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Arrest Warrant Issued for Amy Goodman in North Dakota After Covering Pipeline Protest

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Saw multiple people requesting a thread for this topic, so here we go. Toss bottles of Moxie at me if already posted.

From Democracy Now:

An arrest warrant has been issued in North Dakota for Democracy Now! host and executive producer Amy Goodman. Goodman was charged with criminal trespassing, a misdemeanor offense. A team from Democracy Now! was in North Dakota last week to cover the Native American-led protests against the Dakota Access pipeline.

More at the source. This is in relation to the recent protesting going on in North Dakota where Native American tribes have protested a pipeline being built near a lake that is a major source of water to the local community. They don't trust the pipeline crew and oil companies to keep the local environment safe, and they worry about traditional Native lands and burial places. We got a thread on that right now if you care to learn more.

There is a Think Progress article about Goodman's arrest warrent that summarizes the events of the protest a little and mentions how Jill Stein and an aide were also arrested (for vandalizing), but I'm not finding much more buzz about this outside of Democracy Now sources. If there's anymore news on this I'll try and update the OP.

EDIT: Slight clarification on the arrest, coming from WDAZ (ABC affiliate):

Authorities have issued an arrest warrant for Amy Goodman of New York for a Class B misdemeanor, according to court documents.


This is total bullshit retaliation against Goodman. After all, if her camera hadn't been there then they wouldn't have been caught attacking the natives.

Not that the security company is going to face any repercussions over it even so...
Plenty of GAFfers care. There just isn't much to say that hasn't already been said. It's fucking disgusting.

I pretty much feel like this. There's just not much to say beyond "this is crap". The only time I really say more is if there is actually somebody trying to defend the crap.

Reverend Funk

Comfy Penetration
The more I see about this shit the angrier it makes me. People like to talk about corrupt politicians but in situations like this no one can bother to look.


Man that's fucking bullshit.

Go arrest the crew at fox news that think aborted babies get chopped up and put in a blender not a hero in journalism.

Wish Amy all the luck, love her show

It also doesn't surprise me that this isn't getting any mainstream media coverage. Bunch of cowards with their hands tied with wads of money
Man that's fucking bullshit.

Go arrest the crew at fox news that think aborted babies get chopped up and put in a blender not a hero in journalism.

Wish Amy all the luck, love her show

It also doesn't surprise me that this isn't getting any mainstream media coverage. Bunch of cowards with their hands tied with wads of money

When you watch the sunday morning news a lot of the ads are energy companies splashed with green colors.


...arrest them for what?
In using arrest in the context of this story and the outrage that goes with it. But in reality they need to be fined by independent bodies for irresponsible and unethical reporting based on no facts which shouldn't conflict with freedom of the press ideals.


Plenty of GAFfers care. There just isn't much to say that hasn't already been said. It's fucking disgusting.

It's weird to me because, and I'm just using an example please don't think I'm equating or being awful or anything, if someone taking a video of police over reach against a black man was arrested, the thread would be huge. I know there is a larger population of black vs natives, but I'm always baffled by the way people tend to ignore native issues, especially in the current climate of progressive views and on a progressive forum.


It's weird to me because, and I'm just using an example please don't think I'm equating or being awful or anything, if someone taking a video of police over reach against a black man was arrested, the thread would be huge. I know there is a larger population of black vs natives, but I'm always baffled by the way people tend to ignore native issues, especially in the current climate of progressive views and on a progressive forum.

I think that's basically it though - since there just aren't that many Native Americans compared to other parts of the population, there's less familiarity with issues affecting them and also just less affected people to bring attention to them.

If the Internet had been around in the 18th century these sorts of stories would be dominating the news. Sad but true.


It's weird to me because, and I'm just using an example please don't think I'm equating or being awful or anything, if someone taking a video of police over reach against a black man was arrested, the thread would be huge. I know there is a larger population of black vs natives, but I'm always baffled by the way people tend to ignore native issues, especially in the current climate of progressive views and on a progressive forum.

