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At What Age Do Girls Become Women And Learn How To Cook?

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Because right now, I'm not seeing how the girls I hang out with, date, or fuck will ever be the type of woman who stays at home and cooks these grand meals. Does it happen after marriage?



Women have changed in even my short time being on this earth. I think that it's gonna be harder to see a Women actually doing the stay at home thing. They got independence if you will in both the job market and in the world. So say so long to coming home to a home cooked meal each night, and say goodbye to soap watching housewives.


Well, my wife always cooked for me and it actually got better once we got married and had kids (since she cooks more for them, really). But my wife's an old-school Puertorican woman--they like to feed everyone!


B'z-chan said:
Women have changed in even my short time being on this earth. I think that it's gonna be harder to see a Women actually doing the stay at home thing. They got independence if you will in both the job market and in the world. So say so long to coming home to a home cooked meal each night, and say goodbye to soap watching housewives.

Yeah, my wife would sit home if I made enough for all of us. She is independent as fuck (Wellesley College, Masters at Columbia, now Real Estate Manager for the MTA) but she is a sucker for our kids. She works full time, but I still get that home cooked meal every night. Except if we order pizza.

Lil' Dice

Women nowadays are too busy having their nails French manicured, and their crotches waxed to know how carry themselves around the home. Meanwhile men are still expected to mow and maintain the lawn, take out the thrash, maintain all of the familiy's vehicles, make reapirs to the home, pay for the movies, pay for dinner, open doors for women, fight for their honor, pick up dog shit, and make enough money and retain enough integrity so that their women don't run off and fuck the next 'cool' guy.....Ask them to perform any of those tasks, and they'll remind you that it's your job, ask them to cook you a decent meal, and they'll quickly remind you about women's lib, and how passe' home-making is.....


Thats good to hear i think she might have gotten on the tail end of some good genes there. I see all the women that are growing up now those 12-14 year olds are going to be so horribly fucked up come time to actually get shit together and do the marrage thing. Its equal rights and women are not starting to dominate men once again after millions of years. Damn you lifetime network, DAMN YOU. No seriously though i dont think you will see girls actually wanting the same thing that say women of 20 years ago wanted.

This brings a problem to men's plans of keeping them sheltered and secure in the world. But women are getting tougher skinned and snippy as hell. So i'm thinking they should call it the Bitch Gen. But thats just me, cause i know once i'm out looking for a real job after college they are going to short cut me and screw my life up all over again.


Lil' Dice said:
Women nowadays are too busy having their nails French manicured, and their crotches waxed to know how carry themselves around the home. Meanwhile men are still expected to mow and maintain the lawn, take out the thrash, maintain all of the familiy's vehicles, make reapirs to the home, pay for the movies, pay for dinner, open doors for women, fight for their honor, pick up dog shit, and make enough money and retain enough integrity so that their women don't run off and fuck the next 'cool' guy.....Ask them to perform any of those tasks, and they'll remind you that it's your job, ask them to cook you a decent meal, and they'll quickly remind you about women's lib, and how passe' home-making is.....

Why do i agree with you ;_; man womens lib can hurt too. And if it wasnt for the fact that you know they want to stab you in the back 24/7 i wouldnt be so eager to get my crap together. Damnit i think i need to go and see my councelor again.

Lil' Dice

Joe said:
you need to find a nice italian girl.

Funny, i'm a native Italian and i'm dating a black girl who occasionally cooks. She's pretty good about it, but while we were in Italy she was overwhelmed by how much my relatives cook for each other. I'm talking 3-4 course meals every night....
Well, hrmm, perhaps before my marriage I'll put my lady through a series of cooking tests? Results will be based on versatility, taste, and adaptation skills.


Queen of Denmark
My live-in girlfriend cooks for me every night. She's pretty good at it. Oh, and she's 20 (19 when we first moved in).



Lil' Dice said:
Funny, i'm a native Italian and i'm dating a black girl who occasionally cooks. She's pretty good about it, but while we were in Italy she was overwhelmed by how much my relatives cook for each other. I'm talking 3-4 course meals every night....

both of my parents are off the boat from sicily and ive had 3-4 course meals every night of my life. i need a wife that can cook.


bob_arctor said:
Well, my wife always cooked for me and it actually got better once we got married and had kids (since she cooks more for them, really). But my wife's an old-school Puertorican woman--they like to feed everyone!
Yes they are legendary :)



The truth is, a lot of women are not capable of being wives and mothers these days.
In order to have a good upbringing of a child, and to have a healthy home, both parents need to take on some tasks. Still, some are just better suited than the other based on gender, upbringing or what not.
I've seen many of these "super-women" who think they are capable of being great at all parts of this married life, raising children, and work, but they are only adequate or falter in one while excelling in others. Not to say that a father isn't important, but if he's picking up the slack that his wife leaves for him, obviously he will falter in some aspects too. Not fair on either side really. All comes down to balance and sharing, which people don't think about as much. Just personal gain.
Pretty damn selfish country this is.
Dual income >>>>>>> home-cooked meals

This brings a problem to men's plans of keeping them sheltered and secure in the world.

Why would you have such a retarded plan? I wouldn't marry a woman that couldn't take care of herself.

Lil' Dice

Joe said:
both of my parents are off the boat from sicily and ive had 3-4 course meals every night of my life. i need a wife that can cook.

Damn, don't remind me. It makes want to move back with my 'nonna' in Italy....


I pretty much split everything with my wife 50/50 when it comes to chores and handling the kids except for cooking, where I'm useless. Interestingly enough, I was raised in a household where both my mom and dad cooked (and my dad gets busy) but none of it rubbed off on me.
My wife and I split the cooking duties equally. She does laundry, dishes, and vacuuming; I do outside chores, mopping, and dusting. I can't fathom why this is an issue.


Drinky Crow said:
My wife and I split the cooking duties equally. She does laundry, dishes, and vacuuming; I do outside chores, mopping, and dusting. I can't fathom why this is an issue.

I don't recall anyone saying sharing was much of an issue. The issue being when a partner expects too much or puts too much on the other.

Edit: perhaps in the initial post, or the concept of putting the whole cooking task on the woman. Frankly, in my life the best home cookers I've come in contact with have been women, so I can understand the desire for a man to want his woman to be awesome at the making of food. Still, even as possible split should be made. Granted...
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