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Are you interested in CoD: Finest Hour?


Call of Duty: Finest Hour that is, the console release of the PC FPS hit Call of Duty. It's been too quiet about this game, although I'm not particularly worried about it being delayed. Maybe it's just a lack of interest at these forums, with all the other great games being released this fall/winter? :/

I'm really looking forward to it, just because I never played the PC version. I don't like to use the term 'version' though, since they seem to be reworking the original PC game a lot, adding and changing the game to make it more suitable for consoles. It will definitely not be a straight port (not technically either) which I really appreciate.

As I said, I haven't played and only seen a bit of the PC original, simply because I don't have a PC that's good enough to run the game at a decent setting. But I've heard so many good things about CoD, and because of that I'm hyped about CoD: Finest Hour. Supposed to be released November 16 IIRC. Unless it turns out mediocre, I'll definitely have to pick it up. :)

How about you?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Nope, and I thought Call of Duty was overrated. It was great for the first couple hours but shit, I think I've had enough action after that

I think I'm completely done with first person shooters that are based on a war
I loved Call of Duty...But Finest War doesn't look too hot visually...And it doesn't really look like Call of Duty to me...I think it could benefit from a delay actually.
EDIT: Actually no.

Infinity Ward did Call of Duty on the PC...

Gray Matter is doing Call of Duty: United Offensive on the PC...

Spark Unlimited is doing Call of Duty: Finest Hour on the PS2, GCN, and Xbox


works for Gamestop (lol)
Thought so. So they're just gonna use the Call of Duty name until people are sick of it :p


Time ta STEP IT UP
I'm interesting in Call of Duty: United Offensive, but I've seen absolutely no media of Call of Duty: Finest Hour?

COD is truly THE BEST WWII First Person shooter, and it would be a shame if the console versions are bastardized.
Yeah Finest Hour has been in a hole...I've seen a few in-game shots...A CG trailer, and a few gameplay movies, mainly of someone driving a tank. From what I've seen, it doesn't really look like Call of Duty to me.







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