows no signs of slowing down.


spliced said:
While Tom is no doubt a great player the girls of Koror are terrible players, voting coby off was stupid. Coby wasn't very liked and was fairly weak at challenges, aligning with Tom is a death sentance he kicks the crap out of people in challenges and people love him. Greg and or Steph have to stir things up because Survivor sucks if it's to predictable. Tom has won both individual immunity and shows no signs of slowing down.

Coby had to go when he was because he had to go eventually, and he was threatening their alliances. He may not have had the power to boot any of them off, but threatening their allegiances was enough of a threat for them to act, and probably rightfully so.


Yes Tom won back to back, but both challenges were of the "The person who hangs in there the longest, wins" variety...it could always change up to a "race to the finish line" or "fastest to accomplish this feat" or "puzzle solving" or "quiz based on Survivor trivia" type of challenge, which could give another person the edge.


Coby never needed to go, people should have been trying to figure out ways to take him to the final 2. The current alliances are great for Tom & Ian but not for anyone else.

Tom was also pretty darn good at the tribe challenges too, I can't see anyone thinking someone else left in the game is better at challenges.


spliced said:
Coby never needed to go, people should have been trying to figure out ways to take him to the final 2. The current alliances are great for Tom & Ian but not for anyone else.

Coby was talking about whining enough that at some point he might be able to create rifts...I think it was a danger. I mean, they didn't know it, but with Gregg/Jenn Coby and Janu could have made a power move at 7 if they let them get there, and you could even bring Caryn into that mix. I mean, Coby was the kind of person who was "playing the game" out in the open, and unpredictability is what they're trying to avoid. It was the right move as a GROUP...yes, certain individuals may have benefitted by him sticking around, but I do not believe it was good for the tribe as a whole to get into that shitty situation.


Yes Coby was those things, but there is no more tribe for all intents and puposes, it's all about each individual player now, anyone in the game basing their choices on the group is completely missing the point. They should be trying to set themselves up for the win.


spliced said:
Yes Coby was those things, but there is no more tribe for all intents and puposes, it's all about each individual player now, anyone in the game basing their choices on the group is completely missing the point. They should be trying to set themselves up for the win.

But they feel more comfortable keeping around someone who can help them in that strategy, and Coby was too much of a question mark for anyone in the game to trust. Individual or not, they have to think about the group dynamics.


I just don't see any scenario where Caryn and Katie have any chance what so ever of winning the way things are headed. Possibly Katie could get to the final 3 with Tom and Ian and whoever wins immunity could choose to keep her on as less of a threat for final 2.

Anythings possible but I really don't agree with the Koror females way of playing the game and I think Greg should have made his move sooner.


First of all, I agree that Steph rocks, she will go down in survivor history as one of the greatest I think and if there were to be a 2nd all-star series she definitely deserves a place.

I really really really wanna see Katie go, and Greg, and Jen. In fact either Greg or Jen going would stir things up really nicely I reckon, Steph does need to get to Tom and/or Ian but from the sound of things (the preview for the next episode at the end of this last one) she rallies up the girls to try and pick off the guys, it will be interesting to see how this develops what with Jen and Greg being together.

I really hate seeing Karen, Katie and Jen loaf around the camp, I'm so sick of them. (well perhaps not maybe Jen, 'cause she is a little hottie :D ).

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Man I love Steph. Her waterworks certainly helped last night but she can thank Jeff for working the council like he did. That was masterfull. Ian also helped out.

I dont see what Tom was so affraid of though. Why not break up Gren and Jen right now. He already had half the votes in his pocket with himself, Ian, Steph, and Katie. All he had to do was tell Caryn to vote Janu and Janu to vote for Caryn or Katie and bam he could have gotten Greg his biggest threat gone.


I was shocked when Tom changed the alliance from him ian katie and steph to him ian katie greg and his girl. That Alliance is too big and wont even get them to the final 4. Now it looks like stephanie can pull a girls alliance and turn the tables.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
But someone has to actually beat him first. Though they'll prolly have one of those trivia contests where you basically get to pick who you want eliminated soon.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
This season is my favorite so far of the four or so that I've seen.

