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Arrgh, Online Gaming Annoyance #483590


Getting stuck on the worst team ever. Then having your smarter teammates always leave (and you can't blame them for trying another server, but when they then join the much better team it's pretty fucking lame), so you're always shorthanded by one or two players in addition to having a team full of clueless idiots. Then you have 2 afk's, and of course they'll both have one of the limited class/weapons. And the other team is just giving you a 30 minute Oz-style prison rape, and you just can't leave because you hate just bailing when you're getting spanked, so you spend the entire map there and when it's finally over (complete with other team "GG!" and clapping themselves on the back because they somehow didn't notice the teams were 14-9 for about 5 minutes) you quit the game in a fury and it just ruins your mood.

Bah, I say bah.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I remember back in the day when online games didn't have teams. It was free for all, none of this 5 vs 5 crap. Either you owned bitches or bitches owned you :p


I don't mind it. I'm a noob just as often as I'm an annoyed veteran. I hate it when I take the shrink wrap off a game and people expect me to be a great player right off the bat.

Kon Tiki

Thats why I like Onslaught. You are not obligated to play all the way through, just jump in pitch in to your team, if it goes to long, leave the game.


I'm not talking noobness, which is incredibly rare in DoD anyway, but guys on your team who just will not stop running to their favourite camping spot to snipe one or two enemies with minimal risk while our last flag gets swarmed on the other end of the map. Or dumbies who just run around spawn whacking each other with shovels and telling everyone to not use guns while the other team pretty much runs the whole map. Or something I saw about 3 times today, teammates who run *right past* enemy flags without capping them (only concered with getting to their hidey hole) while we only have one flag left... which we inevitably lose seconds late because somehow despite there beint 12 ppl on our team only 2 of them thought to bother going to our LAST DAMN FLAG when they respawned.

Hah, I remember when we all respawned, one flag left, and me and 2 guys start off to guard our last flag and the rest take off through the buildings. And I say "oh cool, they'll go cap another flag quick and we'll be fine". But no, 2 minutes later it's me and one guy left with pistols trying to hold back the enemy when we die, and I see the 4 or 5 living members of my team all camping it up in the church far, far away from any flags.


works for Gamestop (lol)
You can't really expect people to play properly in open games anymore. If you want to play a real team game these days, you'd either have to get a group of people who know how to play the game or play in clan wars. Sucks but that's how it is in open public games


Wario64 said:
You can't really expect people to play properly in open games anymore. If you want to play a real team game these days, you'd either have to get a group of people who know how to play the game or play in clan wars. Sucks but that's how it is in open public games

Not always, matters on the server. If a server is well established it'll have a lot of familiars and people who know each other just by repetative play and that usually results in lots of good games.


Yeah, I usually stick to a half dozen or so large pub servers. Any stable, fast server with ties to a good clan will usually have really good teams and some great games. But not this one today. :\
Slo said:
I don't mind it. I'm a noob just as often as I'm an annoyed veteran. I hate it when I take the shrink wrap off a game and people expect me to be a great player right off the bat.

Reminds me of when I bought Rainbow Six 3. The very first server I jumped on had some asshole that apperently took great joy in sniping me. Must of done wonders for his ego, sniping someone who at the time didn't even know how to open doors or throw grenades, the way he was bragging about it.

Kon Tiki

The Shadow said:
Reminds me of when I bought Rainbow Six 3. The very first server I jumped on had some asshole that apperently took great joy in sniping me. Must of done wonders for his ego, sniping someone who at the time didn't even know how to open doors or throw grenades, the way he was bragging about it.

lol, read the manual noob.

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