Expressing discontent about something they used to or still follow, hoping that it will become better, is valid, no matter how extreme it is. And, regardless of whether or not I'd do the same thing if I was in such place, it's easy to understand that current or old fans have a hard time letting go from something they most likely grew up loving or, at least, the closest thing to what they grew up loving. And that's not even taking in consideration other reasons, like the person might still watch something they hate because there are performers they like and want to see succeed, or because they watch with friends, or because they like being part of a community, etc.
There are a bunch of reasons to be optimistic, but there are a bunch of reasons to be pessimist and even more reasons to keep complaining and/or watching. This is coming from someone who's been optimistic about SD since the split and watch the good bits of RAW instead of the bits I know I'll dislike.