I'd be happy with either Tom or Stephanie winning. Going to suck if either leaves the game before the end. :(


tonight's episode was suspensful until you realize it went exactly as you really knew it would.
I think Caryn is really Naive if she thinks Tom has her back, he was smart enough to get her on his side to break the formation of a new alliance.

after it was all said and done, id have to say im getting bored with this season. After tonights vote we have what? a six person alliance? what good is a six person alliance if there are six people left? I think never losing immunity challenges made most of Koror illprepared for the strategic part of the show.


First off, this episode was indeed the classic bait and switch that Survivor loves to utilize. It was obvious Steph would go...there was no real reason to KEEP her. Caryn wouldn't commit to a female alliance, so Katie had no real way of organizing things, and Caryn is still technically outside of the Core 5. She is of no threat...Stephenie would constantly exist as a thorn in someone's side and a true unknown. She could switch anywhere, anytime and since no core group would risk using her she was dead in the water.

I think this makes for an interesting final 6, because there is no real power alliance. Gregg and Jen are an alliance of two, searching for a way to get rid of Tom. Ian and Tom are an Alliance of Two trying to win the game. Caryn is a complete and total wild card, and Katie could really go with either side. If Caryn sticks with Tom, Katie can either force a tie or get rid of Gregg and Jen and hope for a Caryn/Katie final.

I like this Final 6...let the game begin.


Memles said:
Ian and Tom are an Alliance of Two trying to win the game. Caryn is a complete and total wild card, and Katie could really go with either side.
during this episode they showed that Ian is willing to part from his alliance with Tom and he realizes how strong Tom is, do you think their two person alliance is as strong as it once was? It only took one episode to change the main alliance from including stephanie, to trading her for gregg and Jen.
I think Gregg is a moron and hope he is gone soon. Katie too


cubanb said:
during this episode they showed that Ian is willing to part from his alliance with Tom and he realizes how strong Tom is, do you think their two person alliance is as strong as it once was? It only took one episode to change the main alliance from including stephanie, to trading her for gregg and Jen.
I think Gregg is a moron and hope he is gone soon. Katie too

But, in the situation that will clearly arise (Gregg's Power Play) wouldn't Ian be better off with Tom, who he has a relationship with, than with Gregg and Jenn who didn't even bother to let him in on their little scheme? Ian's exclusion from that plan means that Gregg and Jenn might have a problem getting it to work at this stage. I think Ian and Tom are friends enough that in the split that will occur soon they would end up on the same side.


Memles said:
But, in the situation that will clearly arise (Gregg's Power Play) wouldn't Ian be better off with Tom, who he has a relationship with, than with Gregg and Jenn who didn't even bother to let him in on their little scheme? Ian's exclusion from that plan means that Gregg and Jenn might have a problem getting it to work at this stage. I think Ian and Tom are friends enough that in the split that will occur soon they would end up on the same side.
Yea sounds about right. so i think they toss caryn aside next week. after that is it Ian Tom and Katie voting off Gregg then Jen? Ian TOm and Greg were part of that first alliance before Greg and Jen came in. So it makes sense that they would stick together against the two person alliance of Greg and Jen, unless a switch happens somewhere or Caryn realizes how stupid she is.
How is Jen still in the game? I've been watching for months now, and I don't believe I've seen that woman do ANYTHING except lay in the hammock with Greg.
Spike Spiegel said:
How is Jen still in the game? I've been watching for months now, and I don't believe I've seen that woman do ANYTHING except lay in the hammock with Greg.

