Oh yeah, here a juicy one.
question for you atheists.....if there is no God, how do you explain us human beings and what we have been born with? How do you explain the capabilities of our minds, and the power of thinking? How do you explain what we feel in our souls...emotions...instinct?
It's aaall scientific baby. Let's begin at a cellular level, say the first life. This needed to evolve (let's not go there though) and start adapting to the enviorment. It continued to evolvo to such a point that it created a thinking organ for itself, something that acts outside of the flesh, and controls it, the brain. An example. On a cellular level you can't control say a cut to your skin, it's automatic, done by cells. And if cells have a better use of protecting the body and increasing the chances of surviving as a whole by creating a brain than that's the logical way to go.
So now we have a lump of cells with a brain. What should the brain do? Well, if it creates emotions, states of minds during special kinds of situations, it can react better and smarter than on a cellular level. Let's skip ahead a little. The lump of cells have created eyes and fins, and is now swimming instead of floating around absorbing what energy it comes across. If a threat, a cell blob eater is near it can avoid it, by the brain training itself to sense fear when it percepts this cell blod eater. That's basically the reason for fear. Stay away and you'll survive longer. And the reason I can prove this? Well, we Have fear! The only reason we have the emotion fear is because our ancestors (sp?) found a use for it and managed to live so long that they could reproduce and by that means implant the emotion fear into their genetics.
This goes for ALL the emotions and instincts. Survival of the fittest survive, and by trial and error with emotions you'll eventually get something that develops counciousness. I could describe the path of basically all the emotions, but I hope you can do that yourself.
How do you explain the fact that the earth just happends to be perfectly aligned with the sun and rotates at the perfect distance that we are able to survive and live without burning up or freezing to death?
Trial and error again. There are BILLIONS and TRILLIONS of stars and galaxies. Why life only (well, we don't know this) appear on planets that are just the correct amount of length from the sun is probably because water is allowed to stay liquid there. Basically the planet earth was lucky, and life sprouted here.