belgurdo said:
Outside of my father's stupid random rants about how he thinks the Klan funds Masonic lodges or some shit, and a visit to the biggest temple in Indy (Scottish Rite Cathedral) showing me that there seems to be some kind of Good Ol' Boys Club kinda thing of sorts going down, I know absolutely nothing about Masons. There's a ton of lodges around here though, and mostly cater to older blacks from what I've seen
I live in Indiana as well, Merrillville to be exact. I know exactly what building you are talking about, back to the topic. I've read this today
Yeah. Basically its like a band of masons all over the world that in jist plan on ruling the world (which is going on now to a significant extent) through their connections and their understandinf of life, depending on how far you go in your knowledge of the 33 degrees of wisdom, you know the real truths to life and so forth as a full-fledged Mason. I cant recall the name of the steps right now. But, like every president the United States we have ever had were Masons. Meaning they had some level of the 33 degrees of the circle of knowledge. They never let you know really what that is, but basically one thing I understand is that they know that the REAL son of God is the actual SUN. In the sky. They basically see that as the single greatest physical creation that serves every aspect of life. Which really makes sense when you think about it. A lot of their wisdom comes from the understanding of ancient Egypt, and supposedly there were some extra-terrestrial beings that assisted the ancient Eqyptians in the building of the pyramids and so forth.
It might sound like some weird shit, but its realer than you'd imagine. Thats why the pyramid symbol is on the American dollar bill. And the symbol of the freemasons is a sun, with something wrapped around it that I cant think of at this moment. But that masonry is real deep . When the atlantic slave trade began, the main thing the European slave traders demanded, was that the African slaves, and even the White Americans for that matter, but everybody within distance of the African slaves were to have absolutely NO knowledge of the Islam practices and the indigenuos religions, that the Africans had for centuries previous up until then. Even though the founding fathers of the Declaration of Independence were all full fledged freemasons of Moslem shriners. And the thinking is, that they had the real knowledge of life and human existence, and they knew that they wouldnt be able to succesfully enslave the Africans, if they worshipped God and God only, and had any knowledge of who they were previous to enslavement. Because many of those same West and central African muslims and masons were conquering Europeans for a good number of centuries preceeding that. And all of it ties back into the masonry.
I know the president shit is true, but the rest. I'm not sure. Anybody else got info