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ARMS |OT| (’-‘)-------------

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I wonder where these ARMS Labs reports are going? Next DLC fighter announcement, I suppose?

It's interesting that they're covering Doctor C's research on Hedlok and now Twintelle's hair. Could C be attempting to create something? Imagine a Frankensteinian "Perfect Fighter"!

I'm more concerned that the people the lab sent to fetch fallen hair "never came back".
Loaded up the game today and an alternate version of the main theme played, that was crazy. Is that new with the update? I've never heard that before.

Edit: Oh wow. Sometimes when you load the game a version of theme will play with Ribbon Girl singing the vocals. That's cool.


Just had a double KO in GP. My punch landed first, but I still don't get a round?


Man I love this game, finally hit rank 10 tonight thanks to some poor guy who didn't know when he was beaten and just kept coming back for more!
Here's a question I'm not sure has been answered. How would custom gloves work for tournaments? Would people just have to bring their own Switch's, or is there a way to save your arms to an amiibo and carry it over to another Switch?

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
So we doing this online thing tonight? I'm scrubbed up and ready! I'm in the Discord if anyone wants to fire it up.

Party Mode win! First time my team has ever beaten Headlock. We all ganged up on him and did 3 rushes one after another! 1015 damage!


So we doing this online thing tonight? I'm scrubbed up and ready! I'm in the Discord if anyone wants to fire it up.

Party Mode win! First time my team has ever beaten Headlock. We all ganged up on him and did 3 rushes one after another! 1015 damage!



I am debating on playing ARMS or watching some anime today lol.


So we doing this online thing tonight? I'm scrubbed up and ready! I'm in the Discord if anyone wants to fire it up.

Party Mode win! First time my team has ever beaten Headlock. We all ganged up on him and did 3 rushes one after another! 1015 damage!


WTG! Take that, Hedlok!

I think Party Mode is by far my favorite way to play. You get the competition and the variety of game styles, but you don't get the pressure of Ranked.


So we doing this online thing tonight? I'm scrubbed up and ready! I'm in the Discord if anyone wants to fire it up.

Party Mode win! First time my team has ever beaten Headlock. We all ganged up on him and did 3 rushes one after another! 1015 damage!



That was some nice coordination. The max we had done as a combo against Hedlok was around 700 damage.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
WTG! Take that, Hedlok!

I think Party Mode is by far my favorite way to play. You get the competition and the variety of game styles, but you don't get the pressure of Ranked.

Yeah just popping in and out of Party Mode/Ranked is great fun. I hope this game doesn't go from Hero to Zero after Splatoon 2 release. I'm mostly buying Splatoon for my family, but I personally think I'm going to enjoy ARMS more over time for quick online play sessions.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Destroyed a Level 16 Max Brass to get to Level 12, felt so fresh.

Then I proceeded to lose three close matches in a row to a level 12 mummy, and then get absolutely destroyed by a level 16 Spring man. Dropped to level 11 again.. feels bad.
I'm very reluctant to change from using motion controls since I find them so fun in this game... but sometimes I'll see an opponent quickly dancing around obstacles to beat me and it's very obvious they are moving around more nimbly because of using the pro controller.
So I feel like I would do slightly better online using traditional controls but might still end up having less fun playing.. quite the conundrum! lol
So what's the best way to earn coins? I did the Grand Prix mode last night and got enough for just one of the mini games. Seems like it'd be a grind to do it that way?


Just had a double KO in GP. My punch landed first, but I still don't get a round?

Yeah I actually posted about a similar situation. You dont get invulnerability after your oponent gets koed (unlikr other fighting games), meaning you can get koed yourself after your oponent.


So what's the best way to earn coins? I did the Grand Prix mode last night and got enough for just one of the mini games. Seems like it'd be a grind to do it that way?

What's the fastest if you're not good lol

Party mode yields 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss, with bonus points for playing lots of games without disconnecting, and for win streaks. It has a hidden ranking system that will try to get you in rooms with evenly matched opponents. After that kicks in, you can rack up a lot of coins by just hanging out and playing, even if you're not great at the game.

Also, you will become better at the game with practice, and the coins will come quicker, especially when you make a breakthrough and wreck a party mode room for a session :)


Junior Member
WTG! Take that, Hedlok!

I think Party Mode is by far my favorite way to play. You get the competition and the variety of game styles, but you don't get the pressure of Ranked.

Same here. Party mode is the best. I have barely touched ranked.

I'm very reluctant to change from using motion controls since I find them so fun in this game... but sometimes I'll see an opponent quickly dancing around obstacles to beat me and it's very obvious they are moving around more nimbly because of using the pro controller.
So I feel like I would do slightly better online using traditional controls but might still end up having less fun playing.. quite the conundrum! lol

I stand up and use motion controls so I feel like I am at least getting a little exercise while playing.

I hope in a future update it indicates what kind of controls are being used. I think using the pro controller would be mord advantageous but I have too much fun doing motion controls that I won't ever switch.
So what's the best way to earn coins? I did the Grand Prix mode last night and got enough for just one of the mini games. Seems like it'd be a grind to do it that way?

