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Are many cures for cancer just doomed?


Looking at the shitshow by big pharma, government and the media during the pandemic, yeah, they're doomed.
Pharmaceutical companies don't make money curing diseases. They make money treating diseases. Humans don't have a great track record of completely eradicating diseases anyway. There's only two that have been completely eradicated to date, smallpox and rinderpest. Best we seem to be able to do is reduce the number of people who die from them and the severity of their effects.
They cured polio as well to my knowledge. You're right though, humans don't cure much. I mean we haven't been able to find a cure to the common cold for hundreds of years, how are we managing with cancer?
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Gold Member
They cured polio as well to my knowledge. You're right though, humans don't cure much. I mean we haven't been able to find a cure to the common cold for hundreds of years, how are we managing with cancer?
Pretty close but not quite. There were 8 infections reported this week in Africa but the virus continues to live in the environment in many parts of the world. Poor sanitation, contaminated water and open sewage give the virus a place to live until it finds an unvaccinated host. Vaccination is definitely the key to ending it.


Pretty close but not quite. There were 8 infections reported this week in Africa but the virus continues to live in the environment in many parts of the world. Poor sanitation, contaminated water and open sewage give the virus a place to live until it finds an unvaccinated host. Vaccination is definitely the key to ending it.

Pakistan also decided to bring it back thanks to anti vaxxers



Once cures are found all the pharmaceutical companies will lose billions of dollars .
You do realize that people will still continue to get cancer and thus they would have new customers, correct? This is like saying a hospital will not stitch up your wound all the way because then you will not need them anymore.


Gold Member
Well, yes it is. But it is also a highly successful one if there are not many cancer cells present yet.
So, almost never.
Early diagnosis isn’t readily obtainable for most cancers, and even for those where it showed some real usefulness, what it has really improved is life expectancy after diagnosis, which is quite different from a reduction in actual overall mortality.
Many people won’t get checked for little, vague symptoms that may later be found to stem from cancer. Even when there’s some severe symptoms, a diagnosis may be severely delayed, especially in countries with no “free“ healthcare. At that point, chemo alone is practically useless. And even when it works, no doctor will ever dare declare you cancer-free, for the rest of your life. The disease can relapse after decades.
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