Start being racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic.
Honestly, the left needs to feel comfortable criticising those on their own side of the watershed. Instead of always projecting coded language onto the disdain and challenge that comes their way.
Start being racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic.
Mr. Trump's plan would compress today's seven individual income-tax brackets into three and set a top rate of 25%, down from 39.6%. It would exempt each person's first $25,000, or each married couple's first $50,000, from income taxation. The plan would cut rates on business income to 15%, eliminate the estate tax and curb some deductions.
On average, each household would get a $5,144 tax cut in 2017, increasing after-tax income by 7.1%. The gains are highly concentrated among the highest-income households, which would get a bigger percentage of the tax cuts than the share of taxes they pay now. The top 1% of households, those making over $732,323, would get 35% of the tax cuts.
Mr. Trump has said his tax plan would cost him a fortune and has pointed to his plan to tax carried interest as ordinary income, not capital gains, as a way to raise taxes on some wealthy investment managers, who he said are getting away with murder by paying so little.
But carried interest minimizes taxes now because the top capital gains rate of 23.8% is so much lower than the top tax rate on business income of 39.6%, and the gap makes it attractive for private-equity managers to convert ordinary income into capital gains. Under Mr. Trump, capital gains would be taxed at 20% and business income would be taxed at 15%.
There would be a huge windfall for private equity and hedge funds, Mr. Burman said.
We have become too politically correct. There shouldn't be anything wrong with expressing disleasure that illegal immigrants getting paid under the table are depressing wages for citizens because it's the truth. The level of welfare abuse has always been greatly exaggerated and used as a racist dog whistle, but it does happen. There should be no hesitancy to denigrate that behavior.
On the flip side there should also be no hesitancy to forcefully and with passion call out how damaging the pathetically low minimum wage is to working class incomes. And to actually discuss how crippling the cost of childcare is for young families. Hitting on all of these points without holding back would go a long way towards appealing to working class white voters.
Oh, they do quite a bit of infighting. Some of the most bitter fights are between Democrats who basically agree with each other.Honestly, the left needs to feel comfortable criticising those on their own side of the watershed. Instead of always projecting coded language onto the disdain and challenge that comes their way.
White folks afraid of having their white privilege revoked. I'm being simplistic here, but that's the aspect that bugs me. But maybe I missed the part where the article explicitly says its referring to "middle class republicans".
I' don't think Democrats should court these voters, tbh.
We have become too politically correct. There shouldn't be anything wrong with expressing disleasure that illegal immigrants getting paid under the table are depressing wages for citizens because it's the truth. The level of welfare abuse has always been greatly exaggerated and used as a racist dog whistle, but it does happen. There should be no hesitancy to denigrate that behavior.
On the flip side there should also be no hesitancy to forcefully and with passion call out how damaging the pathetically low minimum wage is to working class incomes. And to actually discuss how crippling the cost of childcare is for young families. Hitting on all of these points without holding back would go a long way towards appealing to working class white voters.
The immigration thing is huge for me. There is a legal means to become a citizen in this country and become a member of society. I have relatives who have accomplished this and have become tremendously successful in creating businesses and are very well off for themselves.
I don't see why we should pay for those who won't orcant go though the legal means to become citizens. And why it should be so offensive to think that if the law calls for it they should be deported. If the law is unreasonable, change the law.
I'm personally for simplifying the entire welfare and entitlements system to go to a state mandated minimum income. Something like $20k/yr per citizen with a clean record of any non-minor criminal offense. Raise the minimum wage alongside that and fund it by taxing the highest earning people.
Ensure that any living citizen with a clean criminal record has a baseline income to survive and I think it would improve every person's situation in this country.
Theres a lot of wrinkles to figure out (I think the severity of the crime would carry certain penalties for receipt of the minimum income, violent crimes prioritized over non-violent ones) but I think it would solve a lot of problems and curb a lot of abuse. Theres also kids- I think that income should start at birth and increase per year until it reaches the normal amount, but you only get it when you turn 18. And the government gives you half if you don't use it for higher education and complete high school.
trump's tax policy is as regressive as the rest of the GOP candidates, it hugely benefits the wealthy and cuts revenue by something like $10 trillion over the next decade
that he's been able to push this and still sell himself as the anti-establishment candidate is one of the greatest political con jobs i've ever seen, and a sad indictment of the american electorate's love of spectacle over substance
You are too focused on why Trump is harmful. The art of any good con job is provide a proper distraction. That is caused by 2 things, "Trumps "I Win" income for people during tax season and Congress enabling Trump by accident by lying about why corporate taxes from overseas aren't being collected.
