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Anytips to stay awake during work?

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Ok, a friend of mine wants some tips on how he can stay awake during work. He gets up everyday at 2am goes to work at 4am and gets out at 12pm. He just got this job and hes really having a hard time with this schedule and staying awake. He also has a hard time to get to sleep early.

anytips you guys/gals want to share???


He needs to, whenever his next day off is, stay up and marathon it until the afternoon before his next shift, then sleep hard. After that, it's a bit easier to adjust to. I worked nights for like eight years, and you never really get used to it, but it does become bearable eventually.


His problem is that he needs to shift his paradigm. quit trying this lame "sleeping at night" shit. Tell him to start sleeping only after his shifts, and getting up around sundown. Nothing good happens during daylight hours anyhow.


Just sleep after he gets home from work, and if he can't do that, try to stay up as long as possible until his next shift type thing as mentioned above, then he'll be sleep after work (haha I explained that POORLY).


Sleep when you get home. Any method that doesn't include him getting regular sleep will result in him eventually crashing when his body says 'fuck it dude, I tried to work with you but you're just taking it too far'.


Setec Astronomer
bjork said:
He needs to, whenever his next day off is, stay up and marathon it until the afternoon before his next shift, then sleep hard. After that, it's a bit easier to adjust to. I worked nights for like eight years, and you never really get used to it, but it does become bearable eventually.
I'm the opposite. I have a really hard time getting myself to wake up earlier, while staying up later than usual is easy. Yet at the same time, I'm almost physically unable to pull an all-nighter, and can't go without at least 5-6 hours of sleep.
i relied on caffeine when i had an office job... but then on the weekends i'd have constant headaches from lack of caffeine..

but seriously, it was the only way for me.. red bulls or other energy drinks.. *or* getting en0ough sleep.. which just didnt seem possible when I still wanted to have a life outside of work and go out with my friends and stuff.
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