Is it wrong I'd like to see Ryder and Robbie E in a feud?
No, because they both started out in the same indie fed.
edit: they have a similar gimmick because they're from the same place and graduated out of the indies at the same time, when
that TV show, starring people from the same general geographic location, was at phenomenon status.
Speaking of that fed, tonight was a great night for wrasslin'! I went to the FTW show in Deer Park, NY. It was at the NYWC (that's the Fed Zack Ryder and Robbie E used to be in) Sportatorium, which is a smallish warehouse space perfectly designed for this kind of show.
Turns out Grim Reefer has improved
dramatically since I saw him four or five years ago at NYWC. He's actually pretty much straight out awesome now. Tony Neese, originally under the name Maverick, has improved quite a bit, as well. Amazing Red sadly no showed, but the guy in his place was really good.
Dan Barry is a bit pudgy now. His move set doesn't seem as great, but his mic skills are very much improved. I hear that he does stand up comedy nowadays.
The Nigerian Nightmares -- a pair of ~450lbs Africa-themed wrestlers -- were really fun to watch. They did a lot of really cool moves, including top rope and tag moves, but they were all done in methodical slow motion.
Matt Justice, fresh from being ejected from FCW, was crazy good. I'm amazed that he was let go instead of being just brought up to the new WWE developmental being put together in Connecticut.
Anyway, this was their equivalent to the Royal Rumble, the "Road to Gold" that the event it named after. They start it off with something like fifteen guys already in the ring (mostly students being trained), and every couple minutes somebody came out. Early on, the stable that is currently totally dominating NYWC's belts suddenly came out to the ring and invaded, tossing everybody out and then leaving as quickly as they came out. When it was down to two guys, the match reverted to a regular singles match, like that Rumble-ish thing that TNA does now and then. It was an overall fun rumble, except that it was seemed incredibly sudden and unexpected when there were two guys left and nobody else was coming out. It felt like more people should have come out, but that's largely because the match started with a load of guys in there already.
Fun night. And one of the girl wrestlers apparently bakes and sells cupcakes every month. They were decorated to look like baby chickens. Pretty neat.
Oh, and Justin Credible was there. He apparently lost a match that forced him to retire as an active wrestler, so he was just the guest MC of the night. However, in an act of vengeance against his former aggressor, he hired a former WWF Superstar to fight the guy. That Superstar was the Portuguese Man-of-War, Aldo Montoya, which did not at all resemble Justin Credible in any way at all. >_>
So, yeah, one of the better nights for Wrestling. I even capped it off afterward by watching the April 2nd Raw, which I'd heard was pretty great. And did I think so?
So what did the rest of you guys do tonight? I hope whatever wrestling you watches was as fun as this!