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August 2008 NPD Results


schuelma said:
Because when a single high profile 3rd party game doesn't sell great on Wii, we get 20 pages of posts saying "Wii owners don't buy games LOLZ"

Then these same posters ignore when other 3rd party games actually sell best on Wii.

Fascinating stuff

Like when Lego Indiana jones was an indication that 3rd parties sell best on Wii. Lets just leave at the consoles have different demographics and certain games/genres will sell better than others.


harSon said:

Microsoft doesn't care what was spent on a game 10 years ago, the only thing that is relevant is how much money was put into Too Human this generation and whether they recoup their investment.

Top 10 Most expensive games to make, Too Human #3

This is all I really have to go on, at least directly, so you may know more about then I do. But I've understood this to be the cost to MS. At the least it sheds light on why MS hasn't justified spending anymore on advertising the game.


Drinky Crow's analogy (as much as I despise his presence in any thread) is right on the money. The PS3 is selling like the Gamecube and the Xbox 360 is selling like the Xbox, but both consoles are more consequential in the industry than either of those two ever were.

PS360: It's like XCube, except that it matters!

EDIT: I take that back. Xbox outsold Gamecube in Europe, whereas PS3 outsells Xbox 360 in Europe.


gtj1092 said:
Like when Lego Indiana jones was an indication that 3rd parties sell best on Wii. Lets just leave at the consoles have different demographics and certain games/genres will sell better than others.

Is this just an attempt to induce posting of 2007 3rdpartysaleschart.gif? Because if it is, I can assure you that Sales-Age will not hesitate to do so.


h3ro said:
Yep, I figured everyone would get that one... :D

Gears 2 is going to be an absolute beast.

Hopefully Irony doesn't turn fate against it with the whole "I have a rendezvous with death thing"

Dirtbag 504 said:
Top 10 Most expensive games to make, Too Human #3

This is all I really have to go on, at least directly, so you may know more about then I do. But I've understood this to be the cost to MS. At the least it sheds light on why MS hasn't justified spending anymore on advertising the game.

BS, clearly that blog just picks up stuff around the internet and runs with it.

80 million budget was for the Trilogy, and after the negative press and reaction from message boards, plus the whole U3 fiasco MS stepped back and struk a new deal with SK, one that involved less funds i'm sure, which is easily understood by how shitty Too Human is in production values.


Dirtbag 504 said:
Considering there was an xbox live demo, I'd say thats pretty well below expectations.
I was expecting something on the lower side of 500k.. like something between 500k - 400k, but I was obviously way off on that one. I don't know what the legs are going to be like on this game, as it seems there is no momentum behind it.

What do I know... lol
You know, even though I commented on the demo in another post, I didn't connect the dots.

The demo was pretty high up in the Live charts; TONS of people downloaded it. In the past, when the demo was good it has led to strong sales for the game upon release. Crackdown, Bioshock, Lost Planet - it's a long freaking list.

There's no way to look at this other than a wholesale rejection of the game from consumers. They voted "against" in huge numbers.

Which is a kind of social experiment I guess. Just not the kind Dyack likes to conduct.


Dabanton said:
:lol at Drinky Crow

As for the NPD's look how slow the thread is moving things have settled into a groove now The Wii followed by the 360 then the PS3 coming in third.

That's going to basically be the NPD's every time for the foreseeable future.

Yeah, unless the 360 price drop really moves some units and the Wii has a slow September.

That's why I like the MC threads better now......I'm pulling for the 360 to overtake the Wii there next week:D
for the week of course


Jammy said:
Wait... why do people laugh at the Wii version of Madden?

Why don't we laugh at the PS3 versions of Guitar Hero, LEGO Indiana Jones, Tiger Woods, etc. etc.?
Because of pitty, PS3 gets laughed at too much already.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
The only one I disagree with.

But why are people so surprised by sales of WiiPlay? No one is buying the game people. So how is WiiPlay relevant?

People are buying a spare controller with a near free game, not a game with a free controller.

MS should start bundling Viva Pinata with a controller to get it into more people's hands.

$10 bucks is quite a lot of money. People could easily get a Wii mote for $40 but they happen to think Wii Play is worth the extra cash.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
No one is buying the game people. So how is WiiPlay relevant?

People are buying a spare controller with a near free game, not a game with a free controller.

Actually, people are buying it for a $10 game, considering the controller they get is $10 less when sold, you know, by itself. Is logical or rational thought really that difficult?


