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Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) manga thread of TOTAL SPOILER PANDEMONIUM


...or we could just get a Happy Ending to this Horror Story and the 3 live happily ever after til the end of their days~[/spoiler]

In the end
they go out to the sea to search for the legendary treasure, One Piece! This actually makes sense somehow, since it seems the sea is going to play something of an important role in the series
As much as I really really love the titan vs titan MMA matches, I think the series really would have been something if Eren had stayed dead.

Oh you thought Eren was gonna be plot armored to hell and back because he's the standard shonen protagonist? Not today bitch, in this world if you're weak, you're fucked.


So from the narration it seems that Bert & Ernie (+Ymir) have been left behind? The next chapter better focus on Christa cause I want answers, dammit! >:|
So do we know what's the secret in Eren's basement?

I've only seen the first 11 episodes. My co-workers talk about this show all the time and I have a pretty good idea of what happens next, so I've already been spoiled to hell and back, except for that one point which is not clear to me.

Thanks ^_^


So do we know what's the secret in Eren's basement?

I've only seen the first 11 episodes. My co-workers talk about this show all the time and I have a pretty good idea of what happens next, so I've already been spoiled to hell and back, except for that one point which is not clear to me.

Thanks ^_^
Nope, and I would love it if by the time they reach it....they already know 90% of the answers within.
Oh my god....

Kodansha Comics has announced many titles that will be hitting the shelves soon. ATTACK ON TITAN, which has been their big hit this year with +500,000 prints sold in English, will be releasing a volume per month until it catches up woth the Japanese edition. Vol. 8 is available at NYCC for sale- but if you are not here: it will be hitting stores on October 29th. There will also be an ATTACK ON TITAN GUIDEBOOK: INSIDE & OUTSIDE that will be coming out soon. It will be full of special content such as characters intro and concept art…

Kodansha Comics just announced a new series, as well: TITAN JUNIOR HIGH, which will feature the titans, not eating humans, but attending high school. It will be available in print and digital. There will, also, be an Omnibus edition with +400 pages.

This... This, I need to see.

the chris

Oh my god....

This... This, I need to see.

Something like this I assume:
I'm sorta siding with the idea that Reiner and Bert were sent to unleash the Colossal Wall Titans. We really haven't seen Wall Maria after they fled have we? Not even sure the walls are still standing. It would make sense for them to want Eren to amass them a Titan army. Perhaps their goal isn't essentially to wipe out humanity but obviously removing the Walls is a side effect.


^Yet that in turn would lead to the end of humanity within a few generations, so either way fuck your plans.

OK someone clear something up for me, even though some stuff weren't revealed yet, and it has to do with Ymir:

When did Ymir transform and kill Bert and Ernie's friend? Was it AFTER Bert broke the wall or before? If it's after, where was Ymir all that time? If she was from outside the wall, how did she manage to be brought in and who brought her in?


When did Ymir transform and kill Bert and Ernie's friend? Was it AFTER Bert broke the wall or before? If it's after, where was Ymir all that time? If she was from outside the wall, how did she manage to be brought in and who brought her in?
(I really don't think spoiler tags are necessary, here)
Ymir transformed back into a human after she ate that kid, and we're told that was "five years ago", i.e. on the year Wall Maria fell.
Considering the kids had backpacks, I'm thinking they were on their way to Wall Maria for their mission. So I imagine Wall Maria fell soon after that, and Ymir probably joined the many refugees.


(I really don't think spoiler tags are necessary, here)
Ymir transformed back into a human after she ate that kid, and we're told that was "five years ago", i.e. on the year Wall Maria fell.
Considering the kids had backpacks, I'm thinking they were on their way to Wall Maria for their mission. So I imagine Wall Maria fell soon after that, and Ymir probably joined the many refugees.

Ah I see makes sense now.
Oh and I read about the series on TVTropes and they mention Ilse who didn't appear in the anime I believe? Or at least her Titan encounter, I do hope they animeate it for the next season though.


I read about the series on TVTropes and they mention Ilse who didn't appear in the anime I believe? Or at least her Titan encounter, I do hope they animeate it for the next season though.
That part will be adapted (and expanded upon) in the OAD included with volume 12 of the manga, due for release in December.


That part will be adapted (and expanded upon) in the OAD included with volume 12 of the manga, due for release in December.