The coins you get for Grand Prix (or any Versus matches against the CPU) scale up with the CPU difficulty. Levels 4/5 (which are not too hard to clear with no rematches once you learn the mechanics) award 60 coins per clear, which is about on pace with what an average player will get in a similar time frame (45 minutes to an hour) in Party Mode. Even if you're not that good, Party Mode throws a lot of bonuses or crapshoot modes your way to give you a boost.

Arms Test (under Versus) is slower at first since it starts you against low-level CPUs whenever you lose your streak, awarding few coins, but it keeps things interesting by randomizing your arms every round, saving you the downtime of setting loadouts if you want a good grinding session that stabilizes at your skill level. It feels relaxed enough, yet quick enough from one round to the next, that it makes up for the slower trickle of coins. Ranked is fastest, but it's somewhat win-dependent, and it gets intense enough that I understand if you don't want to sit down with it for long sessions.


Absolutely had a blast tonight playing this with the wife, it was our first time playing it since we just got our system yesterday. Great fun and really entertaining characters. She was so excited playing it, it made our night and really sold her on the system now.


Junior Member
Absolutely had a blast tonight playing this with the wife, it was our first time playing it since we just got our system yesterday. Great fun and really entertaining characters. She was so excited playing it, it made our night and really sold her on the system now.

Playing 2 player on party mode online is really fun. I play with my son and daughter. I use motion and they use a controller so they pass the controller and take turns. I love when we are teamed up in 2 vs 2

This is even better than Mario Kart IMO


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Man fuck the ranked quitters in this game. Gah it's infuriating when you're one punch away from winning and then the guy against you just quits. Is there even a penalty for quitting?
Man fuck the ranked quitters in this game. Gah it's infuriating when you're one punch away from winning and then the guy against you just quits. Is there even a penalty for quitting?

They probably didn't get the memo that the disconnection penalty was bumped up to be more severe in the last patch. Their loss.
1-on-100 with Master Mummy is the biggest bunch of horseshit I've played in a game in quite awhile. He's just too goddamn big and slow. Since he doesn't get knocked down, once those assholes with the double retorchers show up it's death by a thousand cuts. You can't block effectively because the auto-targeting is shit and there's always some stray enemy on your left or right who will throw a grab at you as soon as you've been blocking for more than half a second. I really need some better arms for him, a popper or cracker would be good, but I just keep retrying anyway hoping I'll get lucky or something.

Has anyone here beat it with him? Tips?
1-on-100 with Master Mummy is the biggest bunch of horseshit I've played in a game in quite awhile. He's just too goddamn big and slow. Since he doesn't get knocked down, once those assholes with the double retorchers show up it's death by a thousand cuts. You can't block effectively because the auto-targeting is shit and there's always some stray enemy on your left or right who will throw a grab at you as soon as you've been blocking for more than half a second. I really need some better arms for him, a popper or cracker would be good, but I just keep retrying anyway hoping I'll get lucky or something.

Has anyone here beat it with him? Tips?

I actually found him one of the easiest characters to run this with: I cleared it on the first try (whereas I ran into trouble with other characters who serve me better in fights), and Mummy delivered my second-best time on 1v100 overall behind Mechanica.

That Mummy doesn't get knocked down when he stays on the ground is something you can use to your advantage: it means nothing breaks your flow. I ran it with Megaton on the left and Hydra on the right, using Hydra offensively and Megaton as an all-purpose counter-punch. (Don't block incoming punches, just counter.) The sheer size of a charged Megaton makes targeting/accuracy against the Helix enemies a non-issue. If you position yourself well, you can usually punch through enemies you're not even targeting, so you don't need to fuss around with tabbing around to focus the one you want to hit. Heal up with the guard on top of the green ring of health replenishment every 10 KOs. Stay on the edge of the ring otherwise, and you won't get flanked.
I actually found him one of the easiest characters to run this with: I cleared it on the first try (whereas I ran into trouble with other characters who serve me better in fights), and Mummy delivered my second-best time on 1v100 overall behind Mechanica.

That Mummy doesn't get knocked down when he stays on the ground is something you can use to your advantage: it means nothing breaks your flow. I ran it with Megaton on the left and Hydra on the right, using Hydra offensively and Megaton as an all-purpose counter-punch. (Don't block incoming punches, just counter.) The sheer size of a charged Megaton makes targeting/accuracy against the Helix enemies a non-issue. If you position yourself well, you can usually punch through enemies you're not even targeting, so you don't need to fuss around with tabbing around to focus the one you want to hit. Heal up with the guard on top of the green ring of health replenishment every 10 KOs. Stay on the edge of the ring otherwise, and you won't get flanked.

Thanks, I was actually already trying to do most of what you said, but I find the megaton can't bail me out half of the time because of retorcher or phoenix shots come in from the side. I seem to take the most damage at the start of a round when 3 new guys spawn directly in front of me and it auto-targets the center guy. I go for him and about half the time he dodges out of the way and one of the enemies on the left or right of me start fucking me up with charged punches that I can't block or dodge because I'm waiting for my slow ass arms to return. After I get about 60 deep they just start wearing me down like this. Hydra would be nice but I don't have it yet for MM so I've been rotating my right arm weapon to find something that works and seem to have the most luck with the retorcher. I got Hedlock down to like 10% earlier, so I'll luck out and get it eventually.