Leondexter said:
The Wii's number is not low. It would set a new record for August--it beat every past system's August, and its own last August--except that the DS outsold it. So it has to settle for a new 2nd place record instead.
I'm not saying it's bad or anything, but is it an indication that Wii shortages are over at least temporarily until the run up to Christmas?
Drinky Crow said:
can we officially declare the ps3 this gen's gamecube?

- hardware performance is less than that of the xbox competition, despite what screenshot "experts" claim
- has occasional minor sales spikes above the xbox competition but ultimately lags behind in sales overall
- uninspired first-party offerings, by and large
- confused marketing strategy
- has a legion of retardedly loyal nippon-phile fans obsessed with mascots and japanese franchises that are "supposed to be on [their] system!" and who whine and prognosticate endless
- has at least ONE standout manchild fanboy (see: kittonwy)

get on the xboat and don that frat uniform!

More or less right.


Vesperia sales should be in this month's NPD right? for like 1 week? I'm surprised it's not tracking higher than 110k.

Didn't Japan track 90k in 1 week, on a userbase of 600k?

I would have expected a 11 million userbase to pull in far better numbers...then again, the general indifference of Western market to JRPG isn't something new either.


WrikaWrek said:
Hopefully Irony doesn't turn fate against it with the whole "I have a rendezvous with death thing"

I just hope my 360 survives all the installing I'm gonna be doing... :lol

I'm cool with the PS3 being where it is, Drinky was on the money. It gets plenty of useage, more than my 360 even (lulz Blu Ray) and I own plenty of games for it. As long as Sony keeps putting out good games for it (which they are, IMO anyway) I could care less if it sells less than the Wii.

Can we start treating PS360 as an actual entity for NPD threads now? It'd put up more of a fight... :lol
Jokeropia said:
I fail to see how this is relevant in any way, but out of curiosity I'd like to see you prove it.

Prove it. Well Ok


For those asking about SCIV PS3, via PR.
Do the math.. don't know what last month's was.

PS3 Posts Strong Sales; PS3 Software Sales Up 92 Percent Year-Over-Year

Total PlayStation Hardware Unit Sales Top 582,533

PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) continued to generate impressive sales in August 2008, with 185,353 hardware units sold. From January to August 2008, more than 2 million PS3s have been sold in the U.S., representing a year-to-date hardware sales growth of more than 92%. Software sales were also strong for PS3, with 1.6 million units sold, representing a year-over-year growth of 92%.

Electronic Arts Sports’ Madden NFL 09 proved to be a hot seller on PlayStation platforms in August, with more than 1.1 million copies purchased by PlayStation customers, not including the Madden NFL 09 ® (PlayStation® Portable) Entertainment Pack. 643,000 units of the popular sports title were sold for PS3 alone, a 33% higher attach rate than Xbox 360 and representing an increase of 90% year-over-year when compared to Madden NFL 08 sales for PS3 in August 2007.

Following its launch on July 29, more than 263K copies of the weapon-based fighting game Soulcalibur IV were sold for PS3 in July and August, a 38% higher attach rate than Xbox 360.

Fueled by enthusiasm for the Madden NFL 09 PSP Entertainment Pack, 253,012 PSP hardware units were sold. This represents a year-over-year growth of 67%.

Do the math.. don't know what last month's was.


Jokeropia said:
Wii Sports, Tiger Woods, PES Wii.
Isnt Wii Sports a pack-in game in USA? If so, kinda hard for it to bomb then :) (sales wise atleast, when it comes to the interest for buying/playing Wii Sports, i have no idea if its a "bomb" or not, but i guess many people are still interested in trying out and/or still play Wii Sports :)). Unless you are talking about the sales in Japan and other places where Wii Sports isnt a pack-in game though :)


aka andydumi
AtreyU said:
well I was way off thinking it was only around 20 million for first installment. how many copies would be needed just to break even on this 1/3riology?

Even at an absurdly high estimated $30 per copy sold, it would need about 3 million copies sold. More that likely the profit margin if I remember right is nearer to $20.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Maybe a stupid question, but anecdotally is the Wii still largely sold out? Just wondering if demand is finally slowing..
Belgorim said:
Man... I'm impressed by Soul Calibur... hardly dropped at all from last month.

So we have for Soul Calibur 4:

360 August 2008 218.9K
PS3 August 2008 155.8K
360 September 2008 174K
PS3 September 2008 107.2K

That's a US sales total of around 656K. Does anyone know the sales number for Soul Calibur 2 and 3?


Cheez-It said:
Actually, people are buying it for a $10 game, considering the controller they get is $10 less when sold, you know, by itself. Is logical or rational thought really that difficult?