I think with your example it's a case of it being a "hot button" issue. The media has had a spotlight for a few years now on police violence against black people, to the point where white people are continuously talking about it. Mind, sometimes it's to say racist shit like "Blue Lives Matter", but still, it's on their mind. Race in the U.S. also = black people in my experience. It's easy to say white people care about the issues poc face, but then really only speak of and know of what black people are going through. Add some bonus points if white people acknowledge Latino issues. Because, honestly, Asian American issues rarely get coverage beyond "omg crazy GPA for college!" White Americans know jackshit about the Asian American experience. And if they know jack shit about Asian Americans, lord what do they know about Native Americans...

I emphasize white because, although NeoGAF (and the Internet as a whole) is diverse, until an issue has hit mainstream white people, it won't get much acknowledgement on NeoGAF beyond a few people going "man, that sucks." As a lurker I am part of the problem, so this post is hypocritical, I know...

If we're talking about race, the topics that seem to get the most comments are topics that attract the negative / conservative / racist side because the topic has penetrated the "mainstream" enough to rile up the negative side of the "debate", for lack of a better term. (Wanting fair and equal treatment shouldn't be up to debate, but I'm really tired today so wording is hard.) That's also why transgender topics/issues get more coverage and conversation lately, because it's getting harder and harder for people to ignore their existence. Muslims and Middle Eastern folk get coverage because certain segments of the population are way too extra about 9/11. Etc.

This is what I've observed as a white person. No one ever talks about Native Americans, so getting a news piece to get viral is incredibly difficult. Maybe the secret ingredient is Native Americans need to start pissing white people off again to give us a reason care. :/

On a positive note, the protest receiving support from the Justice League actors was kind of mind blowing. Wonder if the news caught Jason Momoa's attention. When's the last time such an issue got celebrity attention? Maybe things are slowly getting better, or maybe this was just a one-off incident.


I think with your example it's a case of it being a "hot button" issue. The media has had a spotlight for a few years now on police violence against black people, to the point where white people are continuously talking about it. Mind, sometimes it's to say racist shit like "Blue Lives Matter", but still, it's on their mind. Race in the U.S. also = black people in my experience. It's easy to say white people care about the issues poc face, but then really only speak of and know of what black people are going through. Add some bonus points if white people acknowledge Latino issues. Because, honestly, Asian American issues rarely get coverage beyond "omg crazy GPA for college!" White Americans know jackshit about the Asian American experience. And if they know jack shit about Asian Americans, lord what do they know about Native Americans...

I emphasize white because, although NeoGAF (and the Internet as a whole) is diverse, until an issue has hit mainstream white people, it won't get much acknowledgement on NeoGAF beyond a few people going "man, that sucks." As a lurker I am part of the problem, so this post is hypocritical, I know...

If we're talking about race, the topics that seem to get the most comments are topics that attract the negative / conservative / racist side because the topic has penetrated the "mainstream" enough to rile up the negative side of the "debate", for lack of a better term. (Wanting fair and equal treatment shouldn't be up to debate, but I'm really tired today so wording is hard.) That's also why transgender topics/issues get more coverage and conversation lately, because it's getting harder and harder for people to ignore their existence. Muslims and Middle Eastern folk get coverage because certain segments of the population are way too extra about 9/11. Etc.

This is what I've observed as a white person. No one ever talks about Native Americans, so getting a news piece to get viral is incredibly difficult. Maybe the secret ingredient is Native Americans need to start pissing white people off again to give us a reason care. :/

On a positive note, the protest receiving support from the Justice League actors was kind of mind blowing. Wonder if the news caught Jason Momoa's attention. When's the last time such an issue got celebrity attention? Maybe things are slowly getting better, or maybe this was just a one-off incident.

Thank you for this post. I just get so frustrated. From the 'all they do is steal the salmon from real fisherman!' comments from white people locally, even when I'm right there (I'm one of the 'good ones' obviously) to this it's so hard to advocate. In person, people don't want to talk about it, even other natives, the latter mostly for fear of making waves or just general exhaustion.

This justice League actors made me very happy, but even that didn't get a lot of traction.

Come on MCU, do it next!


