The actual story is that it happened at WrestleMania. I was sitting in catering and the chair I was in was kinda flimsy. I go to shift in it and it just collapses underneath me. Being a ham, my immediate reaction was to demand someone pin me. Someone pin me quick. The guy who comes over, I think he works for us. I didnt realize he was a local technician and was not a WWE technician. He was someone who worked on the set at Mania. He came to help me up and Im like, Nope, you gotta pin me. Cmon, man. And hes not going along with the bit. He thinks I just fell and hes trying to help me. I see the bits going nowhere so I take the chair and I just kick it off to the side, drop it like a little punt and let it lay where it lands. That was it. I saw the story online, saying that I fell in the chair and made this big scene and was yelling and screaming. No part of that is accurate.