I can't believe you had an easy time with it, at around 70 or 80 the enemies get aggressive as hell with me and I feel immobile and helpless because the punches are coming from all sides. I beat all the other characters without too much trouble because I could jump and dodge my way out of bad situations, but with MM I feel trapped. I'll keep trying!


Honest Game Trailers did a good piece on this game, especially the part of how the game punishes you unless you are literally a black belt in the art of arms fighting...

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Just got this game...guess I'm gonna try and learn Kid Cobra, he just clicked with me.

Any advice? Having a bit of trouble getting used to his charge + faster dash gimmick.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Just got this game...guess I'm gonna try and learn Kid Cobra, he just clicked with me.

Any advice? Having a bit of trouble getting used to his charge + faster dash gimmick.

Hmm, I don't play Cobra but some overall tips:

  • Play Party Mode a lot to get used to things
  • Try to work your way through GP 1,2,3,4 to unlock Ranked Mode. Ranked mode is exhilarating! But definitely get your feet underneath you with Party Mode a lot first.
  • ARMS Test mode and 1v100 are also great modes to get your feet wet.
  • Motion controls take some learning, like more than just a few sessions. You gotta work at it. If it doesn't click with you don't sweat it, just go to button controls, it's all good.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Thing is the motion controls clicked for me pretty quickly...I mean there are a few issues here and there, but it seemed natural.

Plus it's a nice way to work a bit on my rail-thin arms lol.


Wait, what's this about Mechanica having a sister, and Twintelle being "dangerous?" What's this about a Dr. C? What's this, what's this!
Just got this game...guess I'm gonna try and learn Kid Cobra, he just clicked with me.

Any advice? Having a bit of trouble getting used to his charge + faster dash gimmick.
Wait until your opponent attacks, jump and doge then toss left then right really quick. Works against 90% of opponents.

Cobra is the best.
Love the game. Slowly getting better. Not sure what to do with Splatoon 2 coming out. I fear I will drop ARMS and I don't want to do that but Splatoon 2 is definitely at the top of my list. I don't have that much time to play games either.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Love the game. Slowly getting better. Not sure what to do with Splatoon 2 coming out. I fear I will drop ARMS and I don't want to do that but Splatoon 2 is definitely at the top of my list. I don't have that much time to play games either.

Yeah I'm a teacher on summer break, I'm afraid what I'm gong to do come end of September and its back to school, plus I'm starting Graduate classes the day after Mario Kingdom Battle! Lol, I'm soaking it up while I can.

Fall is going to be crazy. I'm taking the night off from ARMS tonight to continue Dragon Quest VIII. Its a pipe dream to finish it before school starts, but with Splatoon 2 on Friday... nah. Loving ARMS though, can't wait to bring it to school and play it with students during Lunch this year!
Yeah I'm a teacher on summer break, I'm afraid what I'm gong to do come end of September and its back to school, plus I'm starting Graduate classes the day after Mario Kingdom Battle! Lol, I'm soaking it up while I can.

Fall is going to be crazy. I'm taking the night off from ARMS tonight to continue Dragon Quest VIII. Its a pipe dream to finish it before school starts, but with Splatoon 2 on Friday... nah. Loving ARMS though, can't wait to bring it to school and play it with students during Lunch this year!

Sounds fun! They should really enjoy that. What grade?

So you're going to put ARMS aside for Splatoon as well? You're in Discord, right? I am as well (cire). I need to add everyone.
Wait, what's this about Mechanica having a sister, and Twintelle being "dangerous?" What's this about a Dr. C? What's this, what's this!

As far as I'm aware, the only family of Mechanica that we're aware of is her father.

ARMS Labs researchers have been sent to get samples of Twintelle's hair. They've all vanished without a trace...

Dr. C spearheaded the Hedlok project and is presumably an important figure at ARMS Labs. Nobody's seen them in person before.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Sounds fun! They should really enjoy that. What grade?

So you're going to put ARMS aside for Splatoon as well? You're in Discord, right? I am as well (cire). I need to add everyone.

I teach middle school, so 6-8th grade. Yeah I'll be in the Splatoon discord on Friday, I'll probably encourage people in there over the weekend to take a break from Splatoon and hop into ARMS!


Like usual SwitchGAF often echoes my thoughts. When Splatoon 2 comes out I'm definately gonna be into it hardcore for a while, but will for sure come back later for more Arms :)
I really like playing Ranked, going back to Grand Prix to grind coins just doesn't do it for me anymore. It's either braindead easy or the AI is too much lol
Damn I am already busy with ARMS, Anime, and summer work. Juggling Splatoon is gonna be rough. I haven't even beaten Zelda lmao.

I am probably gonna schedule my time with games I am gonna play. I am already juggling with other stuff like studying.

Probably gonna play bits of ARMS and Splatoon on some days.
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