There was an NPR article yesterday talking about the Standing Rock protests, and it mentioned how, while Obama was in Laos, a Malaysian woman asked him how he could ensure protection of the ancestral lands / environmental impacts. Video with her question and his answer here.

Pretty crazy and awesome to see someone from a foreign country ask him to answer this! His statement is pretty PR-y ("We've done more in the past 8 years to help Native rights, Obama administration FTW!") but oh well.

And oh lord, the salmon bit. I live in the Pacific Northwest too, I still sometimes hear people whine that tribes can go hunt and kill whales. Like bitch, you don't even really give a shit about people hunting whales, shove it.

Justice League doesn't quite have the same appeal right now as the Marvel Cinematic Universe does, certainly. We need a Robert Downey Jr. or one of the three Chris' to say something, lol. Or can there be any hope for the New Mutants movie being successful and having Dani Moonstar be the fabulous queen she always was in the comics???
Nope. Fox ruins everything.
Native issues are either exactly the same because they have been rendered the same, or on par with The Poor as far as being inconvenient to the prevailing narratives of the status quo---hence they are papered over or outright erased with all expediency save for cases like this where it is big enough to warrant tearing down all over again before too many potential boats get a potential rocking. As a country, we suck at this as has been engineered to be to avoid hard retrospective looks.

Sucks for Goodman, reminded of at least a time or so similar stuff when down during the BP spill before everybody* coalesced on the whole Everything Is Fine Now and Will Be Because They Totally Apologized Even Though Everything was Mostly Fine and Oh God Will you Look at this Key Tourism/Industries. In this case they are trying to get out ahead of the actual worst of the disaster though, so the resistance will be fierce and multifaceted to try to chill any further coverage as far as they can.


I saw Danny DeVito tweet out about this story and while I was banned I was lurking the other Standing Rock thread. This is honestly disgusting to me, I wish the pipeline wont be built but seeing as the governor already called in the national guard in lieu of the judge's decision, it seems like the governor has been paid off.
Amy Goodmans been through some shit. Shot at and nearly executed by soldiers of the Suharto regime in East Timor, harassed and antagonized by Canadian border police for critical coverage of the way Vancouver's homeless were treated during the Olympics...ole girl plays no games.


Amy Goodmans been through some shit. Shot at and nearly executed by soldiers of the Suharto regime in East Timor, harassed and antagonized by Canadian border police for critical coverage of the way Vancouver's homeless were treated during the Olympics...ole girl plays no games.

Well behaved women rarely make history..
Having recently only heard of her with this story, she quickly shot up there as one of the people I most respect and admire in this world.

This whole thing is like a punch in the gut everytime I think about it and has effected my emotions more so than any other news story in a long while... I can't explain it... It just makes me so freaking sad how much evil goes on in this country un-noticed.

It makes me feel helpless.. small.. and honestly deceived by the people in the mainstream (politics and journalists alike) ..

It's a truly sickening feeling. These people have nothing but the most pristinely pure intentions, and the oil companies are just trying to make money no matter what the cost.

It's good vs evil and evil is winning in a landslide... And it's taking place in the very country we call home.



Amy Goodman is one of my heroes on this planet. Probably my favorite journalist, too.

This is some shady shit.
Where/what state is Amy Goodman situated? And can they have her extradited? I remember reading an article about the Mississippi attorney general put out an arrest warrant for Lucean Greaves of the Satanic Temple for performing an invocation at the gravesite of Fred Phelps' mother.


There was an NPR article yesterday talking about the Standing Rock protests, and it mentioned how, while Obama was in Laos, a Malaysian woman asked him how he could ensure protection of the ancestral lands / environmental impacts. Video with her question and his answer here.

Pretty crazy and awesome to see someone from a foreign country ask him to answer this! His statement is pretty PR-y ("We've done more in the past 8 years to help Native rights, Obama administration FTW!") but oh well.

And oh lord, the salmon bit. I live in the Pacific Northwest too, I still sometimes hear people whine that tribes can go hunt and kill whales. Like bitch, you don't even really give a shit about people hunting whales, shove it.

