yepIn a perfect world AJ would cost Bryan the title at Extreme Rules.
Well shit he should of said that to begin with
And holy fuck is this Piper's pit is boring as fuck, Daniel Bryan needs to kick Piper's teeth in
I want the Bryan/AJ angle to go as far as Cole/Heidenreich.
You too?I want AJ to cost Bryan the title.
She should turn heel yet still be with Dabry.PLEASE TURN HEEL AJ!
Why are they having Piper bury D Bryan?
WWE 13 D Bry entrance better feature YES YES YES
Hey Piper, what did the 5 fingers say to the face?
What a shit segment thanks to a shit crowd.
At least we have something to look forward to now.Well that was pretty boring... Crowd sucks too. Extreme Rules needs to hurry up so we can have a good crowd again.
I enjoyed it too in spite of the asstastic crowd.Well I really enjoyed that segment even if no one else did.
Shit segments usually are the fault of the guys in the ring. It's not the crowd, the segment just sucks.
Piper did what exactly?
Best part of SD is over. Time to go back to Pokemon Emerald.
Follow the script?
Are they looking at Shane Douglas?