Currently making my way through Voyager. I'm at the end of Season 2. But she has already slept with 2 of her senior officers. That's only 25% of the way through the show. How many more officers will she bone?
In Threshold, her and Tom Paris run off to a planet together. When the crew finds them,they discover that they had been fucking like crazy and even have kids together. They leave the kids behind and then laugh it off. But she mated with her helmsman (a traitor at that).
In Resolutions: It is pretty clear that by the end of the episode, her and Chakotay had been intimate. Stranded alone for 3 months on a peaceful world. Chakotay, a handsome and charming dude, dedicates his life to making Janeway happy. They hold hands and at the end are way up in each other's space. They're both sad when they're rescued because they know their relationship has to end and they have to go back to normal. But Chakotay knows there is coffee up in Janeway's nebula. He was tasting it regularly.
In Threshold, her and Tom Paris run off to a planet together. When the crew finds them,they discover that they had been fucking like crazy and even have kids together. They leave the kids behind and then laugh it off. But she mated with her helmsman (a traitor at that).
In Resolutions: It is pretty clear that by the end of the episode, her and Chakotay had been intimate. Stranded alone for 3 months on a peaceful world. Chakotay, a handsome and charming dude, dedicates his life to making Janeway happy. They hold hands and at the end are way up in each other's space. They're both sad when they're rescued because they know their relationship has to end and they have to go back to normal. But Chakotay knows there is coffee up in Janeway's nebula. He was tasting it regularly.