XS+ said:
Wherein my response did I dismiss anthropology, art, language, philosophy, psychology, and history? I fail to see the connection.
You said that my beliefs are "not grounded in reality". You are either presuming to know something that you
cannot know (i.e., that God doesn't exist), or you do not count the evidentiary lines that have informed my beliefs as "reality". Hence, my comment.
What "lines of evidence"? Evidence of god's existence? Where?
Again, I mentioned some of them by name, but in terms of providing specific examples from each, that would require me rehashing 5+ years of my thought process, which would be much more "labyrinthine" than what I've already posted.
If you think that it's possible for me to lay out 5+ years of my thoughts in attempting to "make the case for God", you're more insane than you suppose I am.

I can't do it unless I put my life on hold for at least a couple of months so I could write. Since that's not about to happen, you'll just have to make due with what I've stated in this thread (
none of which was "a case for God"), and realize that it is
entirely possible for rational and sane people to come to different conclusions on these matters.
The point being, there is no conflicting evidence to lead a rational and sane individual to believe that there is a god.
Wrong. Last I checked, I was rational, and I was sane. I believe in God. All believers are insane? Quite the assertion.
So no rational and sane person can disagree with you on the notion of the existence of God? Interesting...
Beyond that, you've again clearly missed the aim of my posts up until this point, which were
not concerned with providing said "conflicting evidence".
Don't condescend to me. I read your entire post, and I'm fairly confident I received your intended premise.
I honestly have
no idea how you get that I was "condescending to you" from my post. It wasn't my intention, and I'm reasonably certain that most people wouldn't have interpreted it that way (referring to the portion of my post that you quoted to substantiate this claim). All I was saying is that I understand what
you're saying, and I
honestly feel that the answers to such question were contained in my previous posts; since if I tried to explain myself again, it would only come out looking roughly like what I've already posted, I stated that perhaps you should go read it again. That's not an insult-- when I said that I understand that my posts can be convoluted (perhaps unnecessarily-- though not purposely-- so), I was
being honest. It was in no way a sarcastic remark along the lines of "har har, you're too stoopid to undertand what I said, d00d!!!1"-- I'm not like that. That said, however, if I honestly feel like I've stated the crux of the matter several times already, and since I
do have other obligations besides this board, I figured it would be better for you to just look over the post again rather than spending another hour of my time typing out a differently phrased explanation.
Is that acceptable to you?

I really don't get where you were coming from with that comment. If I wanted to condescend to you, it would be clear, not ambiguous (and that's being generous), as the quote you offered as proof of my supposed condescension was. I meant no harm. In other words, I feel that the way I originally explained it
was the best that I could do, so what's the point in wasting hours of my time only to do a worse job of it the second time around? That's not condescension...
No. The non-existence of god is as accepted a truth as the transparency of water, the blue hue of a clear sky, and so on and so on and so on
Again, define "accepted". Accepted by whom? Accepted since when? You
did say that atheism was a "time-tested" belief, you know; I attempted to speak to that assertion.
Even if you limit "acceptance" to the academic/scientific community (which would be quite presumptuous, but I'll grant it), it is still the case that it was only from the late 19th century onward where a
majority (i.e. > 50%) of academics and scientists held to atheistic doctrine. So, we have a span of ~130 years where your statement would hold (
only for the scientific community, mind you). Considering the length of recorded history, 130 years is quite a short time indeed. Ergo, your statement-- that atheism is "an accepted truth that has stood the test of time"-- is fallacious.
And besides, if you only admit of the "acceptance" of scientists, who, as a group, are necessarily beholden to a scientific mentality (or at least place a great deal of emphasis on evidence that arises from science-- never mind that that evidence is
merely inferential of God's non-existence, not "scientific" as classically understood; reread my posts if you're unclear on this), we then go back to square one, where I attempted to show why I personally feel that the "evidence" from science for God's non-existence carries
no more weight than the non-scientific "evidence" for his existence/non-existence (
all of which is then open to personal interpretation , as I said to Mumbles).
I live in the real world, brother -- and there ain't no god here.
I live in the real world, too, "brother". Nice to meet you.
Why the vehemence, btw? Did I come in here attempting to "prove" that what I personally believe is "right" or "true"? Did I attempt to convert you? Did I denigrate
your beliefs? No, I did none of this. All I did was attempt to elaborate upon
my own general thought
process on these matters, and to give a perspective on things that perhaps others have not considered. We
are allowed to offer our opinions and perspectives here, are we not? Since that's all I was doing, I find your continued insistence and antagonism, how shall we say...curmudgeonly? You're obviously under no obligation to agree with my thought process as expressed in my original post. That's why we're human beings-- we all have different thought processes and, hence, opinions. No harm, no foul.
Until then, though, I will regard the religious as nothing more than people who allow whimsical interpretations of physical phenomena to trump logic.
This, more than anything else you've said, clearly illustrates that you have
not at all grasped what I've been saying. The distinctions (and the responses to such statements as this) are in my previous posts, if you care to find them.
XS+ said:
By the way, Loki, you really should pare down your posts. They're needlessly labyrinthine.
We all have our faults. Some more than others.
mumbles said:
You say that, but then you write...
Originally Posted by Loki:
Then again, "disbelief" of God is just as much of an inference as belief is-- the only difference between myself and an atheist is that one of us chooses to place tremendous stock in the empirical world, and one of us chooses to view it as equal (but not above) all the other lines of evidence alluded to.
And again, I'm not saying that you attempted to prove the existance of gods. I'm saying that the latter quote is not necessarily true. For example, I'd consider philosophy and my own experiences to be far more damaging to the notion of gods existing than science is, and the whole to be catastrophic to the notion
Ah, ok. I see how that particular quote of mine could be construed that way; I apologize. I was referring to atheists who mostly point to science as "proof" of the non-existence of God (and are adamant about it), not those who examine the sum total of the evidence and arrive at the conclusion that there is no God (as you have). I'm perfectly fine with that, and my stance as expressed in this thread is amenable to such interpretations. The rest of what I would say is in my previous reply to you.
My "stance" is amenable to agnosticism as well as what would, I guess, be called "weak" atheism (i.e., one stating that they
believe that there is no God). "Strong" atheism, where one dogmatically asserts that God's non-existence is a
fact (as XS+ has), like the existence of gravity is, is not only irreconcilable with
my stance, but is also not reconcilable with the facts. Again, science is not an epistemology, and God cannot be studied empirically. Nor can science offer 100% positive "proof" of
anything, whether that something is within its purview (such as attempting to describe physical phenomena) or is not (as in attempting to speak of metaphysical notions/supernatural phenomena, such as God).
I'm still waiting for XS+ to show me, precisely, how "the idea that 'god' exists is not immune to fundamental scientific scrutiny."
Dunno what else to say, really. All that I wanted to say was said in my first couple of posts in the thread, yet some people (I'm not naming names

) are still misinterpreting my statements and my aim in elaborating upon my beliefs. We're all free to disagree with one another, and my intention was
never to either "prove" the existence of God (or to advance ANY arguments towards that end, which I have NOT done), or to "prove" that my personal thought process, as expressed in this thread, is "true/right/correct". It's just my personal belief.