Prepare for a great night in NWA.
Well shit.......I deserve that. Vince could print money off this angle, have a big guy as the main guy(which everyone who knows Vince knows that is his preference), have a guy with mainstream noteriety lead the charge for a full year, and bring back the fans who are sick of fart segments and Super multi colored Cena being shoved down our throats. Because it makes sense to do this and the IWC likes it Brock will get murdered on Sunday, be paired with Natalya who will fart on him in vignettes leading Sable back to the WWE for a Gas-X on a pole match at Summerslam. Brock will then form a tag team with Brodus Clay and win squash matches. A month before Wrestlemania Vince will realize he wasted Lesnar and try to make him a badass again a month before Mania, which will not work and Vince in his fit of rage will blame Ziggler and Ryder and feed them to Hornswoggle as enhancement talent. At Extreme Rules next year Ryder, Ziggler, and D-Bry(and Swagger) will be punished for the poor Wrestlemania buyrate with a jobber on a pole match. The winner will be promised one televised win every 6 months to avoid jobber status. After D Bry wins HHH will come down in a suit, pedigree all of them, and future endeavor them the next day, including Daniel Bryan, and will try to paint it as the new montreal screwjob. Vince will sit in his chair, drink his scotch, and tell himself the fans are idiots and only he knows what fans really want. This my friends is not fantasy booking, this is the Vince Mcmahon way.
And just like that, Taco Bell has been saved. Congratulate yourselves, Taco Bell.
Well shit.......I deserve that. Vince could print money off this angle, have a big guy as the main guy(which everyone who knows Vince knows that is his preference), have a guy with mainstream noteriety lead the charge for a full year, and bring back the fans who are sick of fart segments and Super multi colored Cena being shoved down our throats. Because it makes sense to do this and the IWC likes it Brock will get murdered on Sunday, be paired with Natalya who will fart on him in vignettes leading Sable back to the WWE for a Gas-X on a pole match at Summerslam. Brock will then form a tag team with Brodus Clay and win squash matches. A month before Wrestlemania Vince will realize he wasted Lesnar and try to make him a badass again a month before Mania, which will not work and Vince in his fit of rage will blame Ziggler and Ryder and feed them to Hornswoggle as enhancement talent. At Extreme Rules next year Ryder, Ziggler, and D-Bry(and Swagger) will be punished for the poor Wrestlemania buyrate with a jobber on a pole match. The winner will be promised one televised win every 6 months to avoid jobber status. After D Bry wins HHH will come down in a suit, pedigree all of them, and future endeavor them the next day, including Daniel Bryan, and will try to paint it as the new montreal screwjob. Vince will sit in his chair, drink his scotch, and tell himself the fans are idiots and only he knows what fans really want. This my friends is not fantasy booking, this is the Vince Mcmahon way.
Miz is a shitty heel. He does not have the physical presence to be a monster, he hasnt shown he can be a diabolical sadistic type, he is OK as a chickenshit but not great. He could get over as an underdog babyface, when he ran back to the ring at MITB last year after it looked like he was really hurt, the crowd went nuts for him. Him being a heel is an absolute waste. I still cant believe that Miz vs. John Cena was the MAIN event at Wrestlemania. And of course it went on to be the worst main event in the history of the event.Damn Miz wrestled on Superstars. The mighty have fallen.
Damn Miz wrestled on Superstars. The mighty have fallen.'s a lot of concerns about releases obviously, since it's about that time of the year. Several bios were removed from, although we haven't confirmed if these were just storyline related since it was Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins removed as well as some NXT personalities. However, as one top star said to me, if you weren't on Wrestlemania or the European tour, there's cause for concern to be sure.
Besides Cena absolutely no one works harder doing promotional work than the Miz. He is constantly doing interviews, radio shows, charity events ect., (another reason why he should not be a heel) If Vince fired him after the massive effort he has put in to the company than Vince would truly be the biggest dickhead in the world. It is Vince though so it would not shock me.Now that Silent Rage is gone I'm feeling some cuts coming this week for sure. Usually they do these in groups. I'm wondering if Miz would go to TNA if WWE released him. Really doubt they would let the guy go, but you never know.
