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ATARASHII GAKKO! - Tokyo Calling : WTF is this sh*t ?

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member

The latest and greatest from the land of the rising sun.

Young girls in school uniforms ? Check
Memes and references to Jpn pop culture ? Check
Idiotic, repetitive melody and beat as to have it stuck in your head on repeat ? Check
Random Engrish thrown in ? Check (nothing new, still...)
A "message" as to have people think it's actually "deeper" than it actually is ? Check

Who listens to this shit ? It's like Gagnam style all over again (or any flavour of the month garbo music for the masses for that matter)

Fookin' Weabo shite maaaan, i'm out...


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not tag worthy
yet you went to the time to make a post about it, I think you protest too much and secretly like it but feel shame so you want us to validate the fact you like it,

robin williams its not your fault GIF

it's ok if you like it, you haven't done anything wrong

compared to some shite mumble rap out there, this is actually.. ok to good.
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Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
yet you went to the time to make a post about it, I think you protest too much and secretly like it but feel shame so you want us to validate the fact you like it,

robin williams its not your fault GIF

it's ok if you like it, you haven't done anything wrong

compared to some shite mumble rap out there, this is actually.. ok to good.

So, i take it that you like it...

just kidding bro


It's from 88 Rising, a weeb production company.

Their artists often aren't that popular in their respective countries, and their music videos memes
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