Ah cool looking forward to it.

OK I'm bored what're you guys theories about Sasquatch? Or interesting theories you read about it over the net?


I am Korean.
Anyway, I'm glad I could help you understand the geography a bit better, even if that didn't change your own position one bit. This discussion might not have been quite as fruitless as it looked!
Still enclosed by a wall with one hole in it. You act like it became detached from the city somehow and floated off past the great forest.
The raw is out.

They use a picture of Connie's family with the Titan trapped in Connie's hosue to prove that it's his mother Titanified and that Titans are transformed humans. There's no pilot inside the neck though, it's just their spine.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
The raw is out.

They use a picture of Connie's family with the Titan trapped in Connie's hosue to prove that it's his mother Titanified and that Titans are transformed humans. There's no pilot inside the neck though, it's just their spine.

That's freaky.
The raw is out.

They use a picture of Connie's family with the Titan trapped in Connie's hosue to prove that it's his mother Titanified and that Titans are transformed humans. There's no pilot inside the neck though, it's just their spine.

Translated scans are also out


The raw is out.

They use a picture of Connie's family with the Titan trapped in Connie's hosue to prove that it's his mother Titanified and that Titans are transformed humans. There's no pilot inside the neck though, it's just their spine.



What am I missing re: the last few pages? Feels like it's hinting at something but I'm oblivious.
Eren is worried his friends might meet the same fate as Levi's previous squad, I think.

Horrible, horrible translation, assuming you've read the same one I did. I had to basically fill in the blanks half the time.

Serves me right for being impatient. I won't make the same mistake a third time.


Eren is worried his friends might meet the same fate as Levi's previous squad, I think.

Horrible, horrible translation, assuming you've read the same one I did. I had to basically fill in the blanks half the time.

Serves me right for being impatient. I won't make the same mistake a third time.
Ah ok, that makes sense.
So... what exactly was going on with the civilians? They were living in the underground city and they were being forcibly removed back to the middle wall area (forgot the name)? Otherwise I think I got the general gist of what was going on in this chapter even with the terribad translation.

Excited to see what happens in the future though. I'm guessing this is going to be the "elite" squad that does all the plot important stuff.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I'm glad there was no pussyfooting around Connie's discovery, I hope whatever Historia knows comes next.


I'm having a hard time understanding the explanation of the humans becoming titans thing. Can someone explain in a clear manner? They say that titans are people that become titans completely while others like Eren don't change in flesh, they just pilot them?


I'm having a hard time understanding the explanation of the humans becoming titans thing. Can someone explain in a clear manner? They say that titans are people that become titans completely while others like Eren don't change in flesh, they just pilot them?

People inside regular titans have fused with the titan's body and all that's left of them is their spine, while Eren and the others don't fully fuse with it and can leave the titan.


The art has been pretty bad for the last two chapters.

Suddenly, a slice-of-life manga about Eren and his friends living in the woods.


This was just a confirmation chapter, nothing new at all came from this. And the translation I read was nothing short of terrible, oh well.


I thought it was ok chapter, at least it wasn't a whole chapter about them getting back to the wall or anything. Translation was awful though...
Finished the entire show in 1 and a half days.

Read the rest of the manga over a couple hours the next night

Then read every page in this thread for the next hour and a half.

Man oh man i am titan-ed out.

I saw alot of Lost comparisons coming from Duck early on, and i have to say my immediate thought was that like when i was catching up on LOST, blazing through season 1-4, I had very little time to stew on the issues like you guys did, so im not a bitter fan yet. Im sure this thread will turn me into one.

The art was hard to bear at first after the beautiful anime. Fights are incomprehensible. How long is the typical production for a single episode? Its the mystery that has really kept me going through the manga, but the fights and tension in the anime


What the hell was up with the art? lmao was that Mikasa in the beginning?

Ok, I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. The art looked very... off this chapter. Especially Mikasa in the begining, she looked like she was pulled from another manga based on the style all together.


I saw alot of Lost comparisons coming from Duck early on, and i have to say my immediate thought was that like when i was catching up on LOST, blazing through season 1-4, I had very little time to stew on the issues like you guys did, so im not a bitter fan yet. Im sure this thread will turn me into one.
Nah, the author seems to know where he's going, so that's fairly different from Lost.
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