Sibersk Esto
WW2 seems like a well that's been sucked dry as a setting.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they've shifted back to WW2. I don't think they should have ever advanced beyond the present day COD4 era stuff because everything after that is when the franchise went off the rails
I'm a sucker for Sci-Fi and I get enough historical warfare with actual history.
WW2 seems like a well that's been sucked dry as a setting.
Well here you go then:
Timed exclusive DLC mention for PS4 at the top right.
What the fuck that ending
I still haven't played Infinity warfare.
Got tired of this future shit at Black OPs III.
I got tired of way too low time to kill.
This is the next local-ish wrestling show I'm going to.
Not really as shown by Dice who made a World War game look niiiceWW2 seems like a well that's been sucked dry as a setting.
i am crying
(there have been many posts on wreddit lately of videos with shinsuke's entrance overdubbed with another entrance theme... this is the best one yet)
You win.
Robocop is just modern Detroit tho
Oh, I mean if we're talking good indies, PROGRESS looks p good on Sunday
the last few CODS all look like Tom Clancy novels
fuckign boring
Get a room!Damn. I am starting to like Data West....
That height, damn![]()
Fucking launched him.
Card's solid, but I'm not hugely excited for it tbh (although those sort of shows often end up surprising me). Ringkampf vs SPPT and Haskins vs Mandrews should be great though, happy to see Mike Bird getting a shot as well.
The Indiest Indy poster Friday
Manny "Flying Burrito" Fernandez in 2017
I'm very excited for the top 3 (6-man, Haskins/Mandrews & Riots/Power Trip) and everything else should be solid.Card's solid, but I'm not hugely excited for it tbh (although those sort of shows often end up surprising me). Ringkampf vs SPPT and Haskins vs Mandrews should be great though, happy to see Mike Bird getting a shot as well.
Get a room!
Ms Parker had it going on!!SF! I smell pussy, is that you!
DAAAAAMN!Ms Parker had it going on!!
We did it!Finally signed up for NJPWWorld.
Finally signed up for NJPWWorld.