At that price, you'd be surprised how low people's standards are.

*I* bought Wii Play, KNOWING it sucked! It's a $10 game, who cares? If it gets played once, mission accomplished! :lol
No6 said:
The obvious method would be metacritic comparisons to the (rarely) known top 10 lists for each console. But then we'd have to deal with ninthings squirming to justify Game Party outselling Galaxy, and no one wants that.

Why would you do review comparisons of the best-selling games? Sales speak for themselves, and have very little to do with "gamers" opinions.

For that matter, reviews have little to do with our opinions, either...well, speaking for myself, at least.

A better, simpler method would be a poll right here on NeoGAF. We're supposed to all be hardcore gamer types, right?
Cheez-It said:
Actually, people are buying it for a $10 game, considering the controller they get is $10 less when sold, you know, by itself. Is logical or rational thought really that difficult?

Are you being serious?

So explain to me, what do you honestly think the sales of WiiPlay would be had the game been a near full retail release without an accessory attached?

WITH a controller, yes, the price doesn't seem too steep.

When I bought WiiPlay, it was the SAME price at the time as a controller on it's own. I constantly see it here for only $5 dollars more.

Logically even for $10, people are going to take the bundle. So again, no one is buying WiiPlay for the game itself. They are buying an accessory bundle. If someone walks into a store and sees a Controller for $40 and then they see the SAME controller for $50 with a game, of COURSE they're going to buy the bundle.

What game is bundled with it is pretty much irrelevant.


Captain Smoker said:
Only first month numbers:

Madden NFL 08:
360 MADDEN NFL 08 896.600
PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 643.600
PS3 MADDEN NFL 08 336.200
WII MADDEN NFL 08 115.600

Madden NFL 09:
360 MADDEN NFL 09 1.000.000
PS3 MADDEN NFL 09 643.000
PS2 MADDEN NFL 09 424.500
WII MADDEN NFL 09 115.800

But the WII sells 400k-600k a month! I'm sure EA won't mind with those kind of hardware sales.

Seriously, the fact that it sells less than the HD consoles isn't what EA, Nintendo or other third parties should be worried about. The fact that the Wii's LTD in the US is basically double from its LTD last year and Madden sales haven't budget IS reason for concern.

That's freaking horrible. All Blue-Ray and PS3 jokes aside, at least PS3 Madden sales doubled.
Jim said:
For those asking about SCIV PS3, via PR.
Do the math.. don't know what last month's was.

Do the math.. don't know what last month's was.
Thanks. ^^

Soul Calibur IV [360]: 174.000
Soul Calibur IV [PS3]: 107.200


No6 said:
Maybe it wouldn't happen if Ninfans didn't put up the worst arguments possible. A game bombing and a game selling best on one console or another are not mutually exclusive concepts, yet boy howdy do I see giant posts trotting out the latter factoid as if it means anything, and then crying like babiez when companies don't give them the high-cost titles they think they're entitled to.
Tiger Woods Wii didn't bomb. Don't be an idiot.
No6 said:
Then I'm sure you can provide the number spread for all platforms.
Wii Madden was outsold by PS3 Madden ~3 to 1 in it's first month, but tied it in the next month. It had longer legs than the other versions. (I still don't expect 09 Wii to compete with the HD versions in overall sales.)
No6 said:
The obvious method would be metacritic comparisons to the (rarely) known top 10 lists for each console.
So Metacritic represents all gamers now?
No6 said:
But then we'd have to deal with ninthings squirming to justify Game Party outselling Galaxy, and no one wants that.
Wow, you ARE an idiot.
dabookerman said:
Prove it. Well Ok
I was kinda looking for a real answer rather than a poor joke, but my point was that you cannot prove it.


Xisiqomelir said:
Is this just an attempt to induce posting of 2007 3rdpartysaleschart.gif? Because if it is, I can assure you that Sales-Age will not hesitate to do so.

No that was a reference to a previous NPD thread where lego indiana jones sold best on Wii and everyone proclaimed that 3rd parties should put all their games on Wii because they would automatically sell the best on Wii.


aka andydumi
schuelma said:
Maybe a stupid question, but anecdotally is the Wii still largely sold out? Just wondering if demand is finally slowing..

I see them in stock regularly at Target and Walmart near me. Wii Fit and Mario Kart on the other hand is impossible to find.
schuelma said:
Maybe a stupid question, but anecdotally is the Wii still largely sold out? Just wondering if demand is finally slowing..
It is easier to find but yes, you can't just walk into a store and find one on the shelves. You still have to make a few phone calls.
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