Directed by Justin Kurzel
Written by Michael Lesslie, Adam Cooper, Bill Collage
Produced by Michael Fassbender and Frank Marshall (theres a shitton more, but I dont have the time).
Score by
Release Date: December 21st 2016
Welcome to the wild, weird, and often incoherent world of Assassins Creed. Here youll find that everything you learned about in history class was wrong. Sort of. I mean, some of it was true, but not really. Yeah, the Assassins and Templars did duke it out in the Third Crusade, but not for the reasons you think. Adam and Eve totally disobeyed the big rule and took an apple but its a bit different than what your Sunday school teacher may have described it. Peace is the main goal, but we figure that stuff out through relentlessly stabbing people in the night. This is Assassins Creed, the series where everything sounds really intriguing and interesting on the surface sometimes
In its first feature length movie (unless you count Lineage, I GUESS) Assassins Creed follows the story of
This nifty chart should help you out. See in human history there was only the Inquisition--then the present.
But never mind all that nonsense. For you see, the true beauty of this series lays in the sense of exploration of historical settings not seen often seen in games, if at all. To bring to screen the story of two warring cults throughout time and space (yes, and space) is going to be fascinating if the historical sections are done well and the modern day is kept to a minimum (though thats not happening. Guess I have to take what I can get). And who better to bring this clunky-ass story to life than the cast and crew of the recent Macbeth adaptation? Turning a silly premise of genetic-memory of secret time guarding Assassins into a blockbuster with an indie touch, Jed Kurzel and Michael Fassbender are leading the charge to prove to the world that maybe, just maybe, now is the time for the world to be given a good video game film. Specifically, the time right after Rogue One comes out. I mean, after all, the filmmakers know whats at stake here:
If this doesnt work out, he can always fall back on the Alien series.
She wont have to worry about scrubbing blood from her hands this time.
God help you if this movie is bad, Mr. Kurzel.
There we all were... slumped back in our collective chairs as each one of us stared through our desktop screens, laptops, tablets, phones and other means of internet connection as we clicked on the link to the first ever Assassins Creed trailer. For fans, it was a moment come true, for others, it was utter slime, for the rest they were likely indifferent:
Awful music choice.
And honestly it looks like another PoP - forgettable.
It's like I'm watching a trailer for a straight to dvd schlock from early 2000s
well that music was gross.
Soon enough, wannabe John Ottmans started crawling from the ashes of the comments sections, proving that they, too, had uninspired choices in music and trailer editing. Eager to show how well they can fix trailers, they rose above their peers, holding high their AMVs in a vain effort to restore the Assassins Creed brand, since Ubisofts marketing department have never used mainstream music choices before. Havent heard Ezios Family enough? Need more Jesper Kyd (yes, you do) WELL dont you worry, friend, weve got you covered. Here! Here! And here! And sweet Christ, here! Loved that E3 trailer for Assassins Creed Revelations? Arent tired of the association between Iron and the franchise? Ive got you. Look at all this perfection. Take notes, Trailer Houses.lmao y'all are so precious when it comes to trailer music.
this movie will make far more than warcraft.
Callibretto A.K.A. Ive never played Assassins Creed;203331189 said:Er... am I supposed to believe he'll survive that final jump just by hitting some hay?
Looks desperate when they have to list Fassbender as the only recognizable person in these movies.
Best video game movie. I'm calling it. Ubisoft being heavily involved will make this bueno.
i wonder if in the movie they'll force Michael Fassbender into Ubi's shitty offices in France when he gets out off the animus
This movie is going to bomb, isn't it?
Looks like a fun sunday evening watch on Netflix
Remember, this is their milestone film.
Review Thread
Official Website
Assassins Creed Revelations OT Why is this here? Because its the best this site is going to give for an Assassins Creed OT.
*Credit to Quick for the fancy shmancy images and for just being awesome.