A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
ok now we really need a new thread to save us from this madness.
This thread won't last through Raw.
ok now we really need a new thread to save us from this madness.
WTF said:On Garret Bischoff: "Hes a very very talented kid. I told him from the beginning, Look you are going to have to be better than the next guy because people are going to be so much more critical of you than they would anybody there. And I think because of that, its a really difficult position to be in, and I respect his guts because it does take a lotquite honestlyto be able to face that and all these critics. But the kids got talent, he really really does. Just like others, hes been cycled into a solid storyline, and theres ebbs and flows to kind of keep people in the limelight. But hes no different than a Crimson whos on a great winning streak or a Magnus. Theres a handful of other guys that we have who are new that we are trying to break. And I think its unjust to give him that criticism when no one is saying that about a Gunner, or a Crimson, or a Magnus. And his in-ring abilities are equal to those guys.
This thread won't last through Raw.
I do feel bad about when some folks here post at length about some show they liked, or some match they watched etc. ..and no one gives a shit about them.
People get too busy going back and forth about silliness. And don't get me wrong, I love the sillyness too, but we should take the time to acknowledge the posters that are taking the time to share their experiences in between the fun. I try sometimes but I could be better at it. But yes, people here love to hug the spotlight. Lets face it, you can't all be Triple H. No one can!
One shocking WWE stat that was mentioned on Observer today is merchandise in WWE is down 58%(!) from this time last year.
It was just for the month of March. Also Meltzer did say that this was more due to last year being especially good than this year being particularly bad.
One shocking WWE stat that was mentioned on Observer today is merchandise in WWE is down 58%(!) from this time last year.
If someone gives me a thread title I will post a new thread.
Above all else, make sure Vince and the burning pile of money is in the OP.If someone gives me a thread title I will post a new thread.
This is my favorite part:The Best and Worst of WWE Extreme Rules '12
Worst: Figuring Out Why Ryback Doesn’t Work (Right Now)
I mentioned it earlier, but the easiest character to get over is probably “dominant guy who shows up out of nowhere and destroys everybody”...
Right now we’ve got Brodus Clay, Lord Tensai and Ryback doing this at the same time. Mason Ryan and Ezekiel Jackson just finished up their attempts, and guys like Antonio Cesaro are showing up and beating Tyson Kidd in 60 seconds on Smackdown and Husky Harris pulling a Cape Fear version of the act in FCW, so who knows who else’ll follow.
That makes the act commonplace, and the only thing that makes that character work is how special and different they are. I remember specifically cheering for Goldberg because he’d just show up and f**k guys up and leave without talking and getting into soapy storylines like everybody else. Skip Sheffield is a talented, occasionally brutal pro wrestler and I feel bad that he’s cosmetically the least interesting of the “big 3″ … he’s not racist dinosaur with a crew of oddities and he’s not the big white penis lookin’ fella from Japan who spits Mountain Dew and has tattoos on his face. He’s just a really muscular guy in Rob Van Dam’s old clothes. It’s unfortunate, and hopefully they’ll have him go face-to-face with Wade Barrett whenever Wade’s healed, have them stare at each other menacingly for several seconds and then just have Ryback blush and go “awww man I’m just kiddin’, yip yip yip what it do” and they’ll go back to being undercard violence friends.
One shocking WWE stat that was mentioned on Observer today is merchandise in WWE is down 58%(!) from this time last year.
What happened to Mr. Sam making the new threads? What's funnier? HHH involving himself in the Brock program or HHH coming back because Cena is taking time off and they haven't made any new stars so Vince is freaking out without his Cena on tv.
This thread is a sad state of affairs. Deuces WrassleGAF.
You're supposed to reveal that you're wearing a gaudy MMA shirt before turning on them. God, we really botched this invasion angle. Is this a taped segment?
Lol the guy next him in the white blazer is the same guy from last year's MITB and the events since. Hope he washes that jacket.
Invasion angles almost always suck anyways. Except for CZW vs ROH and NJPW vs UWFi.
I still say Gabe Sapolsky is the best booker in modern pro wrestling.
Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock)
Big fight scene today for PAIN & GAIN w/ my boy - Olympic Gold Medalist & wrestling MACHINE @RealKurtAngle. #Boots2Asses
Yeah, when Gabe keeps things simple and has the right talent he's undoubtedly one of the best today. I would love to see what ROH would look like in 2012 if Gabe were still in charge.
Punk also told a funny story about how after his match at Survivor Series, he walked by the Rock and said "follow that, a**hole." He wasn't even sure that the Rock knew who he was at the time. This picture from backstage at Mania is him saying the same thing to him. However, by this point they had already "talked it out", so it was more of a joke.
That's Kurt Angle? Wow! Where has he been all these years?Kurt Angle looks like a hobo they found off the street
I just posted this on the last page. Got ignored.Did you guys see on PWinsider:
BTW, I loved Punk's attire last night. The shirt was nice too.
That's Kurt Angle? Wow! Where has he been all these years?
I just posted this on the last page. Got ignored.http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37441268&postcount=18041
I like Punk purely on skills/talent basis, but he seems kind of like a douche IRL reading stories like that and how he hates talking to fans etc.
What? He looks great for a guy in his forties.Kurt aged bad man.
He seemed pretty cool when he signed my hat at Wrestlemania 24.
Gabe Sapolsky caught onto social media as a booking tool long before anyone else even acknowledged it.
At today's Impact tapings, the word about the "new concept" that Hulk Hogan was been saying would "change the business" and be "momentum-shifting" is something where TNA will be calling on their fans to film TNA wrestlers whenever they may encounter them, in or out of the ring.
It almost sounds like a TMZ-style "paparazzi" thing, with people trying to film the every move of the TNA wrestlers.
Early reports are that the idea isn't going over very well with the TNA locker room, with one person pointing out that Hogan is perhaps the last person who should promote something like this with the way his own personal videos are coming back to haunt him these days.
Rock is the one who looks great, Kurt looks homely, like a completely different person.What? He looks great for a guy in his forties.
You never who is a complete natural at what he does? Kane. He made Zack look like a nerd this Sunday without even trying!Punk just needs to stop trying so hard to come across as a "rebel." You follow the company line. "I once told Rock to 'follow that', then I laughed with him later about it when I explained to him that it was a joke."
Stop trying.
Not sure how true this is:
Definitely - that whole Project 161 stuff leading up to ROH's 161st show and the debut of the Age of the Fall was amazing, like a little ARG across social media, with no one really sure if it was all a work or not.
Hilarious. Best moment of the night aside from Cena's triumph.
Rock has a lot more money, is taking steroids or something like them, and Rock probably just got done in makeup.Rock is the one who looks great, Kurt looks homely, like a completely different person.
It honestly amazes me how a guy as soft spoken as Glenn Jacobs can do such a good job at being Kane. Ryder should get buried every show.You never who is a complete natural at what he does? Kane. He made Zack look like a nerd this Sunday without even trying!
Rock has a lot more money, is taking steroids or something like them, and Rock probably just got done in makeup.