Walter Steele [spoilerz]
He's an Oliver Queen time remnant and is carrying some calcified arrowforce
Thursday now? Damn. I may have to rely on the CW app to keep up with this season.
I really want to know who Vigilante is, hopefully we don't have too long.
Joint venture with Maxwell Lord.WHERE DID HE GO
I haven't watched since mid season 3, which I really didn't like. Would I miss a ton of I skipped from there to 5? I know about Laurel.
I haven't watched since mid season 3, which I really didn't like. Would I miss a ton of I skipped from there to 5? I know about Laurel.
I feel Michael Emerson being Cayden James would be a bit on the nose
Like how can we not want more of thisWhy mess with a sure fire hit though
TVLINE | What about Season 5 do you think worked so well?
I think that Season 5 began in earnest with a dinner that [Arrowverse executive producer] Greg Berlanti and I had just after the conclusion of Season 4. Weve built out a really interesting universe on The CW, and I think that there are things that we [on Arrow] do better than everybody else. Supergirl has a bigger budget for VFX, I think, and it has aliens all the time, and The Flash is super power-laden, and Legends travels through time. We are best when we stay within the limits of Star City.
TVLINE | Youre on the streets.
Yeah, were on the streets. I said, You know, I think that theres a lot of things that we do well, and Greg goes, I would agree, and I go, Can we do those things? Doing a show is like a relationship, right? You get in. Its hot and heavy. Things are going great. You move in together. And then one partner turns to the other and says, You know, you havent been to the gym in a bit . That to me was us. If were going to do this show, lets really do it. Lets be morally ambiguous with the characters and make it more three-dimensional and put killing back on the table, lets move away from trying to be like everyone else. Lets focus on being Arrow.
The loss of flashbacks will not be felt too deeply I think.
I kind of expect Black Siren/Deathstroke flashbacks.
Katie Cassidy is a season regular this year, so yeah. Most likelyYeah, this might be cool. Would suggest that Black Siren sticks around for a bit though.
What can you say about Vigilante as this mysterious figure were still wondering about?
We are super psyched about that character and about the stories that we have planned. Hell definitely come back. We left that dangling deliberately in season five knowing that we would bring that character back in season 6. Hell have a really cool story line, not just in respect to the city, but also with respect to a particular member of the team. Were intrigued and were kind of going through the casting process right now. Were very excited about it.
What kind of energy does newbie Michael Emerson bring to the show?
Were super thrilled to have him. Hes been tremendous and brings so much to the role and has all these ideas and hes just been a great, collaborative partner in the process of figuring out his character. His character is definitely going to be a bad guy and is a bad guy we havent seen on the show before, I think its safe to say hes really going to give Oliver and Felicity in particular a run for their money. Hes very soft-spoken. Hes very intelligent. And all of that is different than any of the villains weve had on the show in the past.
Deathstroke flashbacks were confirmed months ago guys.
All sounding good so far. Poor Samantha. Definitely dead.
Heres another interview. More at the link. Hard to spoil much because theyre still playing coy. Amell said on FB live that after the premiere theyll be more open to talk about stuff.
So he's evil Finch
Person of Interest is Deus Ex of tv shows. Everytime I see it mentioned I get hard to resist urge to start rewatching it![]()
oi go read the good news in the Legends thread
Katie Cassidy is a season regular this year, so yeah. Most likely
All these shows, and I just realized Mr. Robot is back too. Thought the gifted started out nice. Sure there's something else coming back I'm missingNext week is packed. Can't wait.
Looking at teh status quo going into season 5 and things that setup plot points, here's what's important to know:
Star City
At the end of Season 3, Ray blew up his lab tinkering with the Atom suit. This led to the accidental invention of the shrinking tech, but the citizens of Starling City believed he was killed in the explosion. The city was re-named Star City in his honor.
The Green Arrow
Late in Season 3, Ras al Ghul staged a series of murders by assassins dressed as the Arrow, then outed Oliver to Chesthair. Oliver was arrested, and the rest of team Arrow staged a plan where Roy would take credit for being the Arrow, and then fake his death in prison. When Oliver returned in Season 4, he took the name "Green Arrow"
The ship happened. Oliver and Felicity were briefly engaged, but broke up over the secret of Oliver's son. This scene enraged many fans, as it was pure, unfiltered stupid.
Oliver found out about his son during the season 4 crossover. Part of the mother's conditions for Oliver to have a relationship with him were that he not tell anyone about William, and not tell him that he was his father. Damien Dahrk kidnapped him later in the season to blackmail Oliver into dropping out of the race for Mayor. Team Arrow saved the kid, and he and his mother went into hiding, agreeing not to tell him Oliver was his father and the Green Arrow until he turned 18.
Sara Lance
Laurel and Thea took Sara's body to Banda Parbat and raised her with the Lazarus pit. She was a murder zombie until John Constantine returned her soul to her body. Nyssa destroyed the pit after this.
After Oliver's mission in Hong Kong, Waler sent him on a mission back on the island. He stopped that season's island villain from getting a magic idol used by Damien Dahrk in the main season 4 story, teaming up with a Russian woman. After being forced to kill her when she was corrupted by the idol, he promised her he'd go to Russia to kill a guy named Konstantin Kovar. That's why he's in Russia this season.
Diggle now has a code name- Spartan. Also, his previously dead brother showed up as a henchman for Damin Dahrk. After Andy threatened to kill Lyla and Sara Diggle, Dig killed him and at the end of the season, left team Arrow to re-join the army.
Felicty was briefly CEO of Palmer Tech, before being ousted by the board. She has a new code-name, Overwatch, and was paralyzed by an attack on Oliver's limo. She can now walk due to a device attached to her spine, designed by Curtis.
When Damien Darhk tried to nuke the world, she was unable to stop one of the nukes and instead diverted it from a major city to a small town. This comes up in Seaosn 5.
Thea was critically wounded by Ras al Ghul, then revived in the Lazarus Pit. She served as Speedy during Season 4, but the effects of the pit made her murderous. She was eventually cured by a potion Nyssa used to blackmail Oliver into helping her overthrow Malcolm, and retired from Team Arrow.
Curtis Holt is an inventor from PlamerTech, and friend of Felicity. He joined Team Arrow late in Season 4 as a tech consultant.
After Laurel was killed, another Black Canary showed up, killing people believed to be associated with Damien Dahrk. Her parents were members of his cult killed in his experiments.
The League of Assasins
After killing Ras al Ghul, Oliver handed the League over to Malcolm. This eventually led to a civil War between factions loyal to Nyssa and to Malcolm. In order to save Thea, Oliver helped Nyssa overthrow Malcolm by cutting his hand off in a duel. This led to Malcolm returning to villain status and Nyssa dissolving the League.
Mayor Oliver Queen
Oliver ran for Mayor, then dropped out to save his son. After the winner was killed and also turned out to be the wife of the guy who tried to nuke the world while keeping his followers in a bunker, Oliver was appointed Mayor.
Thank you so much for this summary!![]()
Too bad they ran out of island for him.
So he's evil Finch
PSA to all DC-CW GAF: The CW App is no longer supported on Xbox 360.
Damn, and here I thought we would get no flashbacks at all this season. I really hoped for none at all. Oh well, at least it'll be about Deathstroke so I'll give it a chance.
Disappointed that they didn't kill off Felicity, I hate that character with a passion, but I need to finish watching season 5. My hate is from season 3/4 nonsense lol.
It's insane the app STILL isn't on PS4.
Did Oliver revert back to no kill mode in season 5 or was that just for the big bad? I like Oliver a lot better when he kills bad guys.