At least Amber won immunity when her and Rob had the 2 person alliance


The girls have an opportunity to sweep if they pull together. Jenn is going to feel seriously betrayed by Katie but at the same time, she's lost without an alliance and without Gregg. Meanwhile Katie feels forced into voting against Gregg and didn't want to go into the finals with Tom or Ian to begin with. So if she can rally Caryn and Jenn, they can pick off Tom or Ian regardless of who gets immunity. Ian's semi-irrational loyalty to Katie is going to burn him if he can't think clearly (what he did to Katie was actually good strategy even if he didn't intend for it to go down that way... but it relied heavily on Katie realizing surviving for one more council was far better than drawing stones).

What really sucks is that there's a good chance that one of the girls will win and they haven't been playing the game at all... just riding coat-tails. If Katie can pull together the above, she could earn it, but I don't know if it will happen since her strategy is to simply jump ship to the movers and shakers... not actually making moves herself.


I'm not real happy with how things are going down, like I thought people waited to long to make their moves and it's become to predictable. Tom or Ian are almost a lock right now. Even if the women get their act together one of them will have to beat one of the guys in an Immunity Challenge. But I really wonder if Caryn is smart enough to know what to do, it's almost like Tom is her puppetmaster.


Unless Ian does something dumb they will be the last 3 remaining. It makes sense, both Tom and Ian would rather take Caryn to the final 2 as she is less deserving. It should just be a matter of who wins the immunity. At least Tom has proven you can play the game well without being a total prick. And yes Jenn is hot.


If one of those chicks win this group of Survivors, aside from Steph, this group of Survivors have to go down as the dumbest group in Survivor history. I mean they are the definition of coat-tailers.

Gregg getting 0wned last night, after how his punkass won the reward challenge, almost made up for Steph getting voted off.
Seeing Gregg get the boot last night was worth it for Jenn's reaction alone. Now, I just hope they don't pull some "3-2 Women Rule" bullsh*t and send Ian and Tom home. Caryn'd be nuts to side with those two vipers.


TheDuce22 said:
Man Tom is possibly the best survivor player ever and Ian is possibly the worst. Its a shame he ruined the plan.

I like Tom, but I can't see how he'll win at this point... he's rubbed too many of the jury the wrong way, the only way they'll give it to him is if they respect his game and/or feel more betrayed by Ian, Katie, or Jenn... which seems unlikely. As far as jury popularity, those three seem futher along than Tom. Tom's straight forward game, might get him through the jury's questioning and garner him respect (whereas the other three might get emotional and suffer from foot-in-mouth that could create a last minute switch)... but he doesn't seem like the eloquent type and might trip up against accusational questions.

I dunno... can Tom win it all?


It will come down to the challenges and Ian had been winning them. I dont think Tom lied to anyone, he just played his game. If anything he has proven you can run things without being a total dick. Ian is a stuttering fool btw, if it comes down to those 2 in the finals Tom would win eaisly.


You now belong to FMT.
Marty Chinn said:

Thats my girl... she went to the college that I work at now... Monmouth U, her and another girl on the show this year went to Monmouth... I am surprised that they didnt work together more often... they are supposed to be coming to visit after the final ep... I will take pics for you Marty....


Maybe from your perspective, but you have to think of it from the jury's perspective:

Colby, Steph, Gregg, Janu, Caryn in the jury now... if it's Ian and Tom, then Jenn and Katie are in the jury.

- Colby, Katie, Caryn are solid votes for Ian (dislikes Tom, likes Ian, betrayed by Tom, respectively)
- Gregg, Jenn lean towards Ian (Gregg might give it to Tom for his game, but they're better friends with Ian)
- Steph, Janu fairly neutral (Steph once leaned Tom, but might feel betrayed, Janu has no connections)

So Ian has a lock on 3 votes... he really only needs to win two from the the swing or the leaning group.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I'm surprised you guys think Ian has a better chance than Tom... I'm pretty sure it's going to be a "Richard Hatch" situation and they are going to want the player who fought the hardest to take home the milion dollars. And really, Tom has shown good character the entire season anyway.

Diablos said:
I don't think I've watched one full episode of Survivor in my entire life.

Good for you!

This season is actually my favorite I think.
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