Need to go read the spec thread and see how many geniuses had pegged L_P as scum.
It was more that we pegged Bronx as being his usual scummy self if anything. I knew it wasn't true but I was really hoping Penguin was the most diabolical master mind ever.
I've been scum once in my entire Mafia career.
You're always honorary scum in my heart, you always play to their win con <3
Plus then Faddy dies and it comes down to who can convince Penguin, Bronx or LP and LP might as well have not been playing so Bronx may have actually brought a win home for town. But alas, town stays losing.Yeah, but no lynching removes one variable from the game. At which point you do as Sorian says and stop and rethink everything.
Also, I still stand by my original thought all the way back on like day 2 or 3. The fuck is a bat-mite
The fuck is a Bat-mite
GG scum. Proud of you. Honestly I thought you were toast the day phase after I died. I was able to guess the entire scum team from it, but no one ever brought it up.
Plus then Faddy dies and it comes down to who can convince Penguin, Bronx or LP and LP might as well have not been playing so Bronx may have actually brought a win home for town. But alas, town stays losing.
I offered my read of LP and you still kept your vote on me!
People would rather keep in a damn inactive than trust a Bronx read! Sad!
Just gonna leave this here.
GG scum team, L_P is MVP.
Just gonna leave this here.
GG scum team, L_P is MVP.
Dr. Worm
I blame the wiki page for bat-mite. Most discussion about him on there indicates he's an antagonist lol I just figured it was a way for fran to neuter my ability a little.Congratulations scum buddies!
We did it! I'm still in complete disbelief that you let a character with "bat" in its name alive for three days...
now it makes sense O_OBATMITE
You are Catwoman and you are part of the Batman Family (That means you are mafia).
You are Selina Kyle, a master thief and also long time lover of Batman. And Halle Berry didnt played you in a movie. That never happened. At all.
You are a Thief. Every night you may use the command Steal:<Playername> and if your target has an item you will gain that item at the start of the next day phase. Also you are a Secret Partner. You are not still a full-fledged member of the scum team. Your partners don't know who you are. You will become a full fledged member of the scum team if you are targeted by the rest of the scum team.
Like all the scum kill you also have the command Arrest:<Playername> to make a night kill but you can't use this command until you become a full-fledged member of the scum team or if you are the last scum remaining in the game
Your teammates are REDACTED . You won't gain access to the scum chat until you become a full-fledged member of the scum team.
You also have the power to vote. Use Vote: <Playername> during the day phase. The usual drill.
The game thread is Here
You win when your team has a majority of the votes at the start of the Day Phase.
Welcome to Batman mafia!
You are Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman.
You are aligned with the heroes.
Sure, you may fur-ever be Gotham's best burglar, and have achieved many purr-fect heists, but in the end you tend to be on the good good side of the law just as much, purr-haps even more! ! But Batman having purr-suaded you to help him has this time un-fur-tunately gotten you in a cat-astrophic situation! You will need all your Claw-verness, Tail-ent and su-purr-ior skills to survive to tell the tail.
That doesnt mean you will fully give up your thieving ways though! Once during the game, you may send me the night command STEAL to go on a thieving spree. During that night, you will be unable to be targeted by any power. From that moment on, you will automatically go on a thieving spree every alternate night. So if you use the command on night 1, you will be impossible to target on night 3-5-7 and so on.
You win when all the villains are eliminated.
The thread can be found here
Please confirm you are ready to play by sending me a PM or by posting in the thread. If you have any questions, please send them to me! Have fun!
You make a good point. This really was a catastrophe.alright, now that this game is over, I can finally give my true opinion about this:
I mean, look at this:
Now look at this:
I really hope you learned from this disaster Fran![]()
Sorry doggo, but you had only one shot. And you already used.
But be glad because it was a really special moment. I have to admit that we had a good laugth when you shot Acohrs.
Thanks for the help with role confusion.
Any idea on awards?
you forgot this part:
I better get best underutilized powerTomorrow. Not close to a PC today.
I better get best underutilized power
Thanks town