So what day(s) does the Discovery playlists get updated? I just re-subscribed to Apple Music a couple days ago and am waiting to get my first ones. It will just show up in the For You section right?
Favorites Mix every Wednesday, New Music Mix and every Friday
Yes we went to Family Sharing with Apple Music. (iTunes Match doesn't work with family sharing). Yeah I might just dislike them, though I usually try to stay away from dislike on services as it usually ends up being pretty destructive.Is there a reason you haven't just switched to Family Sharing? You can also go into their songs (assuming they're on your login) and dislike them.
I just signed up for Apple Music a little while ago and I find the "For You" section really week. One it keeps listing albums I already own. Secondly it's classification of artist seems a little odd. Today the first track on the indie play list was an r&b song. Actually nothing in the indie play list was indie music but I don't know if that's then or me getting old. Does it get better as you like more music?
it auto "temp downloads" everything you play. this is the auto sizing control in settings. so yeah, if you are playing the same playlist non-stop, then turn off data, you "should" keep the ability to play the playlist. I believe this is different than manually downloading, which it will keep until/unless you delete them from local storage.
Personally find Apple Music playlists pretty weak compared to Spotify. Like surfacing a 9 song "Hip hop from 1994" playlist just seems stupid.
Even when I go into genres that aren't mainstream, like Trance (EDM), Apple Music playlists are just so far off the mark compared to Spotify.
I'm strongly considering subscribing. It'll be the same price for both Spotify and Apple Music and am looking for some input as to which is better. I've tried the 3 month Apple music trial and enjoyed it.
- Apple has some neat exclusives, like Frank Ocean, which is still something I would dig listening to. What exclusives does Spotify have and is there any chance of Apple exclusives being timed?
- How are the respective apps? In terms of looks, functionality. I haven't used the new iOS 10 Apple music. Does spotify get regular iOS updates?
- Which is better for helping you discover new music?
I think about getting Apple Music over Spotify because I just got a stereo unit with CarPlay, and it seems like it has integration throughout. Anyone use CarPlay a lot with this, how much better is it?
Is anyone noticing that tracks added to a playlist still appear in your library despite having the "add playlist songs" OFF in Settings -> Music?
This bug is killing me.
"Apple is seriously considering a price drop for Apple Music, according to two sources that spoke to Digital Music News. The sources are not within Apple, but have worked close with the service since it launched. The price drop would see Apple Music go from $9.99 to $7.99, while family plans would drop from $14.99 to $12.99. "
I don't think iTunes is touch friendly. I guess you could use the android Apple Music app but that seems clunky.I want a nice touchscreen interface to use on my Surface Pro but quickly found there is no Windows app... so I decided to try a bunch of Android Emulators, that should do right? Well I can't seem to get it working on any of them, always fails to install from an apk and incompatibe on the play store even when I try change the system settings to spoof a galaxy s7. Anyone in a similar situation get something working?
I just want to know if they're planning on adding the like/heart back in the lockscreen![]()
10.2 beta:
Yeah I used to care about the star ratings but now not so much except for Genius Playlists. I really think they can add that heart on the playing screen and in the lock screen and in control center. Not that hard. Less taps and more people can feed their algorithms
$7.99 would be welcome. $12.99 for a family plan is great too. I think $9.99 would work but need to give it time. Not sure why Apple or others were hoping to match Spotify in a year.
Yeah, the Go To menu from right-click and the three dots menus are the only way to do it and it's kind of a shame it has to be like that since iTunes is a portal for Apple Music AND iTunes Store. It's a small step better than before where you had no option for which one it took you to, but this isn't much better.My main issue with Apple Music is that when a song comes on I like, and I want to visit the artist / album on apple music to have a look at the rest of their stuff, I find it very cubersome, unlike spotify where you can just click on the artist / album name in now playing or wherever it appears in the app.
I know sometimes you can right click and select go to > apple music, but it's a bit of a pain in the ass, is there anything I'm missing here?
My main issue with Apple Music is that when a song comes on I like, and I want to visit the artist / album on apple music to have a look at the rest of their stuff, I find it very cubersome, unlike spotify where you can just click on the artist / album name in now playing or wherever it appears in the app.
I know sometimes you can right click and select go to > apple music, but it's a bit of a pain in the ass, is there anything I'm missing here?
Matching Spotify on social features would be a more important first step anyway.
Is it turned off on all your devices?
Shit, that's a good question. I have no idea how to check on iTunes in macOS Sierra.
Sometimes I'm really wondering what people thought when designing the app and its control elements. In iOS 9 I was wondering about this "heart" feature because it had nearly no use. Now Apple integrated it in the app so everybody can understand what it is for. It actually has a good use now since you get your weekly favorites playlist. BUT WHY did they got rid of the fast access "hearting" in lock screen and in the app?! I need to click a button first, then I can favorite it. It needs so much time with those appearing screens. Instead the button in the middle they should have put the heart there. Do you change the device the music plays on that often at all?
Where should I find "My Favourites Mix"? I can see the new music playlist but can't find the daily mix anywhere.
anybody used Record Bird:
New in 10.2? Makes sense given how many people don't know the functions are there (because there's nothing indicating you can scroll at all)
New in 10.2? Makes sense given how many people don't know the functions are there (because there's nothing indicating you can scroll at all)