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Anyone watching the Amazing Race

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What got me first hooked on this board was the Amazing Race threads we used to have. Taz me and a few others used to post in them all the time, what happened to you guys? Anyhow already have a must kill party, that being the freaking Christian couple. Hope God gets their ass.


Well I got it on my TV right now cause there is nothing else on. I hate when family members change the channel and then just leave the room.


I'm officially rooting for the midget team or the father-daughter team. This is a great first episode. Last season's was ok compared to the one before that which is the best Amazing Race season by far. This new one is looking up so far.


Okay...the Father/Daughter team is by far my favorite at this point, simply because that dude is HARDCORE! When it came down to them and the "I'm too nice, apparently, but also stupid enough to book myself on a plane without checking the other one, screwing ourselves over" team, I had my fingers crossed...and as they rounded the corner, my living room became a resounding echo of "HARDCORE!"

I get into this show a little.

Right now, the Twins should be shot for going past TWO clue boxes, one within five feet of it. The religious people should be tackled, and should AT LEAST inform all other teams not to bother praying, because God's on their side. Right now, I have no strong feelings about other teams (Besides a bit of hatred for Alison and Donny).

Line of the Episode

Alison, to Donny - "There's the Midget! Go!"
I like how there's always at least one team that consists of a bitchy girl and a totally whipped guy. That's pure gold as far as reality TV comedey goes.

Also, it's cool how the midget is dancing a merry jig in the opening credits. This is the greatest reality show ever.


Awesome episode. Odd that two teams would make such big mistakes in missing the marker.

I, like many others like the father/daughter team and the MIDGET TEAM .....Yet only 1/2 of each team is making me want to cheer for them. The MIDGET'S partner is a total douche, and the daughter can't pull her own weight....while her 67+ father is doing all the work. He's hardcore, and so is THE MIDGET, but they need to be on the same team dammit!

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I'm rooting for Donnie/Alison and the midget team. Alison is a little bit of a bitch but I grew to love her by watching BB4. She's a smart girl. Very manipulative. My kinda gal. I'm also rooting for the midget team b/c they are the underdogs.

I actually hate the father/daughter team. The father is awesome but the daughter seems like a real bitch (and not in a good way like Alison)... she just strikes me as a rude/mean person.


Good first show. I feel bad for Team Midget though, her short legs are going to cost them at some point. She can't out-race anyone, unless they happened to have split their own leg wide open. And poor Army Dad is screwed too, working on one good leg is not beneficial on this show. Too much walking/running around.
Oh come on, what's with the midget love? Good god is that team annoying. I love how they were saying we don't need anyone helping us with the guy carrying their backpacks right behind them. The midget's cousin is also so stupid, dare I say more stupid than Donny =) All she did was whine all night. They're so out of it soon, and thank god. They've already irritated me enough. I hate Allison, but damn, her and Donny are like comic relief. You just love to hate them.


I finally saw the whole first episode from the rerun last Sat/Sun?

And I agree that the Midget Team are quite annoying though I'm still pulling for them. But not as much.

The Bowling Moms caught me by surprise that they did preety good considering two old moms usually are the ones that gets the boot first.

Now I'm really surprised about the old couple (Internet couple). They are preety smart and quite fit for their age. They cruised the first leg easily and I see them surprising everyone in this race.

The father/daughter team I'm rooting for still but the daughter is indeed quite a snob. But I guess she's just playing the game as she see fits but we'll see more of her until the race goes on.

And basing from the first episode, the 'bad guys' are shaping up to be the Twins and Donnie/Alison... which reminds me of Zach and Flo from TAR3, which IMO is the best season of Amazing Race ever. Though I didn't go for them the whole race, I jsut knew before the finale that they're going to win.

And Tonight at 10 again.
Love the show; its the only reality show i can watch. The midget team annoys the hell out me though. Its like they expect everyone to be so nice to them and do things for them. Fuck that, this is a contest. I also dont get why some teams always rely on other teams. Think for yourself god dammit. I dont really like any of the teams yet.

Nothing will ever beat the first season of the fatty's and team guido.


No one posted about tonight's show :(

I've changed my pick/choice to Jim and Marsha. He's the biggest badass, and she's the hottest in the race. I think I've got my bases covered :D

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
What the hell is wrong with those twins. Theyve been doing backstabbing shit all throught out episode 1, and when another team gets competetive with them they get an attitude. What comes around goes around.
This is the first time i've ever seen this series but i'm addicted. Finnaly a reality show that completely revolves around competition and nothing else.

I want either the little person team to win or the dad/daughter combo.


Asshole brothers? The pizza boys? The same guys who says 'dumb foreigners' to the people of Uruguay in their own country? The very example why everyone hates Americans nowadays? These guys doesn't even have any redeeming qualities, not funny, not amusing, nothing. I want them out next episode. SERIOUSLY.

