Tomodachi wa Mahou
No one would boo
I don't see any scenario where Reigns winning the title doesn't end in a cascade of boos but I guess this one might be it
No one would boo
Vince doesn't see NJPW as a threat, otherwise he would fire anyone who dared to mention it or it's titles on national tv.The most Punk thing Punk could do right now is go to New Japan and main event the Tokyo Dome show with Bryan Danielson
mcmahon jr doesn't give a fuck about some court case and a couple thousand dollars. go to a rival wrestling promotion? that's what keeps him up at night.
I have but one complaint about the second round of Southpawand that is the lack of Big Bartholomew
Oops. I got a notice the red box machine is out order.
Oh well! Had to wash my hair tonight anyway.
You only have 1 near you?Oops. I got a notice the red box machine is out order.
Oh well! Had to wash my hair tonight anyway.
WTF they're littered in every direction here...
I've watched 2 of the 4 Indiana Jones movies now and I'm beginning to think only the first one is good.
everyone in the 2nd one other than indy is annoying as fuck
When someone tries to tell you how Roman Reigns is getting better
Punk vs Tanahashi would be fun
Vince doesn't see NJPW as a threat, otherwise he would fire anyone who dared to mention it or it's titles on national tv.
He is though soooo...
He will when they open the USA territory in 2018
And run a show on mania weekend that draws a better gate than every other show besides wrestle mania itself
If Punk didn't like the toll wrestling was taking on his body, NJPW is the last place you'd want to go.
Yeah, I can jive with Rocks music taste if he really did pick that.
Meh... I'd say the loser is the one deadset on ignoring reality because Daniel Bryan didn't win the Royal Rumble 2 and half years ago.
If Punk didn't like the toll wrestling was taking on his body, NJPW is the last place you'd want to go.
I'm just following orders, gawwwwwd.
To be fair, he is getting better. Just still not someone I want to hear speak or watch wrestle just yet. Maybe one day.
Neither Punk or Bryan would work NJPW full time. I mean, the problem is why are you going there if you're looking to protect yourself.
New Japan has a better schedule and he would have more control over his matches.
He also would not have to worry about being speared through a barricade, or power bombed through an announce table or onto steps just to put the new flavor of the month over in what is not even a match.
Plus he could bounce over to ROH for a godlike reception
Neither Punk or Bryan would work NJPW full time. I mean, the problem is why are you going there if you're looking to protect yourself.
Reigns v Strowman has been WWE'S best feud this year
Wouldn't he just come back as a part timer wherever he goes? If it was WWE he would show up once a month with Heyman filling in the rest or whatever
Figure all the bridges have been burned though and its never happening but I guess never say never given how many never coming back guys ended up coming back to the WWE
Dudes would be working the Cody Rhodes victory tour schedule.
Granted, either of those guys would annihilate Cody's ability to run that schedule because why would you book Cody when you could guarantee a sellout with Bryan?
And when the attempted murderer didn't turn heel, I lost the interest that match had built for me.
Takeover tomorrow should be dope
As has just been said multiple times, their have the better schedule and work load and they would get treated better there than anywhere else.
They would also retain merch control, and be able to appear at other events at will.
And the main factor is, just because it looks brutal does not mean everything you see is.
Hell half of this thread was fucking fooled by the piledriver spot in the Omega v Naito match and were bitching and whining about it
http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1420832Why are you posting about a 2014 thread that hasn't even been bumped, slightconfuse? What the h?
The schedule and work load are irrelevant. Bryan wouldn't sign full time with Japan and neither would Punk. Bryan has a daughter and wife in the US. Same thing Cody does except not needing to work the world's most random feds to pad out his bank account.
Yes, but on paper even Braun vs Hawkins looks a fun feud, while Roman vs Brock or Roman vs Joe looks kinda mehReigns v Strowman has been WWE'S best feud this year
The schedule and work load are irrelevant. Bryan wouldn't sign full time with Japan and neither would Punk. Bryan has a daughter and wife in the US. Same thing Cody does except not needing to work the world's most random feds to pad out his bank account.
ReadyNXT spoiler but looks the obvious person will be in the crowd on saturday: