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Are you: Alpha, Beta, Omega, Gamma, or Sigma Male?

Which type?

  • Alpha

    Votes: 13 11.0%
  • Beta

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • Omega

    Votes: 63 53.4%
  • Gamma

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Sigma

    Votes: 26 22.0%

  • Total voters

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Which one are you?

Alpha: You are confident and your own man. you do your own thing and have complete confidence in everything you do. You have your self doubts, but you don't let it cloud your judgment and logic. You are well liked by almost everyone, and you just have an easy charm and swagger about your presence. women are drawn to your charisma and presence. You enjoy being social and having lots of people around. You are a natural leader.

Beta: You are kind of shy and introverted and not very confident in yourself. You are constantly plagued by insecurities and self-doubts and you can never commit to anything in the fear that you will fail in it. You are somewhat liked by people but they tend to look at you rather condescendingly and woman tend to friendzone you. You are nervous around other people and social situations because you're always afraid that people are judging you. You are a born follower.

Omega: You are the polar opposite of the alpha male, but in a good way. Like the alpha male you are confident, intelligent and have a sense of charisma about you, but unlike the alpha male, you are completely your own person. You do not need anyone, and you can even be emotionally distant due to your complete self-possession. You trust few people and foster even fewer intimate relationships. omegas do not care for leadership by others as they are perfectly capable of leading themselves

Gamma Male: You are sort of the "invisible" guy. there is nothing really spectacular about you. You are not a beta, but neither are you an alpha. Your personality and presence usually blends in with the rest of the room and you're just sort of...there. People like you just fine and you usually don't have too much trouble with girls, but all the same, there is nothing particularly memorable or remarkable about you. You are not a born leader nor a inherent follower, although you can take on those tasks depending on the situation.

Sigma Male: You are a manipulative mastermind. You are a spider waiting to lay your trap. You possess a cunning, intuitive mind and can sway people to your will. You don't have the casual swagger of the alpha or the omega but you do have a clever presence about you and people tend to be both wary and respect you for that. You can often be even more powerful than the alpha or the omega male in social situations due to your ability to persuade and manipulate them. You are neither a follower or a leader but rather a wild card.


Non-joke answer?

I'm the dude who mouths off to the alpha in any clique and either wins him over by doing so, or has him threaten to kick my ass. I'm very divisive as a result, and tend to keep to myself. Definitely not invisible but also have people tell me how unique I am for better or worse.

Sigma male sounds about right.


I hold qualities of them all. Unless someone wants to say what I am?*

*Not brap he'll say I'm beta as fuck.
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Humans are more complex than a single descriptor or I'm just an outlier to such classification systems. I can be almost any of those at any given time or crowd or mood I'm in. For example from one work or friends or family group to another the dynamics change based on each hierarchical ladder within. They should introduce Chameleon as a character class.
Humans are more complex than a single descriptor or I'm just an outlier to such classification systems. I can be almost any of those at any given time or crowd or mood I'm in. For example from one work or friends or family group to another the dynamics change based on each hierarchical ladder within. They should introduce Chameleon as a character class.
This is true.

In certain groups and situations you can be the alpha male that everybody looks up to.

But then, you can be a piece of shit that everybody just makes fun of five minutes later in a completely other group that operates by a different set of rules.


A sigma male who is usually posing as an alpha?

While I am generally well liked and have "that natural charm" I really don't care much for most people and can be very manipulative if I want to. Which I rarely want thankfully.

I don't want leader roles, though I have almost always been that guy who is best friends with the leader of the group and have an impactful influence on him even if the friendship is mutual and I don't manipulate him, I am not Grima Wormtongue after all.

Don't generally care much for these "personality type" tests but this was a new one I had not seen before so I gave it an honest response.


Omega best describes me. I don't really have friends, distrust people in general and am a *tad* anti-authority. Ok, I'm extremely anti-authority. But the people who do have my trust have my sword (so to speak) unequivocally. Until they piss me off. Then it's IRL ignore list (oddly enough I don't use ignore functions online). Nothing like looking someone in the eyes I don't like and walking away while they try to talk to me heh. I don't pretend to like anyone unless paid to do so and coworkers are seldom spared. That's one aspect of my current job I enjoy, very little client interaction and am generally left to my own devices to get shit done.



from one of the best films ever made (so fucking underappreciated) delivered by dwight fucking schrute
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from one of the best films ever made (so fucking underappreciated) delivered by dwight fucking schrute
Calling Transformers one of the best movies ever made ?



omega. Fuck illegitimate authority and bullies.
Non-joke answer?

I'm the dude who mouths off to the alpha in any clique and either wins him over by doing so, or has him threaten to kick my ass. I'm very divisive as a result, and tend to keep to myself. Definitely not invisible but also have people tell me how unique I am for better or worse.

Sigma male sounds about right.
That’s the way I understand it. sigmas and Omegas keep alphas in Check.


Golden Boy
I am a confident, pretty fearless person, leading a successful marriage. Job is also successful. Sports is successful.
So I’d put myself as an alpha.
Edit: re-reading the OP Omega would fit better

A mix of Gamma male/Omega?
Anyone posting on Reee is a beta
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omega. Fuck illegitimate authority and bullies.

That’s the way I understand it. sigmas and Omegas keep alphas in Check.

Yeah I read up on it some more.

Sounds like Sigmas are the dudes who absolutely have the ability to own the room, but are just as likely to sit in their heads if they don't feel like joining in on the conversation. They hold a disdain for being told what to do, are often labelled as contrarians, and while they do have friends, they very much prefer spending the majority of their time alone. People think this is weird and mysterious, as a result.

Fits me to a tittle, honestly. I definitely have a lot of deeply rooted insecurities too, but I'm anything but the follower type. My friends get so pissed at me for just how often I go against the grain. They find it annoying, frankly. Just as annoying as I do when they kiss the ass of the two larger, actively agressive dudes of our clique (who showcase just how insecure they are once I attack them head on). Life is funny like that.

Not sure what the differences between sigma and omega would be. I'd like to know more.
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