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Ape Escape (PSP) screen


works for Gamestop (lol)



Looks on par with Mario 64x4.
Actually, it looks better because it's not all pixely.
I do think Mario's model is better.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Why do all these PSP games have such low poly counts?


DaCocoBrova said:
Why do all these PSP games have such low poly counts?

Probably the same reason the PS2 had in the beginning. Developers not really knowing what the true power of the machine is, which seems to be on par with Sony's way of selling their PS2 platform. Just my guess, but with both Sony systems (PSOne and PS2) the launchgames are now, compared to the newest releases (in this case upcoming releases like MGS3 and GTA: SA), quite underdeveloped.

I suspect the same thing will happen here.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The real question is - will the game actually have that FSAA like it has on that first screen. Same for Armored Core.

Armored Core and GT4 don't look too different from the PS2 versions:
Neither did RR. People who played it actually said it looks better than the PS2 RRV.


Gold Member
Soul4ger said:
I still want to know how this is going to play, but no one else seems concerned about it.

You use the analog to move around and the items are mapped to the buttons...


Gold Member
DaCocoBrova said:
Why do all these PSP games have such low poly counts?

It looks like the PS2 version. Ape Escape was never a technological marvel, but more than made up for it in fun.


Defensor said:

It depends. If it's actually Ape Escape, I'm all for it. But if it plays like Piposaru 2001, which I presume it must since the PSP doesn't have dual analogs, it'll be a generic platformer with monkeys. You can wash their pants, though.

That's why I'm so skeptical. Graphics mean very little, but I don't know yet how this will play. It could be good, but it seems unlikely.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Well, I am assuming that since exclusion of a second analog stick for the controls of your weapon direction, the X button will serve as the swing/shoot function but you just can't direct to where you want to hit. The [], /\, and O button will be your weapons. For that, you have to use the analog pad for movement and move in the direction of the enemy to swing the net. Kind of odd since the whole premise of the original Ape Escape was for dual-analog controls(I never played Piposaru 2001). Interesting to hear how it will turn out. The other controls should be intact such as the R1 jump, L1 recenter camera, and d-pad camera movement.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Vashu said:
Probably the same reason the PS2 had in the beginning. Developers not really knowing what the true power of the machine is, which seems to be on par with Sony's way of selling their PS2 platform. Just my guess, but with both Sony systems (PSOne and PS2) the launchgames are now, compared to the newest releases (in this case upcoming releases like MGS3 and GTA: SA), quite underdeveloped.

I suspect the same thing will happen here.

Now that's just not true...

PS2 was tossing around some pretty decent geometry right out of the gate. Ridge Racer V was much more geometrically detailed than every single Dreamcast racer that had been released at that time, for example.

Games like SSX (US launch) had higher poly characters than many main characters in various DC games.

It was quite a jump for the time. They were never as low-poly as that Ape Escape PSP game is...

The PSX game does not look better, though.


Fafracer forever
Dark1x said:
It was quite a jump for the time. They were never as low-poly as that Ape Escape PSP game is...
I take it you never saw Summoner, Evergrace, Harvest Moon, Fantavision, IQ... et. co... :p
Yeah, it's low budget stuff, but at least that's comparing on somewhat even ground to most PSP titles.


You see Sky Odyssey? That game was fucking ugly. Fun, but really fucking ugly. Not making any excuses for how the PSP games look, but there were some at the PS2 launch or around it that just looked awful.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Fafalada said:
I take it you never saw Summoner, Evergrace, Harvest Moon, Fantavision, IQ... et. co... :p
Yeah, it's low budget stuff, but at least that's comparing on somewhat even ground to most PSP titles.

Summoner was also a PC game and it showed (PC games at the time were still VERY low poly). It may have been a PS2 title first, but it was designed for both.

Evergrace isn't really that awful looking. The models are decently detailed and the game runs at 60 fps.

Fantavision looks very nice, I don't see a problem with it.

Haven't played HM and IQ.

The point is, there were a lot of high poly PS2 titles right out the gate. Throwing out a few exceptions doesn't really change anything. ;P

You see Sky Odyssey? That game was fucking ugly. Fun, but really fucking ugly. Not making any excuses for how the PSP games look, but there were some at the PS2 launch or around it that just looked awful.

Yeah, the game is ugly as hell...but it DID run at 60 fps at least.


dark10x said:
Evergrace isn't really that awful looking. The models are decently detailed and the game runs at 60 fps.

Evergrace was also planned as a PSone game, originally, and they upgraded it before launch. So that's, at least, a reasonable excuse for its not so stellar looks.

*Edit* - Mario looks wonderful. I really hope they can figure out a good control/camera system, because I want that to be worth getting.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Hmm, I would bet that the analog stick is used for movement and the x button is used for action. Triangle, square, and circle are mapped to weapon selection as usual. That is the only control scheme that makes sense to me.


I was talking about system platformers, dark, not overall system graphics.
I know 99% of the time the PSP titles will look better.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
olimario said:
I was talking about system platformers, dark, not overall system graphics.
I know 99% of the time the PSP titles will look better.

Well, Ape Escape PSP is truly awful looking. :p

Are there even any other platformers to compare with? Mario looks great in comparison to the rest of the DS library, where as Ape Escape is possibly the worst looking PSP game yet shown...


Are there any 3D racers announced yet for the DS? I'm curious what developers can squeeze out of such a crappy processor.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Fafalada said:
Sure it looked nice, but my point was that it was simple/lopoly/lowtech whatever you call it.

I thought the whole point was to show off the particle system (which DID look good).


Culex said:
Are there any 3D racers announced yet for the DS? I'm curious what developers can squeeze out of such a crappy processor.

If IGN is to be believed, NST is working on a Ridge Racer game (a port of RR64, one should presume), but there haven't been any announcements I don't think?


Soul4ger said:
If IGN is to be believed, NST is working on a Ridge Racer game (a port of RR64, one should presume), but there haven't been any announcements I don't think?
While I think a Ridge Racer for the DS is probable, I wouldn't exactly trust IGN's game listings. For weeks after E3 they had a listing for a new game in the Chrono series on the PSP which ended up being nothing more than the wishful thinking of one of the editors.

Ranger X

Can someone really can't see the DS pictures in this thread look more PS1-ish then any of the PSP's? I mean, where's the use of the debate? Open your eyes.

And it's fucking nice to see another Ape Escape coming! can't get enough ;)


Ape Escape follows the 'inverse Star Trek movies numbering' rule.

I.e. Odd numbered Ape Escapes rock, even numbers suck.

What number is this?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Hopefully the small screen will make the games look good either way.
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