Besides Cena absolutely no one works harder doing promotional work than the Miz. He is constantly doing interviews, radio shows, charity events ect., (another reason why he should not be a heel) If Vince fired him after the massive effort he has put in to the company than Vince would truly be the biggest dickhead in the world. It is Vince though so it would not shock me.
Two parts of it are. Besides that, not really.Missed RAW. Worth finding?
Two parts of it are. Besides that, not really.
Both do, actually!Does one of those parts include the former Dr. Issac Yankem?
Kane and Randy Orton had a contract signing?Really nothing worthwhile on Raw. Maybe the contract signing ending. Only worthwhile thing on the entire show.
Not the same love, but still love, right?I just don't have the same love for Kane. Seeing Percy Pringle was cool though. He used to live pretty close to me.
I like you already Squash. Welcome to the FAMILY.I have always had a soft spot for Kain. Absolutely loved him when he didnt talk and just kicked ass. I absolutely hated it when he took off the mask. Without the mask he is just too normal. I like the look he has now with the welders mask on his entrance and the fact he "grew his hair back". That being said his feuds have sucked this year. The Cena feud was terrible and you could tell WWE saw it as filler before wrestlemania and treated it as such. The Orton feud was illogical as well but is getting better. A good brawl segment is never bad. Having Kane run away like a pussy was crap. Kane should always be booked as a monster.
I have always had a soft spot for Kain. Absolutely loved him when he didnt talk and just kicked ass. I absolutely hated it when he took off the mask. Without the mask he is just too normal. I like the look he has now with the welders mask on his entrance and the fact he "grew his hair back". That being said his feuds have sucked this year. The Cena feud was terrible and you could tell WWE saw it as filler before wrestlemania and treated it as such. The Orton feud was illogical as well but is getting better. A good brawl segment is never bad. Having Kane run away like a pussy was crap. Kane should always be booked as a monster.
Not the same love, but still love, right?
All I got out of that is that you think Kane is a future Hall of Famer. I agree, Kane is great.Hey I was into Kane when he debuted and afterwards for a year or two. All the crazy shit Russo was booking him to do was entertaining and when he debuted against Undertaker I marked out. But this is 2012. 14 years later. I don't need or want to see Kane ever again until he goes into the Hall of Fame.
All I got out of that is that you think Kane is a future Hall of Famer. I agree, Kane is great.
You're right, only the best.It's not like they are very picky on who they put in the Hall of Fame.
You're not a chef if you make pizzas. I'm also not applying to make pizzas by making a virtual one. What is wrong with you, Dominos?
Can't wait until they break out Sheamus' IRA gimmick.
Replacing King with Regal would be so much better.
Except it's a much better movie.You've heard Regal on commentary, right? It's like The King's Speech 2: Revenge of the Stutter.
What's this Taco Bell Live Mas shit?
I hope tacos fall from the ceiling.
Taco Bell.......Really?
Taco Bell call out? :lol :lol
AW breaks down the walls better than Jericho.
I was expecting them to come out with tacos in their hands.![]()
Taco Bell everyone.
Taco Bell.
Lost it at the Taco Bell cup explosion on the desk.
Remember when it was Miz putting over junk food on Raw?I love "dinosaur facts with Michael Cole and taco bell"
I don't blame them for showing this video package over and over again.
It's a great piece. Not surprisingly, the guy who put together the video package is a UFC fan.
Brodus Clay debuted as the Funkasaurus on January 9th and he has still yet to be in a feud or have more than 90 seconds of ring time in a match.
He needs to leave and go away for like...ever.
I didn't like this Raw very much.
Why is Zack Ryder still around?
The roster is crazy thin and Ryder is a warm body to throw in the ring without any thought put into his character what so ever.