The Twins, I still hate and the Midget team is beyond annoying. I want them out too. If I hear one more "Im so small they underestimate us yet we need help now" speech, I'm gonna puke.

Oh and I'm going for the Bowling Mamas or the Father/Daughter team. I'm really surprised about those two teams.
"Oh and I'm going for the Bowling Mamas or the Father/Daughter team. I'm really surprised about those two teams."

I thought the father/daughter team was messed up when they had to get the dads leg fixed in the first ep. But I also think the little person team has done really well when you consider that none of the other teams are helping them at all. They're doing it all on their own.


SolidSnakex said:
I thought the father/daughter team was messed up when they had to get the dads leg fixed in the first ep. But I also think the little person team has done really well when you consider that none of the other teams are helping them at all. They're doing it all on their own.

Yeah, they did preety good so far, but I don't agree that they did it all on their own. They didn't get help from the other team, yes, but they got a lot of help from the locals. Though I'm not saying that is illegal cause it isn't. But they are good at using their 'disadvantage' to their advantage. Which IS a smart thing to do in this race. But then again they've been lucky on picking 'easier' challenges and it might haunt them in one of the upcoming challenges if they happen to get a hard/physical challenge... ie. Carrying the cow from first episode. And I was hoping for Charla to walk the dogs instead of the tango, that would've been funny if they did that instead. I just don't like them cause, I find them annoying that's all.
"but they got a lot of help from the locals. Though I'm not saying that is illegal cause it isn't. "

That's actually what I like about them. Especially in the last ep where Mirna ran up to that guy driving the cart and started telling him that the little woman couldn't walk far. It's pretty funny imo.

"nd I was hoping for Charla to walk the dogs instead of the tango, that would've been funny if they did that instead."

Now that'd been hilarious. There's no way she could've done that though since those dogs were pulling the other girls around like rag dolls, she'd been pulled around the ground if she'd tried.


On last night's episode...

WOO! The RIGHT team got eliminated. I'll spoiler tag it, my discussion of the eliminated team, simply because many might wait for the Saturday rerun.

Alison and Donny deserved to be elminated because of their bickering, but I must say a few things surprised me, but shouldn't have. However annoying Alison was on Big Brother, she was still smart in how she played the game (Besides the idiocy). Here, SHE is the person who got them into first place in that first leg. She was the one who knew to check both flight times at the airport in the premiere, she was the one who knew they didn't have a clue when they almost made the same mistake Chip/Kim and Kami/Karla made at the Blue and White Hotel Detour. She has actually kept them in it.

This episode, it seemed like all of this flew out the window, and their loss is really put right on Donny's shoulders. His choice to take a bus over a taxi screwed them. Chip and Kim were furthest behind at the Detour, and still got ahead of Alison and Donny by taking the express bus. So many mistakes were mad, but taking a taxi would have kept them in that game. It just seems like she actually had her head in the game, and her relationship with Donny killed her. If she hadn't had to deal with their past troubles, I really think she was a GOOD racer. There's even a deleted scene on CBS' website where she points out to Donny that, in finding the ferry times on the trees in the first episode, the clue specifically said there was only three times so once they found 8, 8:30 and 9, they wouldn't have had to keep looking. He kind of got pissed, since they had gotten the earliest time and were in First Place and she was questioning their decisions, but she was simply preparing them for later in the game. In her emotion with Donny (And his inability to read a map), she lost track of the game

On Charla and Mirna: I despise them.

It's really that simple, but I have to explain. While they are, no doubt, good racers in the sense of position, they have this haphazard way of doing tasks that annoys the hell out of me.

My problem is not them getting help, or their use of Charla's dwarfism to get ahead. It's the fact that they talk about breaking a stereotype, and then PLAY to that stereotype. It's about how they get pissed about people not helping them, and then they talk about how they are so independent. It's about that fucking whistle. It's about the two greatest quotes of the episode.

Mirna - "But the Prostitute would know where the Disco is!"

Charla: "But, you might have to stick your hand in the cow's ass!"

For those two notes of stupidity alone, I condemn them. I respect Charla for her perseverance, and in no way feel they deserve to be eliminated; they have run a good race thus far, and deserve to be in second place as they are. But, if they shut up and race, I'd be happier.

On Jim/Marsha - Hardcore lives. And lives in 3rd Place! Definitely a great performance here, and it's good to see that Marsha took a more active role this time around. Last time, she seemed like she was dragging Hardcore (Jim) everywhere.

On Chip/Kami(and or Karli)'s little tift at the cab - She was in the cab first. I don't care whether or not the Twins are jerks (Which they are), she was in that cab first. He got in after she did, and for that reason I feel she should have been able to take the cab. Race or not, Chip was the one in the wrong the most. They were both childish about it.

Also...it's karma that the two teams that missed the clue were the ones fighting for a cab to avoid being in last. Craziness.
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