Man Kane is the ultimate jobber.
He doesn't have a rock band on the side.
Man Kane is the ultimate jobber.
I sure would like for these two to actually show up on RAW together.
Shouldnt Brock be on raw next week?I sure would like for these two to actually show up on RAW together.
That is the worst photoshopped belt I have ever seen. Holy shit these budget cuts are rough.
This Reigns push is serious business eh? They are pushing this dude harder than they ever pushed Xena when he first started getting his push.
I sure would like for these two to actually show up on RAW together.
This Reigns push is serious business eh? They are pushing this dude harder than they ever pushed Xena when he first started getting his push.
The moment Kane retires is the moment I stop watching this BS.
Vince said it had to be free, so they're all on gimp now.Photoshop is expensive, man!
Gotta keep on that budget and use cheaper stuff.
the warrior princess was in WWE?
Reaching Rock/Cena level quality.For a match that could have serious implications on whether people sub for another 6 months? Don't be ridiculous.
So are neither of these guys here?
Match was that boring live, so yeah, not a fan. Feel bad because there's a little girl that seems to be a fan of Reigns in front of us, but man, that match was reprehensible.
High as fuckIf anyone was wondering where RVD has been here's a photo I snapped of him partying on the rooftop of my hotel in Vegas last Tuesday
Dat part-time status