
Don't expect Natalya and Carmella to be in the Cell after Sasha and Charlotte's performance that year

But they're two different people. It would be like saying "Don't expect Batista andBrock in the cell after Undertaker and Big Boss Mans performance at Wrestlemania XV"
If they get to HIAC I'm fairly certain Nakamura just wins the title.

I don't disagree, but at this point, you can't have Jinder finally lose by having no interference. Whoever beats him has to actively overcome the interference or it won't be as fulfilling.

Edit: I don't see them doing a heel vs heel women's match at HIAC whether it's in the cage or not. Carmella would probably just go for the cash in afterward. They probably planned on doing Charlotte vs Natalya, but that may be out while she tends to her father. I wouldn't be surprised if they did a rematch between Naomi and Natalya, as they probably don't have plans for Becky to win the title until closer to the Rumble or WM.


Guys, it looks like Naka is releasing a gravure photobook. No real nudity, as with all gravures, but you can see him taking baths and stuff.






I don't disagree, but at this point, you can't have Jinder finally lose by having no interference. Whoever beats him has to actively overcome the interference or it won't be as fulfilling.

Does Jinder have the belt Y/N

If Y don't watch
If N feel fulfilled
but probably still don't watch as the problems are much deeper than just that

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
But they're two different people. It would be like saying "Don't expect Batista andBrock in the cell after Undertaker and Big Boss Mans performance at Wrestlemania XV"
Right but Natalya and Carmella are way worse than Sasha and Charlotte.
I don't disagree, but at this point, you can't have Jinder finally lose by having no interference. Whoever beats him has to actively overcome the interference or it won't be as fulfilling.

Edit: I don't see them doing a heel vs heel women's match at HIAC whether it's in the cage or not. Carmella would probably just go for the cash in afterward. They probably planned on doing Charlotte vs Natalya, but that may be out while she tends to her father. I wouldn't be surprised if they did a rematch between Naomi and Natalya, as they probably don't have plans for Becky to win the title until closer to the Rumble or WM.

Hell in a Cell these days is "No one can interfere! OH NO, SOMEONE JUST INTERFERED!!"

Singh bros are getting in somehow, even if Khali has to rip the door off.
As I recall, the Bollywood Boys weren't that bad in the CWC. It should certainly be a more interesting matchup than Jinder vs. Nak with no stipulations.
Hell in a Cell these days is "No one can interfere! OH NO, SOMEONE JUST INTERFERED!!"

Singh bros are getting in somehow, even if Khali has to rip the door off.

Yeah I'm not disputing that. I think there will be interference in every Jinder title match in some way or another. If not, it would be a letdown after all the buildup.


As I recall, the Bollywood Boys weren't that bad in the CWC. It should certainly be a more interesting matchup than Jinder vs. Nak with no stipulations.

They were, they were green as fuck. No reason why they couldn't be good in the future, but other than taking bumps, they're nowhere close to good yet.


Nak's gonna stay, guys. BTW him tossing Jinder into the center of the ring after a knee in the corner was pretty cool. Problem with Jinder is that he hasn't much good-looking offensive moves that you can sell to make him look good. People like Alexa or Nia have the same problem. It's always some slam or drop.

Thoughts with Dana. Tough times. :-(

Currently listening to the HHH post-Takeover conference call. His reasoning for the MYC programming schedule was that people would lose interest if it were going on for too long (Meltzer asked the question). But he also said they wanted to experiment so obviously they don't really know which format works better.


Miz's gimmick works because he gets to mostly speak the truth. Calling out the fact that Roman gets countless (kayfabe) unearned shots is pretty spot on. As is calling out the fact that Cena just laughs off everything and never takes anybody seriously.
I think the reason Joe, AJ, and Roode have all worked so well in WWE is because they've built up an immunity to shitty booking with their years in TNA. They learned how get over in spite of their booking.

I'm only half-kidding.
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