Justice League doesn't quite have the same appeal right now as the Marvel Cinematic Universe does, certainly. We need a Robert Downey Jr. or one of the three Chris' to say something, lol. Or can there be any hope for the New Mutants movie being successful and having Dani Moonstar be the fabulous queen she always was in the comics???
Nope. Fox ruins everything.

The salmon bit is annoying the crap out of me lately. There's this new 'rumor' that the native run fish hatchery was shut down because they weren't clipping any of the salmon, and thus, allowing themselves to fish more salmon. (Only Natives can harvest unclipped salmon).

The place hasn't even been shut down, much less the rumors being true, but people will believe fucking ANYTHING if it fits with their preconceived notions. In this case it's "I can't catch any salmon cause the Native's are taking them all, not because I suck at fishing."

Man, Psyche was my fav back in the day.

And you are right. Or they will cast Megan Fox in the role. :(


I saw Danny DeVito tweet out about this story and while I was banned I was lurking the other Standing Rock thread. This is honestly disgusting to me, I wish the pipeline wont be built but seeing as the governor already called in the national guard in lieu of the judge's decision, it seems like the governor has been paid off.

I mean, on one hand the feds actually called off construction on the pipeline, as the Obama administration wants to organize talks with tribes on how laws can better serve and protect native interests... But on the other hand, will those talks amount to much change? Because the Obama administration is only going to last for so long, and then Clinton (or worse) will come to office, so... I think Obama is above taking money and bribes from oil, but most other politicians... Oil has various governments by the balls. The U.S. isn't the only guilty party here, but we sure love sucking on the teats of big oil.

(I honestly don't hate Clinton, but I don't love her either, and my gut tells me not to feel optimistic with her in office about sensitive issues like this. I hope to be proven wrong.)

Where/what state is Amy Goodman situated? And can they have her extradited? I remember reading an article about the Mississippi attorney general put out an arrest warrant for Lucean Greaves of the Satanic Temple for performing an invocation at the gravesite of Fred Phelps' mother.

Honestly, I suck at legalize, but I found a few more details about this incident.

WDAZ (North Dakota ABC affliate?) reporting:

Authorities have issued an arrest warrant for Amy Goodman of New York for a Class B misdemeanor, according to court documents.


Morton County authorities also have charged Cody Charles Hall, 39, Eagle Butte, S.D., with trespassing after identifying him from video and photos viewed by investigators, said Donnell Preskey, spokeswoman for the Morton County Sheriff's Office.

Hall, a protest organizer with the Red Warrior Camp, was arrested Friday afternoon after police stopped him in a vehicle with expired tabs. Hall is charged with two counts of trespassing, one a Class B misdemeanor in connection with the Sept. 3 protest. He also is charged with a Class A misdemeanor count of criminal trespass in connection with the Sept. 6 protest involving people who vandalized equipment or bound themselves to construction equipment.

Hall is expected to be in the Morton County Jail until he can see a judge on Monday, Preskey said.

A total of 38 arrests have been made in connection with the Dakota Access protests.


The North Dakota Private Investigation and Security Board is investigating the use of dogs by security and whether the personnel were properly licensed or registered to work in the state.

Wonder if that last part about the dogs will conclude with any results.

The salmon bit is annoying the crap out of me lately. There's this new 'rumor' that the native run fish hatchery was shut down because they weren't clipping any of the salmon, and thus, allowing themselves to fish more salmon. (Only Natives can harvest unclipped salmon).

The place hasn't even been shut down, much less the rumors being true, but people will believe fucking ANYTHING if it fits with their preconceived notions. In this case it's "I can't catch any salmon cause the Native's are taking them all, not because I suck at fishing."

Man, Psyche was my fav back in the day.

And you are right. Or they will cast Megan Fox in the role. :(

People are so extra about fishing in general. Like, we already have regulations in place to protect population levels (and honestly more could probably be put in place, last time I checked), and even that is "too much" for some people. Then throw in the few extra laws we have in place in an attempt to respect the Native tribes, and wowza. No one really gives a shit about the fish anyway, they'd overfish if there were no regulations until there's none left, and then cry about how the Asian fishermen or Natives screwed it all up, and not them.

And oh man Megan Fox, noooo ): Then again New Mutants is realistically going to either be stuck in development hell or, if Dani exists as a character, she'll get as many lines as Jubilee did in the last movie. Cry.


In using arrest in the context of this story and the outrage that goes with it. But in reality they need to be fined by independent bodies for irresponsible and unethical reporting based on no facts which shouldn't conflict with freedom of the press ideals.
Who would set up these bodies? What would empower them?

That systems seems ripe for abuse.


Where's the "freedom of speech" people? They should be all over this.
What exactly are you talking about? Anyway they aren't like flies on shit on this story because the only right that matters is the right to tell brown people that they are trash.


Where's the "freedom of speech" people? They should be all over this.

Or, you know, there's nothing to be said when everyone agrees with each other. Why is freedom of speech in quotes btw? People trying to defend freedom is speech is a gimmick now?


Who would set up these bodies? What would empower them?

That systems seems ripe for abuse.
It's not as if these systems don't exist in other countries. The UK has the Independent Press Sta cards organizatio, there's the Netherland Press Council among many others in different democracies. They usually consist of Representatives of all media organizations, and a board of director that involves members outside media organizations, professors. Some can directly impose fines while others rely on moral authority and the obligation of the accused outlet to print or broadcast the findings of the ethics board in prime hours.

The us being such a media conglomerate is one of the biggest factors that make it difficulty for something like this to establish itself, but it's still something that should be there to help the press's accountable powers.


Who would set up these bodies? What would empower them?

That systems seems ripe for abuse.
Finland has this thing called Julkisen Sanan Neuvosto (a clumsy, straight translation is Public Word Union). It's a union comprised of a lot of publishers & journalists of all kind and it's a self-regulating thing. They'll (try to) make sure that freedom of speech is respected while also making sure that stuff like blatant lies like what FOX often spews are avoided as much as possible. They don't hold any legal power, but everyone involved has agreed to uphold some basic principles and they do push for at least some level of standard in journalism. It's not a perfect system, but it's better than nothing.


Democracy Now! posted a video yesterday with Amy Goodman reporting on the arrest warrant issued on herself and the arrest of Cody Hall. Transcript and video both available here.

Also charged was Cody Hall for his alleged presence at the September 3 land defense action and for a subsequent protest on September 6. Hall is considered a lead organizer in the movement against the Dakota Access pipeline and was arrested at one of the checkpoints that have been erected by North Dakota authorities to restrict access to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and the growing pipeline opposition camps. Hall was denied bail and remained in jail throughout the weekend. Hall's attorneys and several others we spoke to confirmed that it is highly unusual for a defendant charged with misdemeanor trespass to be jailed and denied bail.

According to the criminal complaint against Goodman, the charges are based on a viewing of Democracy Now!'s video report of the incident, conducted by the North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation. Special Agent Lindsey Wohl's sworn affidavit states that Goodman was there as a journalist. Wohl wrote, "Amy Goodman can be seen on the video identifying herself and interviewing protestors [sic] about their involvement in the protest." The criminal complaint was approved by Assistant State’s Attorney for Morton County Gabrielle J. Goter. To date, none of the private security personnel shown in the video both assaulting protesters and commanding their dogs to attack them have been charged or arrested. Democracy Now! is consulting with attorneys in North Dakota as well as at the Center for Constitutional Rights. CCR Legal Director Baher Azmy said, "This is clearly a violation of the First Amendment … an attempt to repress this important political movement by silencing media coverage."

Sounds like Hall legitimately was trespassing, but being denied bail for the crime is pretty ridiculous. But, you know, he's a POC and was protesting the pipeline, so...

Beyond that, this video doesn't have much new info that I noticed, sure, but I felt the "without bail" part was worthy of a slight bump. Probably won't bump again until some substantial news on Goodman's arrest / defense consultation is updated. At this point it's clear the security personnel won't have to speak for having attack dogs at the place of protest.
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