I agree wholeheartedly....I mean this chick just impresses every episode. Well...aside from a point i'll make a in a little bit. But I mean she pretty much carried her tribe at each and every challenge(her and Angie in fact, before Angie got voted off)...the Oolong males were a joke, and Ibrahem was border-line Osten part II. Then when it was just her and Bobby John, she beat him at his own specialty(fire-making)...then spent the night all alone back at the tribe.
My only problem with Stephanie is that fact that now that she's on the other tribe, and she KNOWS just by virtue of being from Oolong, she's a target, combined with the fact that she's a very strong competitor(which is a big bullseye on your head at this point in the game), AND combined with the fact that she's well liked, and thus would do well with the Jury....you'd think she'd try harder at these individual immunity challenges!!! Last week, she gave up immunity with the others for, what was it, cookies i think? I know the first temptation was donus....or was it the pizza that did her in? Anyway, she should have tried harder...and then this week, she folded again. Now, on one hand this could be strategy on her part to try to blur her "super strong competitor" image and come across as less of a threat....but it's risky, and last night's outcome with Janu quitting and thus negating a vote, was a stroke of luck for her.
Now clearly, Tom has been and is and could continue to be a very dominant force in the game...What I feel Stephanie needs to do, and what seems might happen next week, is align with the girls and try to pick off the guys while they still have the numbers to do so, or at least try to do so....enough with the gossipy catty crap. If she can do that, and win individual immunity, then she has a chance. The only two people i'd be satisfied with winning this would be Tom or Stephanie. Can't stand that Katie bitch, and i'm just extremely indifferent to every one else. If Stephanie doesn't win it, I hope she at least lasts long enough to win a kickass car or something