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Arrow S6 |OT| You know Diggle, I'm all out of island stories - Thursdays 9/8c


And boy they kept bringing up "the graduation" every single conversation, didn't they? Who cares? Even they didn't, we didn't even see this "graduation" they kept bringing up like it's this really big and important thing.

Errr, yes we did.
Ideal scenario:

- Mid Season finale (November) Cliffhanger: Oliver's identity is confirmed, Team Arrow goes on the run.

- Late Season Hiatus Cliffhanger (March/April) Cliffhanger: Oliver is captured and sent to SuperMax

- Season Finale: The villains are making their play on the city, the SCPD is getting wrecked, the call is made to release Oliver and let him handle the problem.
Ideal scenario:

- Mid Season finale (November) Cliffhanger: Oliver's identity is confirmed, Team Arrow goes on the run.

- Late Season Hiatus Cliffhanger (March/April) Cliffhanger: Oliver is captured and sent to SuperMax

- Season Finale: The villains are making their play on the city, the SCPD is getting wrecked, the call is made to release Oliver and let him handle the problem.

I would think people in star city would know they need green arrow \ team arrow .
How many times has he save the city and that is not talking about when he was using other names.


Gold Member
This show really needs to be working towards and end goal.

For example, all his sidekicks are not in the comics. Kill them off one by one and show Oliver's personality change and why he was loner most of the time in the comics.

The masked man this season, is it Tommy? May finally be time to reintroduce him, since he is the only one who has stayed dead on the show.

Have the final season come full circle. Hunted by Tommy and laurel. Have him end up alone and show Oliver's and Barry meeting Hal Jordan and taking about greater threats and forming the justice league.

Have Slade find his son and have his son be sick. Slade gives himself and his son Mirakuru to save him. Let Slade then turn back into the real Deathstroke.


What if

Everyone really did die on the island

Oliver couldn't cope

Cisco sent him to take another Oliver's place on Earth 3 and altered his memories?

Would this scenario be more or less stupid than Team Arrow surviving by hiding on the plane? And Chase not wiring it to explode?


I noticed Pike (black cop) was back in this episode, after he was put in a coma last season. Coincidentally, after Pike was put in a coma, Vigilante stopped showing up. He was also one of the few characters that wasn't in the crowd when Vigilante last attacked. We know Vigilante's identity is a familiar face. Pike is a familiar face that keeps popping up. He's shown to be supportive of vigilante behavior. I can't think of anyone else that would really fit outside of Earth-2 shenanigans?


Unconfirmed Member
I noticed Pike (black cop) was back in this episode, after he was put in a coma last season. Coincidentally, after Pike was put in a coma, Vigilante stopped showing up. He was also one of the few characters that wasn't in the crowd when Vigilante last attacked. We know Vigilante's identity is a familiar face. Pike is a familiar face that keeps popping up. He's shown to be supportive of vigilante behavior. I can't think of anyone else that would really fit outside of Earth-2 shenanigans?
Noticed him as well. Thought he had a cane too, but couldn't tell.


Premiere was good but it was so full it was almost too much for one episode. Ollie just needs to come out like he did eventually in the comics. Fucking love Slade, show was bad without him. Kinda wish Thea would just stay away, never cared for her.

Glad Arrow is staying consistent, keep it up!


Action gifs!


Noticed him as well. Thought he had a cane too, but couldn't tell.

Yes, he did. If Vigilante has a limp, you know who it is..
Man, why do Dinah and Diggle have so much sexual tension in their scenes? I can't be the only one seeing it, right?

Pretty good season opener. I'm interested in the multiple big bad angle they're doing.
Man, why do Dinah and Diggle have so much sexual tension in their scenes? I can't be the only one seeing it, right?

Pretty good season opener. I'm interested in the multiple big bad angle they're doing.
I legitimately thought there was going to be a twist where Diggle was having an affair with her.


I know most hot takes after episodes are text-plastered photo galleries or the AV Club gets to see the episodes early so they get the review out ASAP, but I figured I would try to tackle reviewing every episode of Arrow this season on my blog.

So here's my thoughts on "Fallout". Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read or comment or what have you!

Also to echo everyone, the action was amazing. So many nice long shots in this episode filled with action. And even the one that isn't with Dinah just patrolling the room as Oliver makes his speech. Props to Bamford and the rest of the team for pulling off some great stuff. Hope to see more from him this season.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Awesome start into the new season - picking up where last season ended quality wise....hope it stays strong.

But i gotta say...the sexual tension between Diggle and Dinah is way too high. Yeah its a CW show and all characters are hot - but man....


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
That Diggle & Dinah tension was there last season too. I think they pair them up a lot cause they're both hard asses and can relate on that level.


Strong start to the season. Together with Supergirl it felt quite like the one that followed up its season cliffhanger the best. Really excited for what they are bringing.

Sir Doom

great they added a kid. not annoying at all
Slade is only guest starring. lame
I like not-Laurel is the first villain and looking like she's going to stick around this season.
Lance been in a roller coaster of emotion

Oliver: starts tweeting: FAKE NEWS


Arrow is back with another 🔥 episode.

The fight choreography in this episode was fantastic. It puts shit like The Defenders to shame.


I haven't been following this too consistently: did they ever explain how Ollie's no-kill policy meshes with Diggle and Wild Dog's guns? Did Curtis make them tranq bullets or something?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I haven't been following this too consistently: did they ever explain how Ollie's no-kill policy meshes with Diggle and Wild Dog's guns? Did Curtis make them tranq bullets or something?

I'm pretty sure Diggle was using tranqs, at least up until recently. His shots had a distinctive sound.

Wild Dog must just be running & gunning cause he was out there before he met Curtis and Team Arrow.
I haven't been following this too consistently: did they ever explain how Ollie's no-kill policy meshes with Diggle and Wild Dog's guns? Did Curtis make them tranq bullets or something?

They've mentioned "Tranq ammo" before. Also, Diggle's gun doesn't make sounds like a traditional firearm- it sounds like a compressed air powered dart gun. No bang, more of a thwip.

"Sir, the investigation files we had on Oliver Queen just disappeared. And what the hell is Checkmate?"
I dont need to see batman on arrow or flash, a name drop is fine with me at least we know now he officially exits in universe lol. Why did it take so long for them to be able to use gotham and bruces name though?
Why not? Supergirl did it when it was on a different network, if that's what you mean.

And don't give me the style doesn't fit crap.

But with Supergirl, it was still the same production company behind it, Berlanti. Gotham is made by a different company without affiliation to the shows on CW. Plus, CBS owns part of The CW. So, them pairing one of their shows with a CW show avoided a lot of headaches, I'm sure as well.

Getting two different production companies & 2 different networks that aren't affiliated together for a crossover is a pretty big task. I think the only way it happens is if both see it as a massive financial success to each of their brands.
Why not? Supergirl did it when it was on a different network, if that's what you mean.

And don't give me the style doesn't fit crap.

As mentioned, the network stuff but also Bruce is still a child on Gotham. It wouldn't make sense to have a grown ass Arrow and baby Bats.
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