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ARGH. Anyone else having trouble opening threads?

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In firefox (only here at work, home this almost never happens) some threads today just freeze the browser. If I leave it alone for like 5 minutes eventually the page will load and the browser unfreezes.

I open the same threads in IE, and the page freezes after a couple of posts and again the browser won't respond for a few minutes.

Today it seems that most of the bigger threads are like this, and the only thing I can think of is how my profile space here at work is messed up so I have to have very small caches for my browsers, but how can that hurt anything?

One example is slick's "Anyone besides me see a real deal terrorist event happening in Athens?" thread. If I click it in Firefox, the whole page freezes. If I open it in IE, the first couple of posts show up (Belfasts is the last) and then it stops dead. If I leave it a few minutes another few posts will render (again Belfasts is the last new post) and it freezes again.

Is this happening to anyone else??? God it's annoying. :|
Isn't it counter effective to get a response about not loading threads...in a thread?

My only guess is it has to do with the avatars or something...


this happened to me for a little bit for some reason, but then it went away on its own. i don't know if it's the exact same problem or anything and i don't know what fixed it, so i guess i'm not of much help.
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