Welcome to the global economy that's to the benefit of a new global elite. Less abject poverty across the globe for the price of exploding inequality.I'm tired of hearing about how great the economy is doing. Virtually all of us make roughly the same amount as we did thirty+ years ago but prices continue to rise.
edit: What am I saying. Just gotta hold on for a few more years and all that extra money will trickle right down.
trump's tax policy is as regressive as the rest of the GOP candidates, it hugely benefits the wealthy and cuts revenue by something like $10 trillion over the next decade
that he's been able to push this and still sell himself as the anti-establishment candidate is one of the greatest political con jobs i've ever seen, and a sad indictment of the american electorate's love of spectacle over substance
actually i didn't realize but his tax plan is even more regressive than any other GOP contender. and lol @ this:
Honestly, the left needs to feel comfortable criticising those on their own side of the watershed. Instead of always projecting coded language onto the disdain and challenge that comes their way.
We have become too politically correct. There shouldn't be anything wrong with expressing disleasure that illegal immigrants getting paid under the table are depressing wages for citizens because it's the truth. The level of welfare abuse has always been greatly exaggerated and used as a racist dog whistle, but it does happen. There should be no hesitancy to denigrate that behavior.
On the flip side there should also be no hesitancy to forcefully and with passion call out how damaging the pathetically low minimum wage is to working class incomes. And to actually discuss how crippling the cost of childcare is for young families. Hitting on all of these points without holding back would go a long way towards appealing to working class white voters.
Honestly, the left needs to feel comfortable criticising those on their own side of the watershed. Instead of always projecting coded language onto the disdain and challenge that comes their way.
Wildfire said:@Tokkum explains pretty nicely why minimum wage increases is undesirable beyond only disliking minorities from benefiting from it. These people aspire to be wealthy and they sympathize with the realities of a small business needs more control on their wages to better meet the demands of the market. Most of these people if they want to become wealthy will have to start out as a small business so this idea sucks hard.
This article is less about garnering sympathy for white middle-aged people, and more about how the demographics and dynamics within the Republican Party have changed.
Good post though.
Seems like the GOP is headed for an inevitable split between the populist far right and the establishment right. Entirely of their own creation of course.
The " Freedom Party" or whatever they end up calling themselves will likely settle on aiming for success at the local and state levels and wrecking havoc on Capitol Hill.
I mean, just talk to any conservative about this issue, and I doubt you'll find many that will want to overturn Citizens United. That is, if you can get any conservative to admit money may be a problem in politics in the first place.
They're going to have to. Reading the article reminded me of the early days of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, which had the same appeal to 'the underbelly' of society as many sociological articles refer to it. I thought that was the religious right of Bush jr., but apparently it's just happening ten years late in the USA. The same thing has been happening in most other European countries too: a disillusioned middle wanting to see different politicians with different takes that they can actually relate to rather than the way competent and old school politicians tend to be: boring.
I noticed with the badlipreading video of the Democrat debate that despite all the nice ideas, Sanders is effectively too much like that to be electable versus the relaxed Clinton. As long as her staff can stay off the Twitter that is.
Republican because they fear the Democrats want to take from them and redistribute to Americans who are newer, poorer, and in their view less deserving
I swear people need to learn the history of this country.
You all fucking come from immigrants. Unless you are native american or African american (who were brought over against their will) your ass don't deserve any extra special treatment.
I' don't think Democrats should court these voters, tbh.
Do they? The Democrats have lost these voters in huge margins for decades. Dems have stopped losing in 45+ state landslides and the McGovern coalition is finally large enough to make presidential elections competitive even with the exodus of working-class whites from the Democrats. It would be great if Dems could somehow appeal to these voters without abandoning the marginalized but I just don't think that's possible.
"Well my ancestors worked hard and came here the right way"I swear people need to learn the history of this country.
You all fucking come from immigrants. Unless you are native american or African american (who were brought over against their will) your ass don't deserve any extra special treatment.
"Well my ancestors worked hard and came here the right way"
-actual response I usually get when debating that fact.
I swear people need to learn the history of this country.
You all fucking come from immigrants. Unless you are native american or African american (who were brought over against their will) your ass don't deserve any extra special treatment.
"Well my ancestors worked hard and came here the right way"
-actual response I usually get when debating that fact.
"Well my ancestors worked hard and came here the right way"
-actual response I usually get when debating that fact.
ignoring the fact that we had basically no immigration limits or controls until the early 20th century
america was built on open borders, but we need to build that wall now that white people have theirs
So unnecessaryThey arent the hashtavists of #BlackLivesMatter
Honestly, the left needs to feel comfortable criticising those on their own side of the watershed. Instead of always projecting coded language onto the disdain and challenge that comes their way.
Amazing article. Essentially the Republican base needs a leader so charismatic that he can get through to white america that theirs is a class struggle rather than a racial or religious one, and that inequality is the enemy. Essentially that the interest of white america no longer aligns with the interest of corporate america, which was long an accepted wisdom for Republicans.
He'd then need to use that wave of support to reform the Republican party from within without the help of the rich donors.
Trump is showing that the support is there for a candidate who goes against the party elite and addresses the concerns of the rank and file working american, but can it be turned to real reform of the party? Can the donors be beaten? And could someone who is less of a blathering pandering fool like Trump garner that support?
It's hard to imagine, but I'd like to think so. A good Republican party and strong Republican leader would surely have a positive effect on inequality in America, race relations, all sorts of things. Even if it was by not getting elected, but rather allowing the Dems to move rightwards.
I saw Cameron doing a lot of this in the last UK election.
-What Labour wanted you to believe: Tories are for rich people and big business only. We will help the disenfranchised and create a fairer society.
-What Cameron wanted you to believe: Tories are for the normal working man, not the oligarch. Anyone who works will do better under us. We won't give your money to those who don't work (those who don't deserve it), unlike the other crowd.
Ultimately Cameron's argument won the day pretty convincingly and Labour suffered an utter meltdown. The Republicans need to use a very, very similar argument to Cameron's to get their core base back, imo. And yes, that will mean being anti-immigration to a certain extent and willing to tax the richest higher than they'd like.
If the Republicans don't get back on track, you're going to see more and more nonsense like Trump and his call for a ban on Muslims. In european countries where the centre-right is weak the far-right has flourished. A centre-right that represents right-leaning people and prevents any being sucked into the far-right maelstrom of racist idiocy is really, really important imo.
White working class voters are marginalized as well. Finding a way to unite the white and minority working class is the panacea we need to restore sanity to our political system. A truly great leader would absolutely be attempting to accomplish this.
I just think that's impossible.
I just think that's impossible.
The immigration thing is huge for me. There is a legal means to become a citizen in this country and become a member of society. I have relatives who have accomplished this and have become tremendously successful in creating businesses and are very well off for themselves.
I don't see why we should pay for those who won't orcant go though the legal means to become citizens. And why it should be so offensive to think that if the law calls for it they should be deported. If the law is unreasonable, change the law.
I'm personally for simplifying the entire welfare and entitlements system to go to a state mandated minimum income. Something like $20k/yr per citizen with a clean record of any non-minor criminal offense. Raise the minimum wage alongside that and fund it by taxing the highest earning people.
Ensure that any living citizen with a clean criminal record has a baseline income to survive and I think it would improve every person's situation in this country.
Theres a lot of wrinkles to figure out (I think the severity of the crime would carry certain penalties for receipt of the minimum income, violent crimes prioritized over non-violent ones) but I think it would solve a lot of problems and curb a lot of abuse. Theres also kids- I think that income should start at birth and increase per year until it reaches the normal amount, but you only get it when you turn 18. And the government gives you half if you don't use it for higher education and complete high school.
It's true, partly because the country as a whole is more polarized towards extremes. Candidates reflect that. It wasn't always that way. You could be a "blue dog" democrat and stand to win in an ostensibly conservative state in the past. There aren't a lot of headlines to be grabbed by being a moderate nowadays. A moderate is what the republicans need, because their extremist candidates are completely unelectable.
As far back as Reconstruction, it has been a viable voting tactic to distance less than affluent whites from the less than affluent "others" by convincing white voters that there is a) solidarity in their whiteness and b) their daily calamities can be blamed on the "other".
The problems affecting the white middle class are the same affecting the black and Hispanic and Asian middle class. The reason the average office worker cannot afford a house in the neighborhood you went to school in is not because of affirmative action, planned parenthood, annual checkups for the poor, gay weddings, inner city drugs, and gardeners making pennies on the dollar.
But it's easy to convince people that making suppressed wages that every penny paid towards social services is preventing them from reaching the American dream.
The craziest thing is: these angry people are right.
Things really did used to be better for the white working class. Real income was better, the cost of everything from housing to education was lower, job security was more stable (which is very important for the working classes).
They tend to be wrong about the reasons though.
It isnt, incredibly difficult yes, but not impossible.
Disagree it's an impossibility given all the racism in the U.S. That dream is long dead.
Basically can be summed up as, "They've been voting against their best interest for so long just so they can keep the others down that they didn't realize how badly they had fucked themselves too."
Now they're at a conflicting moment in their life. Continue to vote against their self interest and in the process fuck themselves over, or vote in their interest which